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Old 18 March 2004, 11:46   #21
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n daxi file mou (pronounciation is phonetic)?????
Tim Griffin
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Old 18 March 2004, 12:05   #22
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All said and done i think i'd still swim, for a start i know half the local RNLI crew and the piss taking for years to come would be horrendous, last time i broke down 4 miles out i contemplated making a call to a friend who could have launched within an hour and been with us half hour after that, we were not in a nasty place and managed to moor up to a local bouy as we drifted past, luckily after lots of hitting the engine with large things and lots of swearing it desided to start again and we plodded home very slowly, i'd have to be either dying fast or out of coffee to call the RNLI out , oh and one other point, why is it i can get perfect mobile reception 7 miles out in the channel but cant get a signal in my living room ?

One good thing though having been through the shit and survived it, i now have escape plans and am fairly self surficent, when out locally.

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Old 18 March 2004, 12:08   #23
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Originally posted by tim griffin
n daxi file mou (pronounciation is phonetic)?????
Kanena provlima
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Old 18 March 2004, 12:11   #24
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Whilst cloaked in a veneer of humour, the early posts on this thread have probably identified the real gravity of a "RIB flip" situation - you're completely f***ed.

So, what about primary safety - don't get in that situation in the first place.

There's quite an archive of written material on the subject. Probably the first thing to do is read Enda O'Coineen's account of trying to right his capsized Zodiac (he failed, even though well prepared for the event). Also there's Mike Deacon's account of recovering from rolling Hot Lemon (an earlier open one, not the cabin RIB) - if I remember correctly, he was carrying mini-flares in his lifejacket and was able to attract attention.

Documented recoveries (including RNLI and Enda O'Coineen's second transatlantic RIB flip) involve the use of a an inflatable righting bag.

Your 4m RIB might be recoverable. If I remember correctly, a chap called Toby Budd is quite proficient at righting a 4m Gemini GRX cat RIB - might be worth a search here on RIBnet. http://www.rib.net/forum/showthread....i+grx#post9684
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Old 18 March 2004, 12:52   #25
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Hi folks

Flipping a RIB, for all but small RIBs or those with self righting I belive is a ONE WAY TRIP

I know if I flipped my RIB their is NO WAY i would right it, however many people we had on board.

Working on this I decide to plan to make the best of things, and just a few thoughts that you may want to consider.

1) Its going to happen fast
2) your going in with what your wearing, no time to add extra waterproofs etc
3) your nice VHF is useless with the aerial etc underwater, even if it would still work, and the mic can reach the surface.

so what else can you get help with or help you survive

flares, can you get into the locker they are on a upturned RIB ?.
If they are in a tub can you open them or overcome the buoyancy needed to get them under the water andout from under the hull.

EPIRB, can you get at that, most dont float free and wont set of in their holder.

Spare VHF, can you get at it, why not always carry in in your pocket.

Ropes, nice to always put away but how easy is it to stop on a upturned deep V without something to hold onto.

Drysuit, could buy you many extra hours in or out of the water.

Could you still deploy the anchor is needed?.

Lots if things, hope if never happens, but it if does will all your plans that people put in place for emergencys still work ?.

Saying that we never go out in any conditions that would ever turn a RIB over

Regards Gary
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Old 18 March 2004, 14:51   #26
Country: UK - England
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All joking aside i think Richard B and Gary are correct, remembering if you flip your rib its normally going to be in dire conditions anyway you've fat chance of writting it on your own, so the next best thing is recover as much safety kit as possible and call for help.

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Old 18 March 2004, 20:44   #27
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Manos size matters, I witnessed a 2m sib complete with 2hp outboard capsize on lake Windermere due to some fat B*****D opening the throttle whilst sat in the back of the boat. Needless to say we went very quickly base over apex, I don't think he valued his boat as much as you, since he just P****D off leaving us to recover from the laughter and quckly recover his boat by picking it up from the end of the jetty.

But seriously if you want to right a rib you have to start with something big so that when it happens to you in your smaller rib, you are confident in your ability to F**k up again. Therefore follow these instructions:-

