Originally Posted by andyces
Hi all
really want opinions on the make but in reply to your questions and if you think it will help has to be a max of 5 metres due to where I launch off trailer and store it,will be used mainly for leisure and bit of wakeboarding,fishing,will be carrying kids so deffo want bench seat,used around poole bay possibly a trip to isle of wight in the right conditions 30 to 35 knots would be fast enough 15 K inc Vat budget and has to be new as a company purchase and VAT will be reclaimable
To the best of my knowledge...
The Make:
Tornado sold out to overseas and the people who worked here in the UK started a new brand called XS. I guess that another brand in the same league is Humber?
Max of 5m:
There are few ribs under 5m that would suit a family, this is down to the seating supplied. As a father I always have one seat for every person on board.
This is an important part of your build as the A frame or ski pole strength needs to be specified within your quotation. You can tow off the transom eyes, but you will have better results from a tow rope higher up.
To reach 30 - 35 knots with a family onboard with a 5m and to wakeboard then ultimately you looking at 80-90hp? Or the max the rib will take.
You can fish from any rib
Kids in ribs:
Bench seats are not always the best way to go, but it depends on how many kids and their ages. Don't rule out jockey seats for safety.
Poole Bay:
I know the area well and I think that you would suit a deep V hull to get more use and a comfortable ride during crossings the the IOW.
If you can keep your package under 750kg then you will save money on a not having a braked trailer and the maintenance every year.
£15k budget:
I'm not sure if you will get the perfect RIB inc VAT for your budget, however secondhand you will.
You could ask about if there is an ex demonstrator rib that attracts VAT?
An ideal boat that would be worth looking at as a comparison to what you have considered so far is a Ribeye A500, loads of storage and seats with a deep V hull. I have no idea how much these are though, but a director of Ribeye is a member on this forum.
Also second hand I would look at a Ribcraft 5.3 with 4 x Jockey seats (If you have 2 kids as I don't know).
The more info we have, the more we can advise you.