Originally Posted by mike
I'm amazed that anyone will buy a boat if they cannot see it under construction, I suppose that the package approach may remove the need but to be frank there's no chance I would part with a single £ until I knew who, where and how long theyd been doing it.
Yes .. like we all ask to see our cars under construction!!
Seriously you are in the minority I think, most people would not have a clue if their boat was being built correct or not, even if they did see it under construction.
I have used an XS-600 a fair amount and it performed well. As an owner of a Tornado fitted out by BMC, I can say the fitout is of similar quality, although some of the fittings where lower budget.
It's not new news that Tornado seem to have gone off the rails a little. Great brand being trashed by its owner - very bizarre.
BMC business now seems to depend on the XS as their prime offering. Contracturally if they piss off the people that build them, BMC loose a product line. I have asked Larence many times who the manufacturers are and predictably he won't say - one of the best kept secrets in the RIB World, you would think it would be out by now!! Someone must see them being transported etc..