17 October 2007, 17:19
Country: UK - Channel Islands
Town: Guernsey
Boat name: Genie
Make: Lema
Length: 6m +
Engine: inboard petrol 225hp
Join Date: Oct 2007
Posts: 24
Which RIB?
Hello folks, newbie here so be gentle!
I'm sure that this question has been asked a zillion times but I couldn't find an FAQ button (apologies if I'm being short-sighted or if this causes a lot of eye rolling and 'oh no not another one!').
I am looking to sell my current boat, a 2007 22ft hardtop fisher/cruiser as I find it a bit of a handful to get in and out of a tight berth and my wife had an accident on board in which she nearly lost her thumb, so I need something very easy to berth in and out. Nice boat but after a season, not really my cup of tea.
Talking to a member of staff at the marina and he suggested a RIB - not something I had even thought of before, but an idea that is really beginning to appeal (great handling, lightweight, safe and superb visibility and movement about deck) plus if I end up 'nudging' other boats there is no problem with a nice soft tube bouncing off rather than scraping of expensive gelcoat.
He suggested a 6.5m with approx 100hp, but I would prefer around 150hp with hydraulic steering as we may occasionally zip across the 20 miles or so to Dielette in France.
I really like the appeal of easy to look after, easy to use plus of course the exhilaration of a decent turn of speed when conditions permit.
I will spend a fair bit of time fishing from it as well.
My budget will be up to 20k, maybe slightly more for the right one, but obviously if I can get a decent one for less than that would be a result too.
I like the idea of an A frame for lighting/aerial/Plotter receiver and the ability to seat up to 6 would be an asset. I don't need anything too sporty, rather a stable platform and a decent Vee to cut smoothly through chop would be better for Channel Island waters. A mounting for an auxiliary would be an asset, as might a transom shower (for rinsing down after gutting etc). I would spec with DSC VHF, Fishfinder/depthfinder and a colour plotter.
Any ideas or suggestions on makes or pitfalls/things to look for would be really appreciated.
Thanks all
17 October 2007, 18:14
Country: UK - England
Town: Gosport
Boat name: April Lass
Make: Moody 31
Length: 9m +
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Posts: 4,951
Rob, welcome to Ribnet. I would start with the For Sale section on Ribnet. There are a couple of nice Osprey Vipers there which would be very nice and within price.
Ribnet is best viewed on a computer of some sort
17 October 2007, 18:32
Country: UK - Channel Islands
Town: Guernsey
Boat name: Genie
Make: Lema
Length: 6m +
Engine: inboard petrol 225hp
Join Date: Oct 2007
Posts: 24
Thanks Pete, will do. I've heard some good things said about Vipers, so will certainly consider them.
17 October 2007, 18:33
Country: UK - England
Town: Portchester, Hants.
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Join Date: Nov 2002
Posts: 584
Hi Genie,
Welcome to the forum. I agree with Pete 7. Also consider reading through some of the previous pages here on Ribnet. There are lots of different ribs to suit varying budgets/requirements.
Try out as many different boats as possible in different sea conditions to give some idea of how each boat differs.
You could get yourself a new boat for 20K but not at that length with a 150Hp although you may get a good deal on a cancelled order. that way you can speck the layout yourself. Alternatively, as Pete as suggested a good second hand one could be a better option.
Happy hunting.
Aging Youth
18 October 2007, 13:06
Country: UK - England
Town: Wiltshire
Boat name: Elegante
Make: Stingher 800GT
Length: 8m +
Engine: Suzuki DF300
Join Date: Jan 2006
Posts: 9
Where do you intend to keep your Rib? In a marina/on the water, on a trailer or drystack?
If you keep the Rib in the water then you need to consider the addiitonal maintenance required eg. either apply antifoul on yearly basis or regular hull scrubs to keep it clean.
If you intend to keep the Rib on a trailer will you be towing, launching and recoverring the Rib yourself? Alternatively, you can keep the Rib at a suitable boatyard and have them launch/recover it for you.
I went through a similar thought process a couple of years ago. I decided against antifouling as it's a messy job, needs repeating every year, knocks a couple mph off your top speed and I personally think it devalues the Rib. I didn't want the hassle of trying to launch/recover single handed so I chose to keep the Rib in a boatyard and have them launch it. Best decision I ever made.