1 Go to Pwlhelli
2. Select a suitable rib say 9.5m
3 ensure that the rib has good ballast 2 X 250 HP Suzuki's should suffice.
4. Capsize it if you can only a real T**T will succeed
5. Ask Jono for detailed righting drill, he will no doubt confirm that you are indeed a "REAL T**T"
6. when all fails, no worries it ain't your boat.
7. Take extended capsize and righting course for seriously damaged ribsters at PPT
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Old 18 March 2004, 20:48   #28
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Originally posted by fred bolton
extended capsize and righting course for seriously damaged ribsters at PPT
Didn't see that one on Jono's website!
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Old 18 March 2004, 20:53   #29
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Course only available from April but you will have to make do with 9.0metres Jono couldn't manage the other 18 inches
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Old 18 March 2004, 21:09   #30
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we used to right inflatables when teaching BSAC courses before they all went to ribs and daughter still has to right the inshore lifeboat at training each year - but then again thats a 4m inflatable not a rib.
A training rib did go over on the east coast last year and from memory things that came out from that was that there was no lasting air pocket trapped under the boat and air was venting out of the elephant trunk. It took considerable effort to unstick and right the boat even at the dockside with equipment available. So at sea I dont fancy the chances of doing it. Contents of under seat stowage dumped itself into thesea.Crew usually had a telephone in w/proof case attached to lifejacket and / or a waterproof vhf but sods law meant they had not got either on this trip. Flares stowed away could not be reached. So no means of attracting attention. So perhaps flares in w/proof container attached to boat by lanyard would be an idea and some waterproof means of comms attached to lifejacket. - Oh and stay the right way up!
Dave M
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Old 18 March 2004, 21:14   #31
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Dave, don't the RNLI have a flares pocket in those big lifejackets?
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Old 18 March 2004, 21:15   #32
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Originally posted by fred bolton
1 Go to Pwlhelli
2. Select a suitable rib say 9.5m

....and ensure you get the 9m one!
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Old 18 March 2004, 21:20   #33
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Serioulsy though, can't the manufacturers advise on this one? they must carry out similar things during testing and development.
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Old 18 March 2004, 21:23   #34
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Any testing involving flipping a rib will be using mechanical machines such as cranes, lifts and slings. I wouldn't think they put folk in the water to right it again, it'll be lifted out.
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Old 19 March 2004, 07:43   #35
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Originally posted by fred bolton
Serioulsy though, can't the manufacturers advise on this one? they must carry out similar things during testing and development.
Give me strength, I thought the "console change" thread was pointless, but this is even worse!

As for asking manufacturers, do you really think Graham Jelley turns a 10.5 metre upside down to see if he can right it. The simple fact is that if you invert a rib, that is how it's going to stay, and in the very unlikely event of re-righting it, your motor will be f***ed, along with all your electronics and wiring.

Just ask some of the rib racers, Cider Daze rolled his Revenger at a race, no structual damage but got a bill for an alleged £14k just to get it going again.

Mind you, I heard that Boeing are planning to fly a 747 into a mountain to see if they can salvage it.
It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak and remove all doubt!
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Old 19 March 2004, 07:56   #36
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Mind you, I heard that Boeing are planning to fly a 747 into a mountain to see if they can salvage it.
Also heard that some cleaver twat at Boeing put an add in a trade journal advertising for a pilot to fly the plane, and to his astonishment he had lots of interest, i'd have loved to have been a fly on the wall at those interviews !!

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Old 19 March 2004, 09:10   #37
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Originally posted by Bilge Rat

Also heard that some cleaver twat at Boeing put an add in a trade journal advertising for a pilot to fly the plane,
Hmm, I was joking actually!!!

I expect you also know the guy who fell into a vat of lager, and got out 3 times for a pee before he drowned.
It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak and remove all doubt!
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Old 19 March 2004, 09:15   #38
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Originally posted by Dirk Diggler
Give me strength, I thought the "console change" thread was pointless, but this is even worse!

As for asking manufacturers, do you really think Graham Jelley turns a 10.5 metre upside down to see if he can right it. The simple fact is that if you invert a rib, that is how it's going to stay, and in the very unlikely event of re-righting it, your motor will be f***ed, along with all your electronics and wiring.

Just ask some of the rib racers, Cider Daze rolled his Revenger at a race, no structual damage but got a bill for an alleged £14k just to get it going again.

Mind you, I heard that Boeing are planning to fly a 747 into a mountain to see if they can salvage it.
We are currently developing a leisure version of the race boat and if we have kept the race boat the right way up in race conditions in up to force 7 from South Africa to Norway (not that it makes any differance!) I can't see the point in seeing if I can right it - We're not building a lifeboat!

If you are that worried about this sort of thing - get some self righting gear - it's the only way you'll get a regular RIB of any size the right way up without a lot of muscle (or a crane) and luck.
Originally Posted by Zippy
When a boat looks that good who needs tubes!!!
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Old 19 March 2004, 09:46   #39
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Dave, don't the RNLI have a flares pocket in those big lifejackets?
yes w/proof double ended day/night flares in a velcro holder on belt. They can be bought and we have a few on lifejackets - they fit in a mobile phone cover on the belt.
Dave M
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Old 19 March 2004, 10:12   #40
Country: UK - England
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Hmm, I was joking actually!!!
Funny that so was i !!!
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