Am sure this has been posted loads before. I'm not posting it to again to say "wow", I'm asking a question - what would you have done?
1. Could you have prevented it occurring do you think? How?
2. Once the event had occurred - would you have had the nouse to keep fighting it, as he did - or would you have bailed out?
3. Once that first "kick" happened - ie before the boat was beached, but after it was already off track - could he have done anything at that point to stop the beaching?
It seems to be that the launch was unfortunately timed - but I think that is mostly luck of the draw. But it seems like there was a pause between the boat entering the water and full power coming on - I wonder if full power much earlier would have prevented it. Was watching the bembridge lifeboat (from inside their hut) launch down their track the other day and I noticed even then that there was a few seconds after the boat hit the water before drive was engaged and the power was on - despite entering the water with the engines pre-warmed and running. So I think there's maybe a lesson there. Full power, sooner? Have drive engaged before as the bow enters the water so you can have full power, if needed, as soon as the props are submerged?
And then once beached. Amazed he got it off. I can't think of anything different he could have done at that point - the only option was full power, probably on both engines. Doing nothing would have wrecked the boat, so there was nothing to lose at that point I guess.