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Old 22 January 2014, 07:28   #1
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Youth Training

This video has come up and I am interested in views about what is shown and I am told this is not the RYA, any views?

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Old 22 January 2014, 07:45   #2
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Looks like the promo vid for the rib manufacturer .
Think RYA have moved from Ribcraft to these now for the Honda Youth Challenge.
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Old 22 January 2014, 07:53   #3
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Originally Posted by tim griffin View Post
Looks like the promo vid for the rib manufacturer .
Think RYA have moved from Ribcraft to these now for the Honda Youth Challenge.
Agree Tim, promo vid which is what I was told, but intro has RYA stamped full screen on it and all over the RIB labels RYA. I questioned RYA training showing a video with their corporate logo with skippers not following training of hands on throttle all the time. Not sure at times the kill cord was off too briefly.

I beleived that it appears RYA support this and therfore it was a poor vid. You can tell I gained a response. I have seen many trainers over the years criticise users for poor helming etc seen on vids, even one of our local opertaors was picked on by RYA trainer over an image. If this is the case then the standard covers all of us?
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Old 22 January 2014, 10:04   #4
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I think it's wrong that you can be qualified as an instructor by an NGB and then face no new assessment unless you want to progress higher. I think there should be a forum to complain / suggest within the NGBs about instructors. Now I understand that this would be one persons point of view, but if one instructor got lots of attention then action could be taken.

I've seen stuff that I've felt isn't best practice, and discussed it - but I've heard story's of potential dangerous issues and nothing happens with them.
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Old 22 January 2014, 20:20   #5
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It will be addressed....
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Old 22 January 2014, 20:25   #6
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And yes it is a builders upload and yes they are wearing the kill cords, there are two on this boat one on top and one on the starboard side of the console.
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Old 22 January 2014, 21:02   #7
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I'm not sure I follow your complaint.

(1) There are (as AndrewN) says 2 kill cords on this boat. At times the second cord is not used because the second person in not on board. I didn't spot the helm not wearing a cord but I may have missed it.
(2) The helm does, frequently, take their hand off the throttle. Certainly I was taught to keep my hand on the throttle as much as possible. They were intentionally doing high speed tight turns - with lots of wheel rotation so probably not that great steering one handed (you may of course argue that lots of fast turns are pointless - or unnecessary). Depending on the ergonomics some boats are more comfortable than others to keep on the throttle. The male helmsman does use hand on throttle much more - whether this is experience, height, physical strength for steering or just video editing I have no idea. Given that the younger female skipper is presumably meant to represent a competitor/participant (although I don't believe she actually is) then is it unreasonable that she might make some "errors"...
(3) The RYA logo is on the boat because the boat is (as I understand it) a prize in the competition the RYA organise. I assume the RYA will have a contract with their sponsor on how / where they can use the logo. I'm sure the Ribcraft one was similarly decorated. Nowhere did the video imply to me that it was a training or instructional video. Nor did it appear to have been produced by the RYA or an RYA Teaching Establishment. I had to watch it a second time to notice the RYA logos at start and end.

Since you've seemingly spoken to the RYA already I wonder what the purpose of the thread is? If he RYA are going to tell them to pull/reedit it then they will. You've now just increased the number of people who will see it (and its you tube ranking - so more people will be likely to see it there too) - was the aim to knock the builder, moan about the RYA or improve standard of seamanship?
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Old 22 January 2014, 21:16   #8
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Poly you miss the point

I posted it as I was told this was nothing to do with RYA yet RYA logo at start of it, the issue of RYA linked Video showing poor helm skills was the issue I raised when it appeared on Facebook and RYA rep replied but I was not happy so asked what others saw on it.

The issue of Kill cords was not my drive as I know they have two, was unsure if worn at all times, others on FB raised this.

The original post on FB was removed after a complaint to the RYA by another RYA member not me. The thread was to see if I was thinking correctly which from private messages I was.

I find it amazing that so many instructors for the RYA are prepared to email . private message as correct

I saw a colleague unfairly picked upon(IMHO) by an RYA instructor about a video/image on kill cords. The thought police took over. It has to work both ways

This video showed poor helm skills and against what RYA teach and what instructors always teach. They should not be scared of being challenged fairly and openly, Yet Posts removed so others dont see what is being said. What does that say? Why should everyone be stopped from being shown images of poor skills being supported by a groups who sell the opposite?

I originally did not know it was a builders promo but it had RYA all over it, at the start and the end as you say- Most shots come back to the RYA tube logos also, this has now caused the RYA some disquiet be the end of today when it could have been nicely dealt with. I make no apology for making it public for without doing so the RYA would have taken no action as I was told it was OK firstly
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Old 23 January 2014, 06:38   #9
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This video has now been removed from You Tube, and also FB links with all bad comments about helming shown. RYA were clearly unhappy about their logo being on it which was my issue at the start
If others have not seen video I am sure a new one will now be produced showing correct boat handling that we as instructors can be proud of
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Old 23 January 2014, 07:52   #10
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Originally Posted by C2 RIBS View Post
I am sure a new one will now be produced showing correct boat handling that we as instructors can be proud of
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Old 23 January 2014, 10:22   #11
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Honda RYA junior Challenge Video

Originally Posted by AndrewN View Post
And yes it is a builders upload and yes they are wearing the kill cords, there are two on this boat one on top and one on the starboard side of the console.
We're all aware that training vessels are invariably fitted with a 2nd killcord, but is the primary (Helm's) cord really being worn .... ? I've re-watched this several times and couldn't see it in any shot (and the clip's removal from Youtube speaks volumes - not least that the possibilty to check further has been removed .... ! ) That video (manufacturer commissioned or not ? ) was wrong on so many levels, and noticable how quickly the RYA "head for the long-grass" when it starts to 'hit the fan'
"Better to remain silent ...... ! "
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