Hi ChrisD
I'm not sure that I am qualified to answer this one, but what the heck, here goes! Hey, it's never stopped me before!!
My boat is an inflatable (after reading all this stuff about trailers, wheel bearings, light units etc. I'm glad I chose this type of boat). I purchased it last year in August and leave it up at my house in Scotland. I used it over the winter a couple of times (October/February/March) last year and then again in the Summer and Autumn this year. I will be using it again when I am up for Hogmanay next year.
I leave it inflated but take a little air out of the tubes to relieve the pressure a bit. I wash the tubes down with a little soapy water and then spray it off with fresh water. It lives inside in my garage. I flush the engine (Mariner 15hp 2 stroke) out with fresh water as it is used mainly in the sea. I spray the metal bits on the outside with wd40 and put a little oil on the screwthreads of the engine clamp. I give the painted bits a polish with car wax. I prop the engine upright in the corner of the garage and cover it with a dry towell.
I actualy do this each time I am up there (about 4-5 times a year). It takes about an hour or so to do the lot. I want to keep it nice and smart so I think that it is well worth the time. Also I enjoy doing it and feel that it is part of the fun of owning the boat.
Each time I have got the boat out (here I go tempting fate) the engine has started first pull (to you lot with huge boats and massive powerfull engines I should explain that I have a bit of string at the back of my engine that I have to pull on to start it, no electric start for me!!!

). Of course I suppose that an engine and boat as simple as mine has a lot less to go wrong with it that a large boat with loads of electronics.
Okay, now over to the BIG boys.....
Keith (knows his place) Hart