12 February 2010, 21:27
Country: UK - Scotland
Town: Thurso
Make: Gemini Zapcat
Length: 4m +
Engine: Tohatsu 50hp
Join Date: Jun 2006
Posts: 106
Zapcat Service
Been meaning to get my Zapcat properly serviced since I bought it almost four years ago, but kept putting it off due to lack of time money and effort.
I have finally bothered this year started to get the boat ready for the hopefully better weather come spring and summer.
I was very surprised that the security bolt on the transom opened first time (last one ended up being grinded off!) So with the outboard engine removed and stowed in to the back of my car I dropped it off to my nearest dealer some 240 mile round trip. Will be serviced and tuned over the next couple of weeks so will have nice bill to look forward too and another 240 mile round trip to pick the engine up.
This afternoon flipped the Zapcat over and after checking for damage scrubbed the bottom of the boat with Rib Revive.
Have found a couple of paint marks and excess glue on the tubes looking for suggestions on how to remove them?
RYA Powerboat Instructor
13 February 2010, 08:17
Country: UK - England
Town: River Hamble
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Posts: 726
Knowing the paint that was used thinners or acetone won’t do it but if you go careful MEK will. It’s a slow job and messy so wear gloves! Also be careful not to spread the paint around because as it gets thinner it can stain the fabric.
Phone: 01489 556800 www.rib-shop.com
13 February 2010, 16:30
Country: UK - Scotland
Town: Thurso
Make: Gemini Zapcat
Length: 4m +
Engine: Tohatsu 50hp
Join Date: Jun 2006
Posts: 106
[QUOTE=Ribshop;338946] Knowing the paint that was used thinners or acetone won’t do it but if you go careful MEK will. It’s a slow job and messy so wear gloves! Also be careful not to spread the paint around because as it gets thinner it can stain the fabric.
Thanks managed to remove the paint using nail varnish remover, but wont shift the glue. Not able to find any MEK thinners up here so will order some in and try again.
RYA Powerboat Instructor
18 February 2010, 17:16
Country: UK - Scotland
Town: Thurso
Make: Gemini Zapcat
Length: 4m +
Engine: Tohatsu 50hp
Join Date: Jun 2006
Posts: 106
MEK Thinners did a good job on removing the old glue. Left some clean spots on the tubes so hoping these will blend once he boat is washed and protector applied to the tubes.
Flipped the boat back over today and removed the bottom boards to clean underneath. Did not take long to do however what a job we had putting the bottom boards back in, took lots of brut force and a two pound hammer and block! Wont be removing them again in a hurry thats for sure!
Will scrub and polish up the tubes over the next couple of days. On the engine side of things I am waiting to hear from dealer to confirm the service has been carried out and if any replacement parts are required.
Cant wait to get it back in the water.
RYA Powerboat Instructor
28 February 2010, 10:53
Country: UK - Scotland
Town: Thurso
Make: Gemini Zapcat
Length: 4m +
Engine: Tohatsu 50hp
Join Date: Jun 2006
Posts: 106
Well thats the tubes cleaned and polished up. Contacted Zapcat-Racing to get the correct stickers and stencils but they are out of stock so will have to wait.
Sorted out the flat jockey wheel and managed to unsieze the handle so the trailer can now be raised and lowered using the jockey wheel.
Tiny Tach Commerical Tachometer arrived yesterday looks the part, will fit it once I get my engine back, will chase up to find out if the engine is ready yet.
Planning to respray the transom as the paint is flaking off, would it be ok to rub down and respray or better to have the transom sandblasted first?
RYA Powerboat Instructor
07 March 2010, 17:38
Country: UK - Scotland
Town: Thurso
Make: Gemini Zapcat
Length: 4m +
Engine: Tohatsu 50hp
Join Date: Jun 2006
Posts: 106
Had no joy with sandblasting the transom so used a belt sander to get the old paint off.
Applied first coat of Etch Primer took pretty well, will added another couple of coats before applying the top coat.
Still not heard about the engine will chase up this week. Hoping to pick it up this weekend.
RYA Powerboat Instructor
13 March 2010, 19:58
Country: UK - Scotland
Town: Thurso
Make: Gemini Zapcat
Length: 4m +
Engine: Tohatsu 50hp
Join Date: Jun 2006
Posts: 106
2nd Coat of primer on, hoping to rub down and start on top coat tomorrow.
Got the engine back has been serviced and timing adjusted. Will be a while until I can test it as I have spotted that the rubber in the lower mount has started to split!
According to some other fourms if this goes whilst on the water you normally lose the engine overboard, so will order and install some replacements.
RYA Powerboat Instructor
19 March 2010, 17:52
Country: UK - Scotland
Town: Thurso
Make: Gemini Zapcat
Length: 4m +
Engine: Tohatsu 50hp
Join Date: Jun 2006
Posts: 106
Got the new lower engine mounts through today. Took the cover off and undid the mounting bolt, but not enough give to get the bolt out.
