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Old 15 February 2007, 23:08   #1
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Windermere Speed re-thinck

I see on the local NW news that there is to be a re-think on the recent Windermere speed limit.

Could this be because of the major drop in the cash entering the local economy since the speed restrictions of 2 years ago??

After all, the hikers, "sheep botherers" and hill climbers that were being encouraged, take only a cheese butty and a flask of tea with them and spend nowt in the area.

Ribsters and regular boaters spent cash on accommodation, boat and chandlery shops, fuel, pubs etc, all adding to the local economy.

Last year I understand that the local council applied for an EU grant to make up the short fall of money.
life's full of ups "n" downs.
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Old 15 February 2007, 23:16   #2
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Serves em right, anybody could have told them that. I bet its like a ghost town up there now.

The Genies out of the bottle (Internal combustion engine). It earns cash and its what people want. We know its not good but we are human and we are going to kill the planet eventually so lets enjoy ourselves whilst we do it. Oh yes we could be good and turn it off but less scrupulous entities won't so we just lose out. The planet dies anyway and we suffer even more in the process.

We need a new source of power. One we ain't going to get taxed to the hilt for and one thats good for the planet. Trouble is the guys with the money, BP, Shell etc ain't going to invest in it whilst they are coining it in from black gold and neither are governments whilst they can get loads of tax.

The fuel cell has been invented and is slowly appearing but as far as I'm concerned it can't come quick enough. What will be the slant on taxing fuel then !
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Old 16 February 2007, 02:02   #3
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Originally Posted by Biggles View Post

The fuel cell has been invented and is slowly appearing but as far as I'm concerned it can't come quick enough. What will be the slant on taxing fuel then !

Why do you think they are looking at road pricing???
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Old 16 February 2007, 07:54   #4
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Whilst the speed ban has been bad news for Windermere, I believe that the new "Costa Manchester" aka Pwllheli and Abersoch are doing rather well as everyone moves to the coast. Can't see them going back once they have got used to the sea. Training schools up in the area seem to be doing rather well too with MDs chopping there landies in for the latest Range Rovers.

Looks like Wales is the new place to live, especially with 10,000 squaddies due to move to St Athan in South Wales. That should expand the Gene pool a bit.
Ribnet is best viewed on a computer of some sort
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Old 16 February 2007, 08:25   #5
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Originally Posted by codprawn View Post
Why do you think they are looking at road pricing???
I know this is getting away from the subject of ribs, but this is a copy of an e-mail I recently recieved.

< Edit: Stuff about road pricing snipped! It's already being discussed at some length here JK >
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Old 16 February 2007, 10:02   #6
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Friends of mine used to have their big family summer holidays in the Lake District. They are all mad on water ski-ing and used to tow the boat from Portsmouth up North.
Now they go to Loch Lomond.

Personally I don't know why they don't learn to ski on the sea.
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Old 16 February 2007, 10:47   #7
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Originally Posted by Biggles View Post
Friends of mine used to have their big family summer holidays in the Lake District. They are all mad on water ski-ing and used to tow the boat from Portsmouth up North.
Now they go to Loch Lomond.

Personally I don't know why they don't learn to ski on the sea.
Don't like the salty taste not many do
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Old 16 February 2007, 16:47   #8
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Originally Posted by Pete7 View Post
Whilst the speed ban has been bad news for Windermere, I believe that the new "Costa Manchester" aka Pwllheli and Abersoch are doing rather well as everyone moves to the coast. Can't see them going back once they have got used to the sea. Training schools up in the area seem to be doing rather well too with MDs chopping there landies in for the latest Range Rovers.

Looks like Wales is the new place to live, especially with 10,000 squaddies due to move to St Athan in South Wales. That should expand the Gene pool a bit.
Yep serves Chris Bonnington & co right, we did go to windermere but no chance of us going back too many new friends in Pwllheli click the link below for a sneak preview of Jono's range rover
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Old 16 February 2007, 18:48   #9
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Old 16 February 2007, 21:46   #10
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Originally Posted by Biggles View Post
Serves em right, anybody could have told them that. I bet its like a ghost town up there now.

The Genies out of the bottle (Internal combustion engine). It earns cash and its what people want. We know its not good but we are human and we are going to kill the planet eventually so lets enjoy ourselves whilst we do it. Oh yes we could be good and turn it off but less scrupulous entities won't so we just lose out. The planet dies anyway and we suffer even more in the process.

We need a new source of power. One we ain't going to get taxed to the hilt for and one thats good for the planet. Trouble is the guys with the money, BP, Shell etc ain't going to invest in it whilst they are coining it in from black gold and neither are governments whilst they can get loads of tax.

The fuel cell has been invented and is slowly appearing but as far as I'm concerned it can't come quick enough. What will be the slant on taxing fuel then !
I have to say mate I'm a bit taken aback! Whilst I didn't see you as a promoter of looking after the planet and even though you haven't heard from me for a while,I'm a bit gobsmacked that you've decided to slag off those who think it's a good idea. We all knock holes out of the little green thing we live on. God only knows I drive a Volvo AND I've got a gas guzzling RIB to add to it. I do however try to make an effort I use energy saving bulbs, save thousands of litres of rain water, I reuse absolututely everything that comes in my direction! I ewven grow my own veg! I really do believe that your children and mine will inherit the complete cockup that we have made. So don't knock other peoples effort! Enjoy your RIb and your car and make the best of every effort you can to make just a little bit of the future somewhere that humanity can survive. And if you don't think that's right don't knock those who do.
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Old 16 February 2007, 22:17   #11
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My point is we all know we are bad for the planet and I would like to do something about it for future generations and I know we can if we are serious about it. I wish that instead of taking the easy option, that isnt a smoke screen to hide other issues, that someone would push forward alternative fuel supplies (Because its the burning of fossil fuels thats causing our problem) so we can go out buy our ultra clean cars and boats and planes and not destroy this planet. Then we can have our cake and eat it.
Otherwise we are all going to be back in the stone age before very long.

