11 March 2009, 11:27
Country: UK - England
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Posts: 193
which VHF channel to use?
It was a while ago when I did my vhf course and I vaguely remember channel 6 amongst others was a ship to ship channel.
On what channels is it ok to call another vessel for a non emergency related question, ie I'm waiting on the quayside where are you, type of thing.
I found myself some weeks ago calling my wife while she was on the rib and I was on the handheld (non dsc) but not really knowing which channel I should be using.
Can anyone let me know if there is a prefered channel ?
regards Richard
11 March 2009, 11:30
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6 and 8 are inter ship as is 70 and 72,you are only supposed to use the radio whilst actually afloat ,regards mart
11 March 2009, 11:45
Country: UK - England
Town: Boat Lake Geneva
Boat name: Lark
Make: Capelli Cap 32 WA
Length: 10m +
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Join Date: Feb 2006
Posts: 193
thanks, understood. And for Ch 70 it would be data only not voice?
11 March 2009, 11:53
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Yeah, don't speak on Channel 70 - it's DSC only.
11 March 2009, 12:09
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Originally Posted by m chappelow
6 and 8 are inter ship as is 70 and 72,you are only supposed to use the radio whilst actually afloat ,regards mart
I believe that the above post should read "6 and 8 are inter ship as are 72 and 77."
As mentioned above, 70 is a no-no other than for DSC signals where the subsequent conversation is carried on on one of the ship-to-ship channels.
See here for further details: http://www.yachtcom.co.uk/comms/vhfchannels.htm
Call up is, of course, on 16 which should be being monitored at all times
12 March 2009, 18:45
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If you're calling your boat from ashore (or vice versa) with trivial enquiries, you might be better thinking about PMR radios which would avoid the licencing issues, or maybe just call on mobile phone.
12 March 2009, 19:23
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Try and find out what channels your local fishermen use, I think the ones round here use Ch 13 and another one. Its accepted that they say what they want to on that channel so it maybe of use for chatting to someone ashore etc?
12 March 2009, 19:41
Country: UK - England
Town: Boat Lake Geneva
Boat name: Lark
Make: Capelli Cap 32 WA
Length: 10m +
Engine: Yamaha 250x2
MMSI: 235096621
Join Date: Feb 2006
Posts: 193
I would have used a mobile if I could have got a signal. Around the dart estuary reception in some areas is almost impossible.
12 March 2009, 19:42
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Ch13 is 'bridge to bridge' for big ships!
Useful to listen to along with your local VTS (vessel Traffic Services) for shipping movements. Keep it simple... nominate a working channel to use before you set off.
Better still, get educated and legal by doing an SRC (Short Range Certificate) VHF course.
You will also learn about GMDSS in general (Global Maritime Distress and Safety Systems)
I'm sure Doug et al will be able to help. (and yes....for all the anti training folk....there is a 'legal' requirement for an operators licence for anything but 'private channels' or supervised VHF operation by a 'qualified person')
Hope this helps
12 March 2009, 19:49
Country: UK - England
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Naughty fishermen!
12 March 2009, 20:11
Country: UK - England
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At least you'll know where the bass are biting!
12 March 2009, 20:23
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Originally Posted by BassBoy
I'm sure Doug et al will be able to help. (and yes....for all the anti training folk....there is a 'legal' requirement for an operators licence for anything but 'private channels' or supervised VHF operation by a 'qualified person')
Hope this helps
Or emergency situations ?
12 March 2009, 20:27
Country: UK - England
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Make: Avon SR4,Tremlett 23
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12 March 2009, 20:28
Country: UK - England
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Make: ribcraft 595
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Engine: Suzi 140
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Posts: 316
Strictly speaking....No.
However, it would be clearly daft not to use one 'without a licence' to save your ass!
Worry about the fine later in the highly unlikely event of getting one.
12 March 2009, 20:37
Country: UK - England
Town: Dorset & Hants
Boat name: Streaker/Orange
Make: Avon/Ribcraft
Length: 4m +
Engine: 50Yam/25 Mariner
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Posts: 5,551
Originally Posted by BassBoy
Strictly speaking....No.
However, it would be clearly daft not to use one 'without a licence' to save your ass!
Worry about the fine later in the highly unlikely event of getting one.
Ooops I'd better get the book out again !
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