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Old 29 June 2011, 07:15   #21
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Originally Posted by MrLiam View Post
Oh sorry do you mean with a console or just the bare boat.
Bare boat, must be way easier to get in and out of the water, right? So that's what I'd like.
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Old 29 June 2011, 07:18   #22
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Not to sure probably a bit easier.
Something like this one?
Zodiac Cadet 3.1 RIB with Honda 15 O/board and trailer | eBay UK
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Old 29 June 2011, 07:28   #23
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If you can give a list of your essentials it will be much easier to narrow down recommendations:

1. Do you want a rigid hull (RIB) or a fully inflatable (SIB)?
2. Will you trailer it everywhere?
3. How many people does it need to carry? Will you carry children?
4. Budget?
5. What sort of use? Gentle summer days? Rough water? Likely distances to cover? Water sports?

Etc, etc!!

Looking at the 'brand' thing is not really relevant - there are hundreds of manufacturers and most make a wide range of boats for different uses. Like cars these days there are very few bad ones out there all things considered. But you can still easily choose the wrong *type* of RIB/SIB for *your* use.
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Old 29 June 2011, 07:38   #24
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Originally Posted by Patrik View Post
I'd like to have the clever buy that doesn't break and handles well, such as - since I'm swedish - the volvo would be in cars. However, it wouldn't be bad if it was more fun to drive though. But speed and agility isn't the most important thing, I'd rather have a stable one that takes bad water better.
And I'm looking for something that could easily be carried by a few persons, just a plain flat floor and so on. Perhaps in the 3-5 meters range.
2 people would ride often, 3 at most.
The only brands I've heard of before is Zodiac and Quicksilver. Zodiac seems to be the easiest to find in sweden, in the second hand market. But if it's no good, I'd rather increase the budget..

Originally Posted by Patrik View Post
Oh I'm sorry, no I want RIB... Not inflatable bottom. I just thought of the inside floor of the boat, I don't know the correct term for it. Thanks though!
These statements all contradict each other to some extent. You won't get a 5m RIB which 2 people can easily carry, even at 3m ytou'd need to remove the engine and all kit to have any prospect of lifting it any distance. A 3m rib isn't going to take bad weather well (compared to a 5m boat of similar design).A mediocre 5m is probably a nicer place to be with 3 people on board in rough weather than a 3m even if it is fundamentally a better design.

AFAIK Quicksilver don't make ribs only Sibs (inflatables). I think you should give some thought to a SIB though. At the size and style you describe they will be a better price. SIBs come with airdeck (so hard you can stand on it - not like a bouncy castle), aluminium deck or wooden deck. The underside of the hull is inflatable though not GRP like a RIB.

So does the "mass produced" comment about Zodiac mean that they are no good?
not necessarily. mass produced means you get efficiency savings which should be passed to the customer as price savings as well as consistent quality. What you sacrafice in return is bespoke choice - if you want a small manufacturer to put different seats, colours, a frames etc on it they will usually accommodate your wishes (for a cost!).
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Old 29 June 2011, 08:22   #25
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Thank you Polwart, that's exactly the type of information I need, about the length and the brand issue.

I thought the RIB was the only proper option, but maybe I should look in to the SIBs.

The only boat I've seen that looked nice for a reasonable price was the Zodiac Yachtline 310 R. 1200 pounds I think, for a good shape used boat.

Quicksilver was just a manufacturer that I've seen, I have no idea what type of boats they have, you're probably right about it only being SIBs.

About the carrying, I was thinking without the engine as I'm aware how much they weigh. I would make sure to carry the engine separately. My reason for wanting it to be portable is that it would be great to be able to put it in the water anywhere, not having to find somewhere that I could back the trailer down into the water.

3 people is maximum and only for "ferrying", but I would like it to ride good with 2 people on it. No children will be aboard.

I could trailer it everywhere, but it would be lovely if I could bring in strapped on top of the cars roof, with the engine in the trunk. No idea if that's possible though, as I havent event touched a rib boat... Just the SIBs.

Max: The questions left: Budget is flexible, however I would like to get good value for money. So not Rolex then..
If rough water is a strong current river, that's one thing I'd like to handle. However, I wont be going out in big waves on the sea. No water sports intended, mostly just transporting myself a few kilometers when the weather allows, and hopefully in a fun way.

I would like to be able to go in shallower waters than I can with my hard boat. Although I understand that it's probably the engine that will take the beatings.

