Hi Jon,
I bought mine privately from a guy in Essex, sounds dodgy I know. I've not had the need for a dealer although I'm told that there is one in Devon. I have the engine serviced by a Mercury specialist in Southampton who seems to be able to do most marine related repairs also. I bought her to be able to launch, recover and handle her on my own as my son was to young to assist at that time but she will seat 4-5 people comfortably and still get on the plane without to much struggle. She will cruise at 20-25 no trouble at all but if I am honest I am never in that much of a rush to try flat out, I would think just North of 30ish. As a fishing boat for 3-4 she is plenty big enough also for one pair of Divers and a cox, inshore with single tanks she will be fine depending on the internal seating arrangement. Any more I would recommend a larger boat.