Originally Posted by eupa
So when roycurse starts]
talking about washing my ears and mouth out, do you honestly think that is polite?

For f**k sake - what is wrong with you - how many jokes have you told that were polite.
Do you remember nothing about living in England - if you come at someone saying that you find Scots and Yanks easier to understand - do you not expect some kind of humerous dig in return. (please dont take offence any americans or scotts - im trying to make things better not upset more people)
I would apologise for what ive said but to be quite honest you are being such a TWAT about it i dont think you deserve it.
I started off posting in this thread actually agreeing with you and meant no offence by telling you to wash your mouth out it was simply my way of humerously (well apparently not from your point of view) protesting to be told i was harder to understand than a scot or yank.
Any way i have no wish to continue arguing about it im sorry if in missunderstanding my humour you got upset.