Best regards
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Old 29 June 2011, 08:29   #26
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Not sure if you have seen the ribeye aluminium ones there very light so could be carried empty but there a bit pricey.
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Old 29 June 2011, 09:19   #27
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Well here is my 2p's wort of info on the Ribs i have had the pleasure of playing with.

OSPREY-60hp sparrowhawk ( 1990s) 5.2(ish)Cheap and cheerful. Solid nose cone makes sliding down a wave and nosing straight into and under ( whoops ) the next one very easy.bit narrow. A little unstable at rest as the tubes on the club boat didnt actually rest on the water. But solid, relaibale hull.Very wet ride

DELTA-5-5 115hp Solid, heavy ace in heavy seas. plenty of room .expansive but you get the solid build. needed alot of power as full v hull. fairly wet ride.

TORNADO- 5.8 135 hp Nice solid boat. good hull. fast and smooth. moderte power needed for planing. good all rounder.

RIBTECH- 5.35 had this boat for 20 years without issues. dry ride. light fast and fairly robust. good fuel economy. roomy.comfatable ride. bit slappy in the rough. dry ride. easy to tow and launch on your own.

of course this is just my opinion and reflects nothing on anyone elses. :-)
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Old 29 June 2011, 09:24   #28
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Originally Posted by MrLiam View Post
Not sure if you have seen the ribeye aluminium ones there very light so could be carried empty but there a bit pricey.
108kg for their smallest one is not very light...
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Old 29 June 2011, 09:35   #29
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Originally Posted by Polwart View Post
108kg for their smallest one is not very light...
Really at the Southampton boatshow I lifted one and it wasn't heavy at all
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Old 29 June 2011, 10:19   #30
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OK, now the dust has settled on the original question, it will be worth commenting!

Looking at the problem from the other side, It looks like "total freedom" is the big want here, which means that portability is important. That almost instantly rules out a RIB, unless you get one fo the small flat floor Avons or similar. That come in 2.x / 3.y M sizes, and should be easily car toppapble. Bottom line is all SIBS are essentially flat, so will not handdle waves the way a Rib will, BUT they are infinitely more portable up to a length where towing becomes necessary.

So the question might be better asked this way round: How big an engine can I carry? This will in turn instantly give you a ballpark boat size.

e.g. If you have a dodgy knee and a 6Hp is the most you'll ever manage to get out the car, you could buy almost any SIB. Bigger the boat, slower it will go. If however you just won the Swedish round of the Worlds Strongest Man compatition & can manage a 25 HP down the beach with one hand, potentially you are looking at nothing smaller than about 4m.

The boat can have launch wheels bolted on. The engine will probably be your limiting factor.

For what it's worth I've had Humber & Avon, both of them >20YO and both still going strong.
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Old 29 June 2011, 10:28   #31
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Originally Posted by Patrik View Post
Thank you Polwart, that's exactly the type of information I need, about the length and the brand issue.

I thought the RIB was the only proper option, but maybe I should look in to the SIBs.

The only boat I've seen that looked nice for a reasonable price was the Zodiac Yachtline 310 R. 1200 pounds I think, for a good shape used boat.

Quicksilver was just a manufacturer that I've seen, I have no idea what type of boats they have, you're probably right about it only being SIBs.

About the carrying, I was thinking without the engine as I'm aware how much they weigh. I would make sure to carry the engine separately. My reason for wanting it to be portable is that it would be great to be able to put it in the water anywhere, not having to find somewhere that I could back the trailer down into the water.

3 people is maximum and only for "ferrying", but I would like it to ride good with 2 people on it. No children will be aboard.

I could trailer it everywhere, but it would be lovely if I could bring in strapped on top of the cars roof, with the engine in the trunk. No idea if that's possible though, as I havent event touched a rib boat... Just the SIBs.

Max: The questions left: Budget is flexible, however I would like to get good value for money. So not Rolex then..
If rough water is a strong current river, that's one thing I'd like to handle. However, I wont be going out in big waves on the sea. No water sports intended, mostly just transporting myself a few kilometers when the weather allows, and hopefully in a fun way.

I would like to be able to go in shallower waters than I can with my hard boat. Although I understand that it's probably the engine that will take the beatings.

Best regards
Now that is really useful info and make the choice very easy. IMHO and having gone from a RIB to a SIB I think a SIB around 3.4m (Zodiac, Quicksilver etc) would be perfect, combined with an easily portable and perfectly matched Tohatsu 9.8 2 stroke - which happens to be exactly the rig I went for!!

