Originally Posted by ArchieMylo
......Any thoughts on this are welcomed! Thanks!!.......
Before you shell out any money on what could be a very costly mistake, you need to take a long hard look at what your potential usage is going to be. You know your family better than anyone, if you have to persuade/cajole/bully them into getting on the boat, it's going to be a very short foray into the RIB world for you. If you go out in a RIB, at some point you are going to get wet & cold, unless you are prepared to spend mega bucks on a cabin RIB. That would bring a whole host of other problems with it, storage, towing, fuel etc. Most "Ordinary" RIBS will be pretty dry in benign conditions, but those days are very few & far between. There are ways to mitigate the weather, good clothing etc.
I don't want to sound preachy, but you need to be realistic & know what you're letting yourself & your family for.
Just my 2 penneth, IMHO etc etc.