Originally Posted by Herman Melville
well that is all it seems to do but atarting when cold is hard and I wondered if this was the answer
Might be depending on what you are already doing!
A typical starting process might be:
- Turn battery on
- Prime fuel bulb (and remember to open tank vent)
- Connect kill cord
- Ensure engine in neutral
- Lift the fast idle lever (the one you are talking about here) to perhaps 30 deg
- Activate choke (typically push the key in)
- Turn key
- If it doesn't start in say 1 second, check all of the above - possibly increase the fast idle lever a bit more, especially if it feels like it is trying to go but not quite.
- Then once its running check the tell tale for water and gradually reduce the fast idle lever as it warms up. At this time of year might take 2-3 minutes until you can put it down completely from a cold start. Longer in January, quicker in July.