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Old 18 June 2013, 11:04   #1
Country: UK - England
Town: Cheshire
Make: Sea-Swift
Length: 3m +
Engine: 15hp Johnson 2Stroke
Join Date: May 2012
Posts: 38
what to buy?!?

A nice easy topic for debate as everybody has an opinion
Since moving house last November have gained parking space
Last years toy was a 3.6m alloy floor sib with 15hp 2stroke Johnson and have to say it was great fun.. Would plane even with 2 large adults 2 medium kids and medium dog plus gear on board and was really nice and cheap to run too
So of course what I should do is keep it

So anyway that's not going to happen...although I would love a 6m rib with 200hp that's not going to happen either.. So back in the real world I need space for 4 plus seafaring mutt, enough go to pull a ringo/lightweight skier, 20 knot cruise rather than 18 flat out..and cheap running costs! Don't want much do I?? Oh did I mention the £2k ish budget?

Now went to look at a seriously neglected osprey at the weekend for £1500 with an old evinrude 60 triple on the back...size was ideal at 5.3m but would rather
have a boat where more gel coat is fixed to the glass rather than flaking off...

So having read many posts the obvious answer is buy an SR4 with a 40/50 on the back.. Smaller than I would like ideally space wise but probably all I can afford to run realistically. Now from what I have read hulls and tooooobs last well so really it's get the newest engine possible with a sound trailer to boot...
there's a 5m valiant on ebay at the minute which is only 700 over budget and looks clean but I think it must be 40 years since twin 60hp evinrudes were popular!!

Need really seating for 4 and don't like the back to back seats so ideally a twin jockey with a box/seat behind...I know will be tight but have seen pics somewhere oif that layout... I have also read a lot that sea riders are wet..I'm hoping that's all relative..a 3.6m sib with 4 on board in a 4 ft chop ain't exactly dry although to be fair it was more spray rather than buckets of water coming in...

So that's where I am....head saying keep the sib...heart saying you NEED to go faster and spend more money that you don't really have

So am I right...or are there any other suggestions??

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Old 18 June 2013, 17:45   #2
Country: UK - England
Length: 3m +
Join Date: May 2013
Posts: 116
I was in a similar situation a few months back .lots of looking around and asking questions...I wanted fast fun..but also to be able to use on the river and canals....old engines are potential myther!...a friend told me " you won't be happy and you'll just crave more power" ..Don't bother wasting 2k on a junker..if ya want more power buy a decent 25hp engine...
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Old 19 June 2013, 09:59   #3
Country: UK - England
Town: Cheshire
Make: Sea-Swift
Length: 3m +
Engine: 15hp Johnson 2Stroke
Join Date: May 2012
Posts: 38
Problem is Woz... if I buy a decent 25hp motor I have nowhere to hang it as my SIB is 15hp max.. and what i really want is something that has a better chance of coping in a 3-4 ft Cardigan Bay chop... The SIB never felt unsafe but fully loaded you have to really knock the speed back as it slams rather a lot on the way down into the troughs as a nearly flat bottomed boat always will..
So RIB it needs to be.. there's a few SR4 for sale which are calling to me and nobody has any alternative suggestions at the minute??

This made me smile.. If it looks too good to be true....enquired on a 'way too cheap Valiant 490 with 60 Etec for £2800...just in case it turned out to be genuine...hahaha... my heart bleeds for this poor lady I feel I must waste my money immediately to help the poor damsel in distress!!'

Hi, I was away to my mother in law and I just got to a pc and saw your email.
This boat its just perfect, Immaculate condition, no damages, once with the boat you will also get all the equipment my husband had, it also includes the trailer. All necessary documents available. I just moved back to Dundee after the death of my husband(I was left with it and a big mortgage due next week). Price £2800 delivered at my costs. I will list the boat on eBay Motors and I will send you a link to my auction, so you can buy it. The engine was serviced in march . I don`t really know what to do with it and since I need to pay my mortgage I need to sell it.
As soon as you will confirm the payment to eBay, I will proceed with the delivery without any additional costs for you.
You will receive the boat with all the documents. As you know eBay is the best company of online transactions. If indeed interested in buying it and have the funds, I will list it on eBay, as I have a 100% positive feedback with them.
Please let me know your decision.
Thank you

On 15 June 2013 23:52, <> wrote:

Email Enquiry from BoatsAndOutboards relating to the following advert:

FAD017 - Valiant RIB - £ 2800.00
Valiant Other Ribs for sale , Valiant RIB - Boats And Outboards
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