Very portable, budget under £2k, carry it all easily by hand with two adults, packs in the back of any hatchback, will take 3 - 4 people easily, fast enough for your needs, launch anywhere at any time, will handle rivers and gentle seas with ease.

Only other option is maybe one of the folding transom GRP floor Avon type models.
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Old 29 June 2011, 13:02   #32
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Now this is some good answers! However the rough ride to get them was probably necessary for the attention, eventhough that wasn't at all what was intended.

Really interesting about the SIB option, seems like many of you votes for that. Wouldn't have expected that at all! But the portability of a 9,8 hp 2-stroke should remain even with a RIB, and the RIB would handle worse water better? I'm still tempted...

I think I read that the Zodiac weighed 78 kilos or something, which will do fine. I wont be carrying it long and not alone. However 108 kg for that aluminum boat is a bit too much, that happens to be exactly what I weigh and I can't say I enjoy chin lifts (when you drag yourself up to a branch or something?).

No opinions about Zodiac in particular? And no one has tried having a RIB ~3 meters on the roof of their car?

Really helpful answers you all are giving me now, gives me a better idea of what to search for. Thanks!
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Old 29 June 2011, 13:17   #33
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Originally Posted by Max... View Post
IMHO and having gone from a RIB to a SIB I think a SIB around 3.4m (Zodiac, Quicksilver etc) would be perfect, combined with an easily portable and perfectly matched Tohatsu 9.8 2 stroke - which happens to be exactly the rig I went for!!

So how come you did the switch to SIB? For the portability?
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Old 29 June 2011, 13:59   #34
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have not read most of the thread so it may have crept slightly but the best rib IMO and others on this forum would be Ribcraft?
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Old 29 June 2011, 14:08   #35
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Originally Posted by mark_j View Post
have not read most of the thread so it may have crept slightly but the best rib IMO and others on this forum would be Ribcraft?
Well,the Boy did ask!
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Old 29 June 2011, 15:50   #36
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Originally Posted by mark_j View Post
have not read most of the thread so it may have crept slightly but the best rib IMO and others on this forum would be Ribcraft?
He wants to put it on top of his car. Which Ribcraft model would you suggest

Originally Posted by Patrik
Really interesting about the SIB option, seems like many of you votes for that. Wouldn't have expected that at all! But the portability of a 9,8 hp 2-stroke should remain even with a RIB, and the RIB would handle worse water better? I'm still tempted...
A RIB will be heavier (usually). A RIB will have a less "efficient" hull design (but more comfortable). These will combine to mean that 9.8HP on a RIB will be slower than 9.8HP on a SIB unless the weather prevents you going fast.

I think I read that the Zodiac weighed 78 kilos or something, which will do fine. I wont be carrying it long and not alone.
you should try carrying 78 kg - in boat form its still quite a bit of weight, I'd also assume it still has about 10kg of water slopping about in it for the first few metres till you can drain it properly. Its possible but I'll bet you buy some transom wheels anyway!

And no one has tried having a RIB ~3 meters on the roof of their car?
What weight is your car rated to take? Do you think you can lift it up there? (Search for 9d280's posts he suggests using a dinghy loading system as used by topper/laser sailors etc).

Now you need to think about PVC / PU / Hypalon questions...
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Old 29 June 2011, 16:01   #37
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We're all going round in circles... - given *your* criteria and usage a RIB will not work and as said above a (heavy compared to a SIB) RIB is underpowered with a 9.8 and regardless non-collapsable and too heavy to carry, again given your scenario.
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Old 29 June 2011, 16:15   #38
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Sure sounds like the arguments for buying a SIB instead of a RIB is gathering! So what will I miss by making that choice, it's just the handling in harder weather because of the lack of keel?

The car should be able to take at least 100 kg on the roof, but as you say it might be hard to lift with the water on it and everything. I don't think I would be able to lift someone who weighs 100 kg onto the roof, not even with a few peoples help...

So if I went for SIB, are there any good ways of inflating them quickly, or am I looking at still having it on the roof inflated if I use it quite often?
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Old 29 June 2011, 16:18   #39
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I think why I'm klinging on to the RIB idea is of course one part that it's just cooler, and one part that I imagine the SIB smacking in to some rocks and sinking... That's what I see in my fantasy :o

I also forgot to ask, around what speeds are we talking in one of these boats (SIB or RIB) with 9,8 hp or a smaller 6 hp engine, with just one person in the boat?
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Old 29 June 2011, 16:21   #40
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Originally Posted by Polwart View Post
Now you need to think about PVC / PU / Hypalon questions...
Oh no!!
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