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Old 09 February 2002, 13:04   #1
Country: UK - England
Town: Great Harwood, Lancs
Boat name: Tigger II
Make: Bombardier Aerodeck
Length: 3m +
Engine: Tohatsu 25HP
Join Date: Jul 2001
Posts: 626
Where to start

On the subject of RYA power boat course.

Myself and wife are looking at some formal training but would like some advice on which course, level 1 or level 2.

We have both had boats for years (25 in my case and 12 for my wife covering fasy dory's, yachts, dinghy's and RIB's .
So we have a lot of experience just never done any formal training.
We want to make sure that what worked on say a yacht works on a RIB. (Yes i know they are very diferent hence the course).

So any advice of would welcome, would the level 1 be to basic ? or the level 2 to advanced ? etc.

Also regarding the other post maybe any feedback when JAHNO goes on a course. (we plan to leave it till summer), but live in lancashire so would consider the same areas for schools.

Thanks Gary
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Old 09 February 2002, 18:53   #2
John Kennett's Avatar
Country: UK - England
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Level 1 on it's own isn't worth bothering with. It's more of an introduction to boating really.

Level 2 is a reasonable basic level, but if you can arrange it I would recommend a three day extended level 2 course to allow for some passagemaking/cruising with an instructor.

On the other hand, as you both have some experience it might be best to find a school who will do a bespoke 2 day course for you concentrating on what you want to cover. It can include a level 2 assessment as part of the course, without tying you down to the syllabus.

If you want to go boating abroad you will need an ICC (international certificate of competence) which you qualify for automatically with a level 2.

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Old 10 February 2002, 21:42   #3
Country: UK - England
Town: Great Harwood, Lancs
Boat name: Tigger II
Make: Bombardier Aerodeck
Length: 3m +
Engine: Tohatsu 25HP
Join Date: Jul 2001
Posts: 626
Thanks for the info John.

Never thought about asking for a custom course but will look at this option.

Understand about the 3 day option would be nice but hope to get much more passage making in this year anyway.

Thanks Gary
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