I had a set of lifting points factory fitted and with a set of custom stops launching and recovery are simple. I think there's a photo in the Ribs for Sale section under XS 6.0m Rib. Every time the yard lifts the boat they power wash it down, flush through the engine and put the covers back on. After two seasons the Rib still looks brand new.
18 October 2007, 13:19
Country: UK - England
Town: Lee on the Solent
Boat name: Saintlee
Make: Leeway
Length: 6m +
Engine: Evinrude DI 115
Join Date: Jul 2006
Posts: 325
Back to the original topic and despite the Osprey love-in that exists on this forum it isn't the only boat that could do it!! There's some excellent Ribcraft around in your price range at the moment and Jason has a Cobra 7.5 with an Optimax that would certainly do the job. Here
Always worth looking on Boats and Outboards as you can refine your search or making your way through the For Sale section on here.
Originally Posted by andy_m
I decided against antifouling as it's a messy job, needs repeating every year, knocks a couple mph off your top speed and I personally think it devalues the Rib.
Always intruiged to know what prompts this kind of thinking! If you're willing to pay someone to launch and land your boat, why not pay someone to anti-foul it? Anti-foul certainly hasn't taken ANY performance off my boat, in fact over the longer term (because my boat stays in the water for some periods of time) it has most certainly maintained performance that would otherwise have been dulled quite badly)* . If the right anti-foul is chosen (Blakes Hard Racing in my case) it is very easy to get a finish on it that is as slippery as the boat finish and you know will stay that way for the season no matter how long it's in the water!!!
I'm sure that all the Scorpion, Cobra, Revenger, Cougar etc owners that anti-foul their boats and leave them in the water will feel shamed that their toys are worth so much less as they have chosen to properly protect their hulls
* I know from the first season of use when it was anti-foul free and I used to dive on it every so often how much more consistent the performance, fuel usage etc is now.
18 October 2007, 18:36
Country: UK - Channel Islands
Town: Guernsey
Boat name: Genie
Make: Lema
Length: 6m +
Engine: inboard petrol 225hp
Join Date: Oct 2007
Posts: 24
Thanks guys
Some very good points to consider, and I do think that second hand is probably the best way to go, maybe a year or two old.
I have a berth at a marina, where my existing boat is - it's only a 5 minute stroll from where I live so i wouldn't want to change that setup as it's so convenient.
I'd probably go for the hard anti-foul and as I am away for a month each early spring in NZ I would have the boat taken out, serviced and anti-fouled whilst I am away.
I live in the Channel islands, and to be honest, there's not a lot of choice out here for RIBs, but I live in hope (of selling my existing boat as much as anything!).
There does seem to be a Ribeye/White Shark agent out here but he hasn't replied to me yet - what is the feeling on Brig RIBs? I like the modern radar arch on them and a fairly sleek design but what are they like on the water?
A benefit of a conventional s/steel A frame is that i can attach rod tubes to it to carry my rods out of the way on the way to the fishing grounds.
Please keep the helpful observations coming - they are appreciated!
18 October 2007, 19:15
Country: UK - England
Town: Wiltshire
Boat name: Elegante
Make: Stingher 800GT
Length: 8m +
Engine: Suzuki DF300
Join Date: Jan 2006
Posts: 9
Wasn't my intention to offend, but I should clarify my comments. I was really referring to Ribs in the 6m and below category which tend to be easily tailer'able and launched/receoverd via a trailer. Majority of Ribs in this category aren't antifoulled and so one that is stands out.
I agree that larger Ribs need to be antifouled.
Before owning a Rib I had a hard boat which needed antifoulling every year and yes it's a job I really hated and often paid some else to do!!!
20 October 2007, 16:35
Country: UK - Channel Islands
Town: Guernsey
Boat name: Genie
Make: Lema
Length: 6m +
Engine: inboard petrol 225hp
Join Date: Oct 2007
Posts: 24
Went this afternoon to have a look around at some of the RIBs in the harbour with my long suffering wife (who it has to be said is keen on a RIB too, so result there!) and came across one for sale at a local dealer - a Stingher 606GT - looked very nice with a Verado 175 on the back and the flexi-teek option and grp radar arch - nicely finished all over, so I will contact the dealer for a price on Monday.
Does anyone on the forum have any comments about Stingher (good or bad)?
I am not after an out-and -out sports boat, just something to zip along at 30 knots cruising betwee the islands and to fish from.
