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Old 18 August 2021, 10:48   #1
Country: UK - England
Town: Sheffield
Boat name: zodiac yachtline 420
Make: zodiac
Length: 4m +
Engine: 4 st yamaha 40hp
Join Date: Jul 2019
Posts: 23
which glue is best?

Hi people of the ribbersphere got myself a ZODIAC YACHTLINE 420 last year and have had about 10 days out in the baby but last time we were blasting along at full tilt water was coming in between the tube and the gunwhales of the hull.

Having deflated the tubes ive discovered the strip that holds the tube to the hull (Its got a big beading like an awning attaches to a caravan) has detatched for about half of its length.

The tube is off the boat and is being patiently cleaned and prepped for reatachment.......QUESTION for those with better knowledge than this newbie is.......

1) What is the tube made from some websites say PVC some do i tell ...and

2) whats the best adhesive to use to repair the bugger

any pointers would be well received

cheers roy in landlocked sheffield
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