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Old 23 January 2007, 19:45   #1
Country: UK - England
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Where should I keep it

I am new to the rib lark and have just bught myself a pacific 22. It needs a bit of work but I will use it for a season and spend next winter doing it up.
Advice please - where is the best place to keep it in the Southampton area ?
I have looked at a number of places and am being swayed towards Southampton Dry Stack at Drivers Wharf. I went to see them recently and they have this massive forklift that puts the boats in and out of the water which seems to be better for the rib than other places I have seen where crane belts seem to crush the tubes. They are cheaper than the 'big' marinas and there are a lot of other ribs there ( a lot of which are in lovely condition and will put my boat to shame - roll on 2008 !!). Any comments would be appreciated.
If you see this big slow (25knts) grey thing out in the water this summer with a novice drver - give me a wave .....
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Old 23 January 2007, 20:17   #2
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Hi and wellcome your doing exactly what i,m wanting to do .Great hull.Unfortunately i cannot help you with storage.
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Old 23 January 2007, 20:26   #3
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Drivers Dry Berthing (next door to Southampton Dry Stack) is a very friendly yard used by several RIBnet members. They use a crane not a forklift, but it has a spreader frame so your tubes will be OK. Hasn't your Pacific got lifting points anyway?

Stuart (aka Rogue Wave) has a large workshop/storage unit there which would also be a good place to do your rebuild.

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Old 23 January 2007, 20:41   #4
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Better Storage

Hi if you give Stuart a ring on this no 07859 886431

He is in Drivers wharf but has indoor storage in the big shed. I am sure he can do a good deal and will launch the boat as required..

Very friendly and helpful I keep my boat there with him and also launched when I want..

Also has power and workshop too so any mods/ rebuilds you want doing you can.
Advanced Power Boat Instructor
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Old 23 January 2007, 21:29   #5
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Don't worry about being slow - just go out when it's rough - 25kts feels very quick then!!!
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Old 24 January 2007, 10:12   #6
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Your right the forklift stacking system is a peach it really works well, it does sometimes damage hulls but the PAC hull is tuff enuff. Southampton Stacking isn't running at anything like it's capacity so you may well get a good deal from them

We have just lost one of our customers and friends, he decided he wanted to put his boat in a Marina in Perth, Austraila and we couldn't realy offer him an alternatve, so we do have a space at the moment which I'd like to fill

Craning isn't a problem for your PAC as it has lifting points. I like Pacs and have been involved in refurbishing quite a few where did you get yours from?

We look after boats for three Ribnet members and if you were intersted I'd give you there forum names and you could ask them for references. Regardless of where you decide to go, don't forget the synergy you get from being in a boat yard. If you have twenty people in a yard working on there boats you can pick up alot of knowledge. It's a bit more difficult in a stacking yard

Good luck with whatever you decide

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Old 24 January 2007, 10:46   #7
Country: UK - England
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Thanks for all the good advice - I did look at dry berthing next door to Southampton Dry Stack and I am still in two minds. I liked the idea of a seperate secure car park at the Dry Stacking and also they tell me that they have 'a security/ CCTV system which is monitored by a security firm when the site is empty' but as you say it is not he place to 'get down and dirty' to work on your rib and doesn't have the on site expertise which 'Rogue Wave' is offerring. Has any one any other ideas besides these two places?
Thanks again for the replies
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Old 24 January 2007, 12:29   #8
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I use SDS and I think they are very good. Very helpful when the battery was flat one time. Hugh is the owner, irish fellow, very nice guy. They soon get to know your name and your boat.

They let footy people use the carpark on match days but even when I turned up unannounced right in the middle of footy parking time they had the boat on the water in 10 mins.

Definitely recommend them.
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Old 24 January 2007, 13:15   #9
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I can absolutely vouch for Southampton Dry Stack. We're very, very happy with the service we've had them. It's seriously pain free ... we give them a shout as we're leaving the house and the boat is ready & waiting for us when we get there or alternatively, just rock up and the boat will be good to go in about 15mins.

Hugh, Joe and Bill are the guys there and they've gone the extra mile to help us out on a number of occasions ... including hanging about until about 8pm on a nasty night in November to make sure that we made it back from Poole in one piece.
Girls like RIBs too!
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