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Old 06 June 2010, 11:40   #21
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The best things come to those who wait anybody with a waiting list has probably got a waiting list for a good reason.

Stephen, who won't have his new boat till September/October
A Boat is a hole in the water, surrounded by fibreglass, into which you throw money...

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Old 06 June 2010, 13:51   #22
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Originally Posted by GJ0KYZ View Post
Archangel's lovely and I haven't had a single problem with her in two years.
Neither should you. May I ask why you chose an Etec over a Suzook which RC push?
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Old 06 June 2010, 13:58   #23
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Originally Posted by chewy View Post
How do you propose Ribcraft predict what colour you would want the boat in?
If your that desperate Humber usually have a few boats already built.
I couldn't really give a monkey's what colour it is as long as it's not pink....

I totally accept that if you want one quickly you can't specify your own build.

But, if you just want a fairly 'standard' setup (like me), it just seems odd that they don't have a few in stock.

If their cashflow is so finely balanced that they can't afford to keep some stock, then I would suggest the company is not as sound as it could be financially.

Or if it's space, then perhaps a larger warehouse might be on the cards. I guess it depends on the management's vision for things - grow the business or keep it at a more personal, medium scale.

I'm pretty confident they could sell lorry loads of their boats in France, but not if they can't make enough for the UK market.......

Isn't that how you come out of a recession? Exporting British made products abroad?
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Old 06 June 2010, 14:19   #24
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Originally Posted by bernithebiker View Post
I couldn't really give a monkey's what colour it is as long as it's not pink....

I totally accept that if you want one quickly you can't specify your own build.

But, if you just want a fairly 'standard' setup (like me), it just seems odd that they don't have a few in stock.

If their cashflow is so finely balanced that they can't afford to keep some stock, then I would suggest the company is not as sound as it could be financially.

Or if it's space, then perhaps a larger warehouse might be on the cards. I guess it depends on the management's vision for things - grow the business or keep it at a more personal, medium scale.

I'm pretty confident they could sell lorry loads of their boats in France, but not if they can't make enough for the UK market.......

Isn't that how you come out of a recession? Exporting British made products abroad?
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Old 06 June 2010, 14:34   #25
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Originally Posted by bernithebiker View Post
But, if you just want a fairly 'standard' setup (like me), it just seems odd that they don't have a few in stock.
Standard is what exactly, one jockey or two, what design console?

Originally Posted by bernithebiker View Post
If their cashflow is so finely balanced that they can't afford to keep some stock, then I would suggest the company is not as sound as it could be financially.
Whats the point in having a RIB sat there doing nothing taking up space when they have a full order book.
Might be worth having a word with Jace before you go suggesting his company isn't finacially sound.

Originally Posted by bernithebiker View Post
I'm pretty confident they could sell lorry loads of their boats in France, but not if they can't make enough for the UK market.......

Isn't that how you come out of a recession? Exporting British made products abroad?

If you that confident you could sell them in France why not buy a few standard models and sell them on yourself?
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Old 06 June 2010, 16:18   #26
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Originally Posted by chewy View Post
Standard is what exactly, one jockey or two, what design console?

Whats the point in having a RIB sat there doing nothing taking up space when they have a full order book.
Might be worth having a word with Jace before you go suggesting his company isn't finacially sound.

If you that confident you could sell them in France why not buy a few standard models and sell them on yourself?
Ribcraft must know what they sell most of. If it's two jockeys with basic console, then make a few of them.

If there is demand for more boats, then why not make them? Higher turnover should = higher profits. I did not suggest they were not financially sound. Someone else, said stock = cashflow issues = problem.

I have no interest in trading ribs thanks. But clearly there is an untapped market opportunity for them if they are interested in taking it. I would imagine at least 500 ribs are sold each year in France, just a few % market share would be beneficial to the company surely?

