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Old 07 June 2010, 11:33   #41
Country: France
Town: quimper
Boat name: kai 2
Make: capelli
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Originally Posted by ashbypower View Post
This might tick all your boxes.... AND its available NOW !!!

Scroll to bottom of page .
Looks good, ticks alot of boxes, nice looking boat. Only concern is the 40hp motor instead of a 50 or 60.

Will be in touch.
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Old 07 June 2010, 13:46   #42
Country: UK - Channel Islands
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Boat name: Archangel
Make: Ribcraft
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Originally Posted by Mollers View Post
Neither should you. May I ask why you chose an Etec over a Suzook which RC push?
You're right: Ribcraft do push Suzuki but I chose an E-Tec because they're lighter than four strokes, they're simpler, they only require servicing every three years, they need no running in period and they sound the dog's knackers at WOT.
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Old 07 June 2010, 16:26   #43
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Originally Posted by bernithebiker View Post
A couple of years ago I bought a brand new Honda CRV to my spec. Waited a month.

Having said that, if they had had the same spec in stock, but blue or silver instead of black, I probably would have gone for that.

Call me impatient, I don't like waiting. Life's too short.

Last year I ordered a new 27" Imac, based on delivery early Nov. When they subsequently pushed the date back to December, I cancelled the order.
It seems that pretty much "any" RIB will do for you, afterall you merely want to get out on the water this summer - nothing special. So go get a Bombard or similar stock boat and hit the water next week.

Ribcraft (like most other specialists) doesn't make just "any" RIB, they make custom RIBs for customers who know exactly what they want and why. There are so many what's and why's that custom is the only way to address these buyer's concerns. And buyer's like me are willing to wait to address all those little details. Rather than attempting to sell to customer's like you who can buy any old boat, Ribcraft is busy building for customers like me. Why should they double their facilties & staff to try to compete with the Bombards and Zodiac's of the world? Not their market.

I waited 5 months for my custom RIB (I'm in Seattle, so no its not a Ribcraft). But it is laid out EXACTLY like I wanted it. And my guests actually notice how easy it is to scuba dive from since I had it built custom for that exact purpose. 3 years later I've pretty much forgotten about the 5month build wait.
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Old 07 June 2010, 16:31   #44
Country: France
Town: quimper
Boat name: kai 2
Make: capelli
Length: 5m +
Engine: yamaha 100
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Posts: 105
Originally Posted by captnjack View Post
It seems that pretty much "any" RIB will do for you, afterall you merely want to get out on the water this summer - nothing special. So go get a Bombard or similar stock boat and hit the water next week.

Ribcraft (like most other specialists) doesn't make just "any" RIB, they make custom RIBs for customers who know exactly what they want and why. There are so many what's and why's that custom is the only way to address these buyer's concerns. And buyer's like me are willing to wait to address all those little details. Rather than attempting to sell to customer's like you who can buy any old boat, Ribcraft is busy building for customers like me. Why should they double their facilties & staff to try to compete with the Bombards and Zodiac's of the world? Not their market.

I waited 5 months for my custom RIB (I'm in Seattle, so no its not a Ribcraft). But it is laid out EXACTLY like I wanted it. And my guests actually notice how easy it is to scuba dive from since I had it built custom for that exact purpose. 3 years later I've pretty much forgotten about the 5month build wait.
Read the title of the thread. It says 'deep V'. That is what I would prefer, so no, not any old rib.

But hey, if deep V's are so hard to come by, then I'll just have to rethink won't I?
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Old 07 June 2010, 16:33   #45
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Originally Posted by bernithebiker View Post
Read the title of the thread. It says 'deep V'. That is what I would prefer, so no, not any old rib.

But hey, if deep V's are so hard to come by, then I'll just have to rethink won't I?
Or buy a Searider.
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Old 07 June 2010, 16:33   #46
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Originally Posted by bernithebiker View Post
Read the title of the thread. It says 'deep V'. That is what I would prefer, so no, not any old rib.

But hey, if deep V's are so hard to come by, then I'll just have to rethink won't I?
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Old 07 June 2010, 18:45   #47
Country: USA
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Originally Posted by bernithebiker View Post
Read the title of the thread. It says 'deep V'. That is what I would prefer, so no, not any old rib.