Any feedback would be appreciated.
Cheers all
20 October 2007, 17:17
Country: UK - Channel Islands
Town: St Peter Port
Boat name: La Conchee
Make: Coastline
Length: 7m +
Engine: Suzuki 150
MMSI: 235055744
Join Date: Apr 2007
Posts: 31
I have just done exactly the same as you. I had a Beneteau 600 kept down the QE2 K39 which was not family friendly great for fishing. I now have a Coastline 7.0m K60 with a 150 on the back which is a great sea boat. I was out today in the Russell which was kicking up and felt safe as houses. Also it is a doddle to get on and off the mooring. I am away next weekend because of half term, but would happily take you out some time if you fancy seeing what it is all about.
PM me if you want more details.
21 October 2007, 09:12
Country: UK - Channel Islands
Town: Guernsey
Boat name: Genie
Make: Lema
Length: 6m +
Engine: inboard petrol 225hp
Join Date: Oct 2007
Posts: 24
Thanks Comfy - great looking boat you have there!
A PM has been sent to you.
04 November 2007, 19:08
Country: UK - Channel Islands
Town: St Peter Port
Boat name: La Conchee
Make: Coastline
Length: 7m +
Engine: Suzuki 150
MMSI: 235055744
Join Date: Apr 2007
Posts: 31
Sunday 4th November
Well folks, just goes to show what a good thing ribnet is, although my misses still thinks it must be a perv site, what with all the time I spend seeing what you guys are talking about.
Sent Genie a PM and him and his misses went for a blast this afternoon which was a beautiful warm sunny day F3 NE slight chop in places. Down to Fermain and then across to Lowerheads before heading towads Brehon where we saw Tony in his Scorpion and caught up in the Percee passage before heading around to Shell for a chat. At least Tony had remebered his Camera, doh!
It was finally good to meet Tony and I am afraid seeing that big yellow rib I was determined to keep up so provided Mrs Genie wasn't put off by my inexperienced driving I think we may have hooked Genie into becoming a new rib owner and coming over to the Dark side. May the Farce be with you!
What did you think Genie?
05 November 2007, 09:19
Country: UK - Channel Islands
Town: Guernsey
Boat name: Genie
Make: Lema
Length: 6m +
Engine: inboard petrol 225hp
Join Date: Oct 2007
Posts: 24
Hi Comfy!
Yes, I think we are now suitably smitten with all things inflateable (oo-er!) and thanks once again for taking us out on Conchee - she was a very comfortable and dry ride - at 37knots (and a bit more to come I think!) she was very well planted and that Deep-Vee doing it's job admirably.
I have to admit, it was a bit strange to meet someone on the 'internet' first before actually meeting them, but it was a pleasure to meet you and even better when Tony in his Yellow Peril turned up.
I'll let you make the jokes about lumpy petrol to him :-)!
We have some piccies so will forward them to Tony (once we get them out of our infernal phone!) as i think he is eager to see his Scorpion 'in action'!
I will post a new thread about our day out soon so folk can see that this RIBnet thing really does work!
We had a blast and thanks for clearing out the cobwebs - I'm surprised I still have hair on my head!
Many thanks for taking us out - I know Joo was equally impressed with your boat and had a great time as well.
I think it will have to be a RIB after yesterday - all I have to do now is sell my current boat and I'll be there!
Hope to catch up aagain soon (with my own RIB fingers crossed) as Tony has offered to scare the beejesus out of us with a trip on his rubber Exocet (I may very well take him up on that kind offer!).
05 November 2007, 11:16
Country: UK - Channel Islands
Town: Guernsey
Boat name: Demon Displacement
Make: HFM Ceasar T/Cat
Length: 8m +
Engine: 50HP
Join Date: Oct 2007
Posts: 6
Try a guy called Tom. Has a couple of boats within St Peter Port. I think a Ribcraft and a Ribtec + a couple of others. His Mobile is 07912342099 He would be able to least take you out on a demo so you can see waht a RIB is about.
05 November 2007, 16:18
Country: UK - Channel Islands
Town: St Peter Port
Boat name: La Conchee
Make: Coastline
Length: 7m +
Engine: Suzuki 150
MMSI: 235055744
Join Date: Apr 2007
Posts: 31
I am glad that you enjoyed yourselves, it was a lovely afternoon.
Keep in touch
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