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Old 15 April 2010, 20:07   #21
Country: UK - Scotland
Town: Thurso
Make: Gemini Zapcat
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Engine: Tohatsu 50hp
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Finished the gearbox yesterday now has two top coats and two coats of clear.

Installed new impeller today, was going ok untill I managed to pull the whole pump casing out and gear oil started to leak on to the floor!

Two Top coats of White paint and Clear on the Transom and it reacted again and has cracked in places. Feed up trying to sort it out ad missing so much of the good weather; so it will have to do for the season and will try again next year.

Bolted Outboard Engine on to transom have rasied it slightly to improve performance. Will start to strip the whole engine down so I can replace the top and bottom mounts.

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Old 16 April 2010, 14:49   #22
Country: UK - Scotland
Town: Thurso
Make: Gemini Zapcat
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Engine: Tohatsu 50hp
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Busy today.

Removed Powerhead , Removed Lower Pan , Removed Driveshaft Housing , Removed upper and lower mounts .

Found some more problems bullet connector on kill switch has corroded and snapped. Steering bracket has loads of play and rattles so will have to take it apart and see what needs to be replaced.

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Old 21 April 2010, 16:19   #23
Country: UK - Scotland
Town: Thurso
Make: Gemini Zapcat
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Engine: Tohatsu 50hp
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Ok managed to remove the steering damper and taken the mounting bracket apart. Looks like the nylon bushes are worn so I have ordered some replacements also new upper mounting bolts as they are corroded.

Manged to prime the Drive shaft casing and Mounting Bracket today, hoping weather will hold and I can get the final coats on, running low on paint so may have to order some more.

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Old 22 April 2010, 20:04   #24
Country: UK - Scotland
Town: Thurso
Make: Gemini Zapcat
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Engine: Tohatsu 50hp
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Started top coat today, got a slight run on Drive shaft case so will have to rub down and put another coat on. Also managed to run out off paint again so ordered some more from another company! this time so hopefully will arrive early next week.

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Old 29 April 2010, 00:28   #25
Country: UK - Scotland
Town: Thurso
Make: Gemini Zapcat
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Engine: Tohatsu 50hp
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On leave soon so hopeing to start puting the engine back together and taking the cat for a blast.

I have received the new engine mount bolts and mounting bracket bushes so ready to reassemble once painting is complete. Speaking of painting, paint turned up today so managed to get a coat on casing and mounting bracket this afternoon, different manufactor than last couple of cans seams to apply well although finish felt a lot rougher, should be ok once its rubbed down and clear coat applied. Also got Zapcat Stencils so need to sort out some flexible paint for that.

Finally managed to remove, strip and clean the carbs, when they were off had a play with the reed valves top and middle had a nice clunk click sound as they were opened and closed. Bottom one has a clunk but no click and seams to be only closing 3/4 of the way. So might be an issue will remove and check them.
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Old 29 April 2010, 15:15   #26
Country: UK - Scotland
Town: Thurso
Make: Gemini Zapcat
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Engine: Tohatsu 50hp
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Another coat of paint on the engine parts today, can almost empty already so hoping to clear parts tomorrow and start reassembley at the weekend.

Removed the reed valves today, had a good look at them and they look ok all are moving freely and no signs of damage.

Also removed thermostat cleaned up and tested all working ok.
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Old 30 April 2010, 18:19   #27
Country: UK - Scotland
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Make: Gemini Zapcat
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Engine: Tohatsu 50hp
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Another busy day, managed to clear coat last of the engine parts and reassembled the mounting bracket. New nylon bushes installed less of a rattle already, should be very little play in it once the nuts are tightend up.

Paint is slightly darker due to being a different manufactor but should be ok when its all back together.

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Old 01 May 2010, 18:38   #28
Country: UK - Scotland
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Got loads done today. reassembled the engine everything went smoothly apart from getting the upper and lower mounts to attach to mounting bracket.

Engine started pretty easy, got a couple of small jobs to complete tomorrow.

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Old 02 May 2010, 17:14   #29
Country: UK - Scotland
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Make: Gemini Zapcat
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Got the boat running on the muffs today and connected up the Tiny Tac.

Took the boat on its first run this afternoon and had great fun playing with the surf waves. Was running well but started to cut out again on full throttle not sure if this is a fueling, timing or ignition problem? If you back of the throttle and open it up again it goes back to full power for a while and cuts out again. And just to top it off Tiny Tac stopped working when we got back, hoping it is just a loose wire.

No way I am taking it back to dealer was not impressed with the so called service I paid money for. Asked him about the cuting out and he thinks it will be hitting the rev limiter! Tiny Tach was showing between 5250 and 5550 when it was cutting out limiter should be set to 5850, might remove the limiter and test it to see if is kicking in. (Crack not welded so wont be running it without a limiter for long)

Might be crap in fuel tank I did top it up with fresh fuel today. Have removed the fuel line from tank and will give it a clean and check filter in the tank.

Anyone got any other ideas how to fix the problem?
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Old 09 May 2010, 15:30   #30
Country: UK - Scotland
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Make: Gemini Zapcat
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Engine: Tohatsu 50hp
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Second Run in the Zapcat today. Running well but still cutting out at full throttle. 5250 - 5500 Rpm Removed the rev limiter and still cutting out 5500rpm. (Moved Earth on Tiny Tach so working again)

I have removed and cleaned all fuel lines, filters and pick up, also carried out a compression test all within tolerence. Checked spark plugs all correct colour and no oil fouling. Did find that one of the Spark Plug Caps to be broken, so will order new ones will also pull the coils and clean / test them.

Had a friend taking some video today so will hopfully upload them later.