But hey, if deep V's are so hard to come by, then I'll just have to rethink won't I?
If you want to be on the water in a new RIB next week, it sounds like it.
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Old 07 June 2010, 21:56   #48
Country: UK - Channel Islands
Town: Jersey
Boat name: Archangel
Make: Ribcraft
Length: 6m +
Engine: ETec 225
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If you plan on sailing in rough seas then don't be tempted to go for a shallow V hull like those found on Orkneys and similar rigids. I had a 23' Orkney before I got the rib and whilst it was a lovely boat in calm conditions it slammed like a pig in the chop. In a F4 I had to slow right down to 12-14kts to avoid repeated heavy slamming but in the rib I can maintain twice this speed and the slamming is much reduced by the deep V hull.
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Old 08 June 2010, 07:10   #49
Country: France
Town: quimper
Boat name: kai 2
Make: capelli
Length: 5m +
Engine: yamaha 100
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Posts: 105
Originally Posted by GJ0KYZ View Post
If you plan on sailing in rough seas then don't be tempted to go for a shallow V hull like those found on Orkneys and similar rigids. I had a 23' Orkney before I got the rib and whilst it was a lovely boat in calm conditions it slammed like a pig in the chop. In a F4 I had to slow right down to 12-14kts to avoid repeated heavy slamming but in the rib I can maintain twice this speed and the slamming is much reduced by the deep V hull.
Thanks for the advice. Although we generally don't go out if the sea's at all rough, (2 kids) there are times, such as when we come back from a few days on one of the islands, (Belle Ile, etc) when we have no choice. Hence the preference for deep V.

Although I would prefer not to buy second hand (how do you really know if the guy has flushed the engine after every use? for example), I am currently looking at 2 possibilities, both in the UK.
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Old 09 June 2010, 09:49   #50
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All I can say is, last september I had to go from Poole Harbour to Cowes for a three day charity sailing event. I decided to get there usuing my Rib, upon launching from Parkstone Bay marina the guy getting my Rib off the dry stack said, "your not seriously going out in this weather are you"?, it was pretty awfull but being new to boating and seeking an adventure I did, I was about the only boat out that day and the weather was horrible, took me three hours to get there and could do no more than about 17knots, the deep vee certainly helped (cobra 7.5M with 200 two stoke yamaha) and after a while I started to enjoy it and didnt feel in any danger at any time, the hull just handled everything perfectly. I did arrive completly knackered and very wet ! but recovered with a few hard drinks in a local pub. LOL

I think with our unpredictable weather a deep vee has it's benefits in the UK
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Old 09 June 2010, 10:41   #51
Country: France
Town: quimper
Boat name: kai 2
Make: capelli
Length: 5m +
Engine: yamaha 100
Join Date: Jul 2006
Posts: 105
Originally Posted by boristhebold View Post
All I can say is, last september I had to go from Poole Harbour to Cowes for a three day charity sailing event. I decided to get there usuing my Rib, upon launching from Parkstone Bay marina the guy getting my Rib off the dry stack said, "your not seriously going out in this weather are you"?, it was pretty awfull but being new to boating and seeking an adventure I did, I was about the only boat out that day and the weather was horrible, took me three hours to get there and could do no more than about 17knots, the deep vee certainly helped (cobra 7.5M with 200 two stoke yamaha) and after a while I started to enjoy it and didnt feel in any danger at any time, the hull just handled everything perfectly. I did arrive completly knackered and very wet ! but recovered with a few hard drinks in a local pub. LOL

I think with our unpredictable weather a deep vee has it's benefits in the UK
Sounds a bit like the weather I had to face crossing back from Belle Ile to the mainland last summer. The rest of the family opted for the ferry, so I was on my own! It's 15km, and I got pretty wet. Although the Capelli did actually handle it fairly well, I could most probably have gone faster with a deeper V.

A good chunk of France has very similar sea conditions to the UK. First, there is the channel from Calais to Roscoff, pretty similar to Dover to Plymouth. Then Brest to the Morbihan is pretty similar to Cornwall to S.Wales. Of course, the Med is a different kettle of fish!
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