Lucky enough to be out on Merlin a couple of days ago with Paul (Cheers squire

We both ended up getting a bit cool on the way from Pompey to the Hamble despite the fact we were both dressed for the weather.
The air temperature was between 4-6 degrees C.
We were travelling at an average of 30 knots and at times we were into a headwind of around 9 knots (estimate) a combined wind speed of 39 knots or 45 mph.
I have just Googled......'work out wind chill factor' and came up with a handy chart on the Beeb weather website for estimating Windchill.
There are some formulae for those that want to or a handy chart for those that can't be arsed.
We were feeling a windchill of between -7 to - 10 degrees C
Worth bearing in mind when getting yer gear on this time of year.....although the air temperature is in positive numbers the wind chill can make it feel a lot colder, particularly on an open boat.
Here's what it sounded like at aherm some knots.....
Click here to watch etec-at-aherm-knots 
It takes a while to load though.