05 March 2009, 18:05
Country: UK - England
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Where do you keep your anchor ?
Don't say on your Boat, RIB or even on the sea bed
This is a question to those with out any storage for one. Suggestions on where to keep one on an open deck and how to secure please.
05 March 2009, 19:45
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I used to use an ex military container, much like a BDH container on the SIB. Anchor and chain was secured in there then that is strapped to the side of the fuel tank which was strapped to the deck.
Now the container sits in the front of the consol as there is no anchor locker on the rib
05 March 2009, 21:41
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Originally Posted by JSP
Don't say on your Boat, RIB or even on the sea bed
This is a question to those with out any storage for one. Suggestions on where to keep one on an open deck and how to secure please.
OK then in the garage 
05 March 2009, 21:43
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..................in the anchor locker?
05 March 2009, 21:52
Country: UK - England
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Seriously in my sib in a flexible bucket like these about £4/ £5 from B+Q I just tie mine to the grab handles in the bow
05 March 2009, 22:06
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In my SIB, the anchor and cable are in a holdall.
If you don't have an anchor locker (Searider eg), then the seat pod may be a good place to store the anchor & cable. I've seen them kept in old cut down blue barrels, plastic crates, etc.
I think Parkesey uses a lumberjack's padded rope sack.
Best advice is to keep it somewhere secure & accessible, where it won't land on your foot. You wouldn't want to injur your other foot kicking it out of the way.
If you ask Matt h nicely, he may share/sell the copyright to the design of his SR54 Anchor Locker Modification.
05 March 2009, 22:23
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an old sports bag is good, lots of tie down points and less likely to roll around the deck than a bucket etc.
05 March 2009, 23:00
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I used a milk crate on my Achilles. The bitter end of the rode was tied to the crate, then clipped to the D ring at the inside bow. Enough space for 200' of line, 15' of large chain, and an 8 pound Danforth knockoff.
A friend of mine uses a 5 gallon bucket within the anchor locker of his Boston Whaler; he's made 3 cuts in the edge to nestle the anchor crosswise: one for each of the fluke rods (whatever you all em), and one for the shank. The flukes fit within the bucket (I think his is a true Danforth, probably 5#.)
05 March 2009, 23:08
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WE keep it in the open anchor locker in the bow:
In our old searider, we used to keep it under the centre console - we just had to remember to tie it on each time (and yes, someone did forget to do that once  )
05 March 2009, 23:19
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My Destroyer has a small bulkhead across a couple of feet back from the bow to make an open anchor locker, and there is a rubber mat in the bottom, then the pile of rope, then the pile of chain, then the anchor sits on top. I know it should be tied down but it's never moved an inch in anything that I do so it just sits there now. I suppose one day it might clout me in the chops so I probably ought to tie it in place but it doesn't seem to be a problem. Maybe I ain't trying hard enough
A Boat is a hole in the water, surrounded by fibreglass, into which you throw money...
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06 March 2009, 08:53
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To answer the original question, mines in the bow locker and its the biggest Bruce I could get through the whole ;-)
If you don't have your anchor permanently attached, there are a few options even for those of you who do they might be ideas.
First is to have a pickup buoy just short of the bitter end so if you get it snagged or have to leave it in a hurry you can recover it later. or if you forgot to tie it on .............
As for tieing on its a good idea to be able to release it quickly so a sacrificial bit of line you don't mind cutting ? An option we use offshore is called a quick link (Stu might know the trade names) basically imagine a large chain link that someone has cut two diagonal cuts in one of the long sides in an X pattern.
With another link the same you can line the cuts up and you now have it joined.
This can be done quickly and doesn't come undone on its own. Having difficulty finding a picture and being in main office can't walk out to garage to get one. best I can find is http://store.hamiltonmarine.com/browse.cfm/4,24221.html
I don't mean this type http://marinestore.co.uk/page/mrst/C...rs-split-link/
06 March 2009, 13:21
Country: UK - England
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Wanted to get away with out making a bow locker as I'm lacking room as it is. Something that's not permanent was the idea so Freds bucket seems a good idea.
06 March 2009, 15:38
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Originally Posted by Jelly
First is to have a pickup buoy just short of the bitter end so if you get it snagged or have to leave it in a hurry you can recover it later. or if you forgot to tie it on .............
This is a must for anyone conducting dive ops. If a diver gets carried off by current, or hits the surface away from the boat with a problem, it's a lot faster to toss the remaining anchor line over the side and move off to render assistance. I'm currently using a crab pot float, but a small fender would work just as well.
As for the forget to tie the anchor off thing, well, I've always got mine secured to the boat (knots come untied, new guys don't tie it off correctly, etc.) via a large SS carabiner and an eye bolt.
06 March 2009, 19:04
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Make one of these for the front of your console:-
06 March 2009, 19:14
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by Nasher
Nasher that's a grand bit of work mate! I'm a pigeon poo welder so no good trying but I know a man that can!
No copyright on it is there?
07 March 2009, 15:54
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I've got mine in a fish box lashed in the bow, have a smaller box within the fish box which holds the chain. Holds 50m of octoplate warp, 6m of chain and a 25lb CQR. Costs - feck all!
07 March 2009, 17:58
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searider anchor locker
prob the only way to go John, took around 4 hours to get it to fit right!
07 March 2009, 18:19
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I did a mod that was similar to Matt's on my old Ribtec. There was as fixed bulkhead (similar to that shown in the photo by TonyC) and I glassed up a triangular cover that say under the tubes and that had a large lip on the edge that overlapped the bulkhead. A couple of slots through the lip and a couple of u bolts through the bulkhead meant that I could slide the cover on and have the two u-bolts sticking through the slots. A simple lenght of rope with a stopper knot in each end running through the U-bolts kept the cover in place whilst underway but meant that it was easy to remove. This also didn't permanently modify the hull with a fixed locker. We also ended up sticking a cushion to the cover to act as a bow seat
Can draw a sketch if you need
Also a member of the ebay Blue RIB cover club
07 March 2009, 18:33
Country: UK - England
Town: Southport
Boat name: Qudos
Make: 5.4 Searider
Length: 5m +
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Originally Posted by matt h
prob the only way to go John, took around 4 hours to get it to fit right! 
Cracking Job!! Thanks Matt
And AndrewH, would like to see the sketch as well please mate
09 March 2009, 09:15
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by JSP
would like to see the sketch as well please mate
No worries - I'll get my @rse in gear and then post it later
Also a member of the ebay Blue RIB cover club
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