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Old 09 May 2010, 19:57   #31
Country: UK - Wales
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Please dont take this the wrong way. But, I had the same problem with my Tohat 50, found out that it was the fuel line and primer bulb. Every time I primed the engine and filled the fuel bowl in the engine the petrol used to squeeze through the bulb joints on to my hand which I then thought was normal because I had over pressurised the line. I then changed the line and bulb as a last resort and this cured it.
I bet you have already checked this as you are doing quite a comprehensive rebuild, but if you havent, please try it.


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Old 10 May 2010, 08:28   #32
Country: UK - Scotland
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Make: Gemini Zapcat
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Originally Posted by howy View Post
Please dont take this the wrong way. But, I had the same problem with my Tohat 50, found out that it was the fuel line and primer bulb. Every time I primed the engine and filled the fuel bowl in the engine the petrol used to squeeze through the bulb joints on to my hand which I then thought was normal because I had over pressurised the line. I then changed the line and bulb as a last resort and this cured it.
I bet you have already checked this as you are doing quite a comprehensive rebuild, but if you havent, please try it.


Thanks I have stripped and cleaned the fuel line which started to leak when I reassembled so I replaced the clips and checked for leaks all seams fine. However I do have a spare connected to my bladder tank so might be an idea to remove it and try it on my plastic tank.

Also I have removed and tested the coils, found on the secondard circuit two of the coils read almost identical but the third was down by a fair bit. Removed the HT Caps and retested all three coils which were now almost identical readings. So order three new uprated caps see if this will make a difference.
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Old 11 May 2010, 15:05   #33
Country: UK - Scotland
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New HT Caps arrived, much tighter fit than the orginal also rubber so less chance of breaking them.

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Old 14 May 2010, 14:48   #34
Country: UK - Scotland
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Make: Gemini Zapcat
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Finally got a chance to run the boat for about 30 mins today and sucess!

Ran at full throttle without any cutting out or surging , although Tiny Tach stopped working again, so will need to look at it again.

Next step to check all settings again and adjust fuel/air mixture. Final week of leave so hoping to get a couple more trips out and will get round to painting the Zapcat logos later on.
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Old 17 May 2010, 17:57   #35
Country: UK - Scotland
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Make: Gemini Zapcat
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Engine: Tohatsu 50hp
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Another run out on the boat today. Tiny Tach still not working think its faulty will contact Tiny Tach Uk for advice.

Tank almost empty of fuel so filled it up with some fresh super unleaded, got the shock of my life when the engine started on the first pull. Normally takes 4-6 pulls to start from cold. (fresh fuel and new Ht Caps working well)

Warmed the engine up and ran a can of Quicksilver Power Tune through the engine, smoked lots and lots of crap came out of the exhaust. Only downside the crap stuck to the tubes and transom. Most of it has scrubbed off but left a yellow stain, might try some thinners see if it will remove the stain.

Small video of the boat doing some circles not great quality as recorded on my mobile phone.

" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350">
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Old 10 June 2010, 13:36   #36
Country: UK - Scotland
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Boat still running strong, been in touch with Tiny Tach who think the Tach has gone faulty and have sent me a replacement. So will fit at some point.

As the weather has improved I have started to fit the Zapcat stencil bit of a nightmare of a job.

I washed the tube and wet the back of the stencil to help it slide into place, but I found it would not stick in place and loads of bubbles.

Peeled it back off and dried the tanks and stencil and reapplied to tube. Went on better this time, used masking tape to hold it all in place until it drys and hopefully sticks to the tube.

Planning to paint tomorrow if weather holds. Then repeat on other side if it looks alright!
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Old 12 June 2010, 00:52   #37
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What an excellent thread! I just read through it and the pictures and write up are superb. I'm looking forward to seeing how the stenciled graphics turn out.

I tried applying backed vinyl registration #s to my rub strakes, but found they'd always peel off after a few weeks of boating. I finally got fed up with this happening and used the vinyl outlines of these #s as temporary stencils, applied some 3M 5200 directly onto the rubbing strakes, then peeled off the vinyl stencils. Not really pretty, but the #s are now clearly visible and I'm certain that the 5200 won't be peeling off anytime soon.
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Old 12 June 2010, 11:01   #38
Country: UK - Scotland
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Make: Gemini Zapcat
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Engine: Tohatsu 50hp
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Originally Posted by prairie tuber View Post
What an excellent thread! I just read through it and the pictures and write up are superb. I'm looking forward to seeing how the stenciled graphics turn out.
Thanks its not gone as smoothly as I had hoped.

The stencil has been painted and left to dry.

Started to pull off the stencil today and it took the paint with it, so had to cut round the stencil with a sharpe blade. Bit rough about the edges so will have to trim it up a bit.

Still not sure if I have used the correct paint,(Inflatable Boat Paint) will take the boat a blast and see if the paint comes off or not.
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Old 22 May 2011, 10:21   #39
Country: UK - Wales
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Boat name: zapcat 74
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Posts: 16
Hey bobbyjoe, how did you get on with the refurb of the steering?
I have lots of play in mine. The rubber mounts are shot, and the steering tube has about 1mm of play.
Did the new bushes sort yours out?

Also, the new engine mounts you got, did you get standard tohatsu, or go for solid or polyurethane type ones?


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Old 30 June 2011, 19:01   #40
Country: UK - Scotland
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Make: Gemini Zapcat
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I put in the standard Tohatsu Mounts.

And as for the steering I found the bushes sorted it out, however you might be able to get away with just tightening the steering arm up.

Originally Posted by deeyup View Post
Hey bobbyjoe, how did you get on with the refurb of the steering?
I have lots of play in mine. The rubber mounts are shot, and the steering tube has about 1mm of play.
Did the new bushes sort yours out?

Also, the new engine mounts you got, did you get standard tohatsu, or go for solid or polyurethane type ones?


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