Interesting that there is such an energetic defence of the company. It clearly has a loyal following which speak well of the quality of it's boats. As a buyer with 20 000 Euros burning a hole in my pocket, I am simply offering my observations as someone who will buy a rib this summer. If I end up buying a Humber or a Bombard because they have stock, is that good for Ribcraft?
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Old 06 June 2010, 16:24   #27
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Originally Posted by bernithebiker View Post
If I end up buying a Humber or a Bombard because they have stock, is that good for Ribcraft?
No but then you get what you pay for.
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Old 06 June 2010, 16:43   #28
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Originally Posted by chewy View Post
No but then you get what you pay for.
100% agree!
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Old 06 June 2010, 17:44   #29
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Originally Posted by bernithebiker View Post
Ribcraft must know what they sell most of. If it's two jockeys with basic console, then make a few of them.
or perhaps with such a wide range of boats there is no obvious "pattern"; or the pattern is that the 4.8m is one of their less popular boats, so they don't hold stock. I am sure I have seen mention of them selling a boat which was ex stock in the past? Perhaps an ex demo boat? Or perhaps their stock boats have all been sold since its the start of the season and demand is high.
If there is demand for more boats, then why not make them?
that suggests they are losing out on a significant number of boats because of a 3 month wait. You are the first person I've heard complain about such a short wait - so that probably suggests they are not missing too many orders.
Higher turnover should = higher profits.
not if reduced lead time means higher costs, overstaffing during market fluctuations etc
I did not suggest they were not financially sound. Someone else, said stock = cashflow issues = problem.
no I didn't. I said stock = cash tied up. I didn't say that it would give them a problem, I just said that it was a bad idea, especially in current climate, to tie up your cash in stock when the majority of your customers are happy with (or may even prefer) built to order.
I have no interest in trading ribs thanks. But clearly there is an untapped market opportunity for them if they are interested in taking it. I would imagine at least 500 ribs are sold each year in France, just a few % market share would be beneficial to the company surely?
to sell 10 ribs a year in france you probably need a salesman on the ground in france, with demo boat(s), and the ability to provide aftersales backup etc. Thats a lot of commitment for the possibility of selling 10 boats, in a market which probably would rather buy "french" and where a large sector of the market is buying "med style" ribs rather than the "british style" ribs which Ribcraft sell.
Interesting that there is such an energetic defence of the company. It clearly has a loyal following which speak well of the quality of it's boats.
Few of the responses here are from RibCraft owners. I've been impressed by the boats when I've been on them - but its unlikely that my next boat will be a ribcraft, but if a new build it will almost certainly take 3 months or more to arrive. That strikes me as realistic.

As a buyer with 20 000 Euros burning a hole in my pocket, I am simply offering my observations as someone who will buy a rib this summer.
Perhaps your not RibCraft's target market though. You don't seem to want a bespoke boat. Ribcraft make bespoke boats.
If I end up buying a Humber or a Bombard because they have stock, is that good for Ribcraft?
Possibly: Impatient or unrealistic customers are possibly customers who don't really know what they want, and so give them aftersales and support headaches anyway.

One final observation - the long lead time for Ribcraft, and a few other sought after brands, may in part explain why they seem to retain high second hand values. If I can buy a new boat off the shelf a 1 yr old boat is clearly worth less. If there is a long wait for a new boat then a 1yr old boat looks more attractive. Likewise the manufacturer is able to keep his prices relatively high as he's not got any old stock he needs to "discount" to move on, as say Humber seem to.
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Old 06 June 2010, 17:48   #30
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I reccomend a visit to Ribcraft, they dont do volume and dont have enough people to do stock. The people that do stock always have to make a profit so something somewhere has to give.

Ribcraft are not Delta either so arent quoting prices that look like a phone numbers. Not that Deltas costs are not justified. Ricraft are probably still stuck in a production run for something/someone else. When we had our boat built last year they'd just tendered for and won a big UN deal for some patrol boats.

I'm impressed with our boat and impressed they got the propping right. Also very impressed impressed with the Suzuki 175 4 stroke. Monstrous torque and still only burns the same fuel as our old 100hp Yam 4 (carbs)
New boat is here, very happy!
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Old 06 June 2010, 17:49   #31
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Originally Posted by bernithebiker View Post
Ribcraft must know what they sell most of. If it's two jockeys with basic console, then make a few of them.
One of the advantages of getting one from Ribcraft is that you get exactly what you ask for. As far as I'm aware there is no such thing as a 'standard' RIB - so if they built a dozen for stock, 11 of them would still be there next year (apart from the one that you are going to buy!!).

Originally Posted by bernithebiker View Post
If I end up buying a Humber or a Bombard because they have stock, is that good for Ribcraft?
It might be - if they supply a boat which isn't really what you want, it probably isn't good for either you or them!! If you buy a 'standard' RIB from another manufacturer, then they can get the hassle about the boat not being quite what you wanted.

