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Old 19 September 2002, 09:42   #1
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Winter Storage

I'm just looking into winter storage for my RIB. Undercover seems worth paying for, and I've found a big barn which seems just the job.

If I go for the barn, should I store the boat with a cover on or not? Will a cover trap moisture and cause mildew?

During the summer I store it outside with a cover. Will the boat suffer if I do the same through the winter?

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Old 19 September 2002, 09:57   #2
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If you use to store the boat during summer outdoors, definately she won't get any more wear during winter. Take care of the engine though, cause if you leave it raised (trim all the way up), if might remain rain water in the exhaust, which may freeze during the night and crack the crankcase.
Besides the pistons of the trim remain exposed and might get rusty.
Having the trim all the down toy can avoid those 2 above mentioned.
Michael a.k.a "Bat Falcon"

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Old 19 September 2002, 22:38   #3
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Asuming the barn is drythen:

Firstly the engine. If any water proof cover is placed over the engine then they can't breath and tend to be covered with dampess after a few weeks. The metal changes temp and condensation forms. Not good news. If the air is free to move around with just the manufactures hood on then it doesn't seem to be as bad. A coat of wax polish for the paint and a squirt of Quicksilver storage seal down the plugs won't hurt. WD 40 for the rest of the engine, just spray it on.

The boat should be washed throughly as salt absorbs water and will never dry. (Dive kit in a dry garage will not dry because the salt retains the water, astonishing). Wedge open all lockers and hatches again to allow air flow. Ease off the winch strap and jack up the trailer to take the weight off the suspension. If the barn is dry then how about a dust sheet, rather than waterproof cover.
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