Its a bit like a Physics lesson really. Every action has a reaction. And in our case every mile in a car heats the whole place up a little more from the carbon emissions.
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Old 22 February 2007, 11:28   #12
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Originally Posted by Biggles View Post

My point is we all know we are bad for the planet and I would like to do something about it for future generations and I know we can if we are serious about it. I wish that instead of taking the easy option, that isnt a smoke screen to hide other issues, that someone would push forward alternative fuel supplies (Because its the burning of fossil fuels thats causing our problem) so we can go out buy our ultra clean cars and boats and planes and not destroy this planet. Then we can have our cake and eat it.
Otherwise we are all going to be back in the stone age before very long.

Its a bit like a Physics lesson really. Every action has a reaction. And in our case every mile in a car heats the whole place up a little more from the carbon emissions.
Nick, sorry I,ve just come back and looked at this! It did look a bit aggresive on my behalf I didn't mean to get at you as I did and thank you for your calm reply!

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Old 22 February 2007, 11:59   #13
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Originally Posted by Steve Waters View Post
I do however try to make an effort I use energy saving bulbs, save thousands of litres of rain water, I reuse absolututely everything that comes in my direction! I ewven grow my own veg! I really do believe that your children and mine will inherit the complete cockup that we have made. So don't knock other peoples effort! Enjoy your RIb and your car and make the best of every effort you can to make just a little bit of the future somewhere that humanity can survive. And if you don't think that's right don't knock those who do.
Good for you BUT do you REALLY think what WE do makes much of a difference when it comes to this planet? Not whilst countries like China are going through an industrial revolution about 100 times bigger than we went through.

If Britain suddenly vanished off the face of this planet the world would be less than 1% better off on an emmissions scale.

Loads of Greens(not including you in that) in this country say "ah we have to set a good example". What a load of bollocks. The Chinese aren't going to give a damn. Why don't the Greens go out to China where they could make a REAL difference?

It is a bit like watching you next door neighbour chucking 10,000 gallons of effluent a day into the local river and saying - ahh but I recyle all my waste - good for you but what difference are you making? You need to go next door and stop your neighbour from doing it.

There is a big campaign on at the moment telling people to turn off their TVs etc as they use so much power on standby - what a load of crap. The figures they are using are based on the power 20yr old tvs used to use. How many people still have one of those? A modern TV will cost you 10p a YEAR left on standby - that's 0.02 of a penny a day!!!

Of course we should try to save our planet - but useless gestures that just give us a feel good factor are just that - gestures. I include myself in that. I hate what is happening to this world. I have a deep love and respect for the countryside - one of the reasons I am so against windmills for example. They now want to put pylons through the Cairngorms!!!
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Old 22 February 2007, 16:09   #14
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Theres one of those government petitions on it here:
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Old 22 February 2007, 19:28   #15
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There is a big campaign on at the moment telling people to turn off their TVs etc as they use so much power on standby - what a load of crap.
I checked the power consumption of my TV, pvr, and computer on standby, and it was negligible.
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Old 22 February 2007, 20:01   #16
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Originally Posted by codprawn View Post
Loads of Greens(not including you in that) in this country say "ah we have to set a good example". What a load of bollocks. The Chinese aren't going to give a damn. Why don't the Greens go out to China where they could make a REAL difference?

Of course we should try to save our planet - but useless gestures that just give us a feel good factor are just that - gestures. I include myself in that. I hate what is happening to this world. I have a deep love and respect for the countryside - one of the reasons I am so against windmills for example. They now want to put pylons through the Cairngorms!!!

Grr , Grr and Grr ... in agreement with all of that . Whilst we pay through the nose to get green and get 'bled' dry,to the benefit of HM revenue and customs, does the rest of the world care .... hardly.. And will all that tax get used for our/world benefit, or will it cynically get absorbed into other projects, which need the funding more, to prop up which ever administration deems it so?

As for the pylons, undergrounding has been deemed too expensive .... as has off shore cabling. After reading the profits these companies make, I dont give a shit about the costs of the alternatives to pylons No commercial interest should be allowed to spoil our last areas of natural beauty. The power companies seem to be able to do as they please regardless of the size of the mail bag against them.
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Old 22 February 2007, 21:03   #17
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It is NOT just the cost of undrground cables that bothers me - it is the inefficiency. The losses are huge because of the heat build up - overhead wires have so much more cooling. As the temp of a conductor increases so does it's resistence. The wind turbine are very inefficient as it is - calculate in transmission loses as well and it makes as much sense as the communist job creation scheme - get 3 blokes to dig a hole and 2 more to fill it back in!!!
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Old 22 February 2007, 21:55   #18
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[QUOTE=codprawn;187750]A modern TV will cost you 10p a YEAR left on standby - that's 0.02 of a penny a day!!!

Actualy at .02p per day that actually works out at £7.30 per year
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Old 22 February 2007, 22:05   #19
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[QUOTE=qcamel;187874] [QUOTE=codprawn;187750]A modern TV will cost you 10p a YEAR left on standby - that's 0.02 of a penny a day!!!

Actualy at .02p per day that actually works out at £7.30 per year [/QUOTE

Sorry I missed out on the 0 and the 7 - it WAS late - I think!!!

0.0027 of a penny!!!
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Old 22 February 2007, 22:12   #20
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That'd be £1 a year then..

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