A nice easy topic for debate as everybody has an opinion

Since moving house last November have gained parking space

Last years toy was a 3.6m alloy floor sib with 15hp 2stroke Johnson and have to say it was great fun.. Would plane even with 2 large adults 2 medium kids and medium dog plus gear on board and was really nice and cheap to run too

So of course what I should do is keep it
So anyway that's not going to happen...although I would love a 6m rib with 200hp that's not going to happen either.. So back in the real world I need space for 4 plus seafaring mutt, enough go to pull a ringo/lightweight skier, 20 knot cruise rather than 18 flat out..and cheap running costs! Don't want much do I?? Oh did I mention the £2k ish budget?
Now went to look at a seriously neglected osprey at the weekend for £1500 with an old evinrude 60 triple on the back...size was ideal at 5.3m but would rather
have a boat where more gel coat is fixed to the glass rather than flaking off...
So having read many posts the obvious answer is buy an SR4 with a 40/50 on the back.. Smaller than I would like ideally space wise but probably all I can afford to run realistically. Now from what I have read hulls and tooooobs last well so really it's get the newest engine possible with a sound trailer to boot...
there's a 5m valiant on ebay at the minute which is only 700 over budget and looks clean but I think it must be 40 years since twin 60hp evinrudes were popular!!
Need really seating for 4 and don't like the back to back seats so ideally a twin jockey with a box/seat behind...I know will be tight but have seen pics somewhere oif that layout... I have also read a lot that sea riders are wet..I'm hoping that's all relative..a 3.6m sib with 4 on board in a 4 ft chop ain't exactly dry although to be fair it was more spray rather than buckets of water coming in...
So that's where I am....head saying keep the sib...heart saying you NEED to go faster and spend more money that you don't really have
So am I right...or are there any other suggestions??