Having said that, however - I'm biased. I've got one, it was worth the wait, and 5 years later (6 this August) I'm still grinning like an idiot why I fly past most other folk in anything other than flat calm......!!!
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Old 06 June 2010, 19:20   #32
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I would simply like to buy a high quality 4.7 to 5.2m deep V rib from a company that has a good reputation. I don't need lots of bells and whistles, I'm not fussy about the colour and I would be happy to rely on the expertise of the company to provide a boat that was as versatile as possible.

Clearly, if I am buying from stock, I see the boat, decide whether to buy it or not, then part with the cash. If later I decide it has one too few jockey seats, that's my tough luck, I'm not going to complain to the company.

I will just have to weigh up the pros and cons of either

a) buying a new boat NOW from stock (even in a small city like Quimper there are about 6 to choose from) and enjoying the summer with friends and family,
b) waiting till mid/end summer and buying a potentially better boat from Ribcraft.

I can't believe that I am unique.
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Old 06 June 2010, 19:45   #33
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Originally Posted by bernithebiker View Post

I can't believe that I am unique.
Most people just don't think "I'll go buy a RIB today".
It usually takes a couple of months to decide exactly what you want and then a couple more to find what you want.
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Old 06 June 2010, 20:09   #34
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Perhaps this is the perfect business opportunity for bernithebiker!

He could set up and manufacture the Standard French Rib for the Masses.

It'll need a snappy name.

Might I suggest, in the great French Tradition:

"Le Citron... bateaux de flac"
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Old 07 June 2010, 09:30   #35
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Originally Posted by willk View Post
Perhaps this is the perfect business opportunity for bernithebiker!

He could set up and manufacture the Standard French Rib for the Masses.

It'll need a snappy name.

Might I suggest, in the great French Tradition:

"Le Citron... bateaux de flac"
Er, I speak fluent French and this is not funny.......?

I am not a rib 'nut'. I am unlikey to discuss the thickness of my Hypalon tubes down the pub with my mates.

I just want to get out on the water this summer, and enjoy a nice rib that can also handle some rougher water. Nothing complicated about that.
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Old 07 June 2010, 09:33   #36
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Originally Posted by bernithebiker View Post
I just want to get out on the water this summer, and enjoy a nice rib that can also handle some rougher water. Nothing complicated about that.
They wasn't still you started making problems for yourself.
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Old 07 June 2010, 10:36   #37
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Originally Posted by bernithebiker View Post
Clearly, if I am buying from stock, I see the boat, decide whether to buy it or not, then part with the cash. If later I decide it has one too few jockey seats, that's my tough luck, I'm not going to complain to the company.

I can't believe that I am unique.
Have you ever tried to buy a new car?

3 month wait on an Audi or BMW is not uncommon if you want to specify what you want.

Car dealers don't keep much stock of new, unregistered cars.
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Old 07 June 2010, 10:51   #38
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Originally Posted by bernithebiker View Post
I would simply like to buy a high quality 4.7 to 5.2m deep V rib from a company that has a good reputation. I don't need lots of bells and whistles, I'm not fussy about the colour and I would be happy to rely on the expertise of the company to provide a boat that was as versatile as possible.

Clearly, if I am buying from stock, I see the boat, decide whether to buy it or not, then part with the cash. If later I decide it has one too few jockey seats, that's my tough luck, I'm not going to complain to the company.

I will just have to weigh up the pros and cons of either
This might tick all your boxes.... AND its available NOW !!!

Scroll to bottom of page .
Brian C
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Old 07 June 2010, 11:25   #39
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Originally Posted by chewy View Post
They wasn't still you started making problems for yourself.
Could you elaborate/translate?
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Old 07 June 2010, 11:31   #40
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Originally Posted by Searider View Post
Have you ever tried to buy a new car?

3 month wait on an Audi or BMW is not uncommon if you want to specify what you want.

Car dealers don't keep much stock of new, unregistered cars.
A couple of years ago I bought a brand new Honda CRV to my spec. Waited a month.

Having said that, if they had had the same spec in stock, but blue or silver instead of black, I probably would have gone for that.

Call me impatient, I don't like waiting. Life's too short.

Last year I ordered a new 27" Imac, based on delivery early Nov. When they subsequently pushed the date back to December, I cancelled the order.
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