The manual states that I have to remove the powerhead, top mounts and gearbox before I can remove the driveshaft housing and replace the lower mounts.
Does anyone know if there is an easier way to replace the lower mounts?
RYA Powerboat Instructor
19 March 2010, 17:59
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by bobbyjoeufb
Got the new lower engine mounts through today. Took the cover off and undid the mounting bolt, but not enough give to get the bolt out.
The manual states that I have to remove the powerhead, top mounts and gearbox before I can remove the driveshaft housing and replace the lower mounts.
Does anyone know if there is an easier way to replace the lower mounts?
Sorry I know nothing about Zapcats but I was sure I have seen a specific forum or site for them.
20 March 2010, 15:45
Country: UK - Scotland
Town: Thurso
Make: Gemini Zapcat
Length: 4m +
Engine: Tohatsu 50hp
Join Date: Jun 2006
Posts: 106
Originally Posted by Sonar
Sorry I know nothing about Zapcats but I was sure I have seen a specific forum or site for them.
Thanks I have been advised to use a crowbar to part it enough to remove the bolt. Tried it and it almost worked but the pressure on the bolt jammed it.
So I will go down the route of removing the power head and top mounts, at least Ill get a chance to check and replace the top mounts at the same time.
RYA Powerboat Instructor
20 March 2010, 16:32
Country: UK - Scotland
Town: Thurso
Make: Gemini Zapcat
Length: 4m +
Engine: Tohatsu 50hp
Join Date: Jun 2006
Posts: 106
RYA Powerboat Instructor
25 March 2010, 19:19
Country: France
Town: Cannes
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Posts: 126
While you are removing the powerhead, I would suggest that tou carefully check the 2 bolts which go through the top silent blocks. 3/8 with US threads, not ISO.
Take care they break ... even if the same p/n is used on all the Tohatsu outboards up to 140HP.
They are overstressed in Zapcat use, I had to replace them, I re-threaded up to 12x175 ISO and used genuine Yamaha bolts (transom mount ones)
26 March 2010, 15:51
Country: UK - Scotland
Town: Thurso
Make: Gemini Zapcat
Length: 4m +
Engine: Tohatsu 50hp
Join Date: Jun 2006
Posts: 106
Originally Posted by yorfuoj
While you are removing the powerhead, I would suggest that tou carefully check the 2 bolts which go through the top silent blocks. 3/8 with US threads, not ISO.
Take care they break ... even if the same p/n is used on all the Tohatsu outboards up to 140HP.
They are overstressed in Zapcat use, I had to replace them, I re-threaded up to 12x175 ISO and used genuine Yamaha bolts (transom mount ones)
Thanks cant find any mention of these bolts in the service manual, are you refering to the top engine mounts or something differnet?
RYA Powerboat Instructor
29 March 2010, 19:13
Country: UK - Scotland
Town: Thurso
Make: Gemini Zapcat
Length: 4m +
Engine: Tohatsu 50hp
Join Date: Jun 2006
Posts: 106
Been away with work so not had much time to work on the boat. Have removed the lower leg of the outboard engine and started to prep for paint. Stainless Steel Powertech Prop has been cleaned and polished.
2nd coat of Hammerite Smooth White Paint on the Transom today but not impressed with the results. Paint is very thin almost transparent and starts to run very easily. Not sure wether I should rub down and apply a 3rd coat or change to a normal car / marine paint?
RYA Powerboat Instructor
04 April 2010, 12:56
Country: UK - Scotland
Town: Thurso
Make: Gemini Zapcat
Length: 4m +
Engine: Tohatsu 50hp
Join Date: Jun 2006
Posts: 106
Finally got some decent weather to spray the gearbox. Managed to get a couple of coats on but now out of paint. Ordered some more paint last week so hopefully will arrive soon. Had another look at the transom will rub down and try anothercoat.
RYA Powerboat Instructor
05 April 2010, 07:06
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Looking very smart, should be one impressive Zapcat when you have finished. Keep the pictures coming
Dust creation specialist
05 April 2010, 07:52
Country: UK - Scotland
Town: Scotland Ellon
Boat name: Cat 1
Make: Gemini
Length: 5m +
Engine: Tohatsu
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Posts: 1
Zapcats and glue
I am sure it will be a Very clean cat once finished; I wouldn’t use anything other than soap. Its not worth it the hyplon is tough but it doesn’t like chems, very light nail varnish remover might work. On the Glue forget it. On the Floor, there is a way in putting it in, of which we can show you. If you need any advice give me a shout, I have been racing these for years and have a few things that I can show you.
We are in Aberdeen and are also agents for them, I was out yesterday and my arms and legs are hanging off now. I am happy to come up and give you some tips etc on it and also to show you how to drive it, if you need anything just shout, we are here to help you out and to give good advice. You perhaps might want to join us in a few Scottish events that are going to be set up; it’s all about the guys who want to race in my book, and not about money. We also run training days, which will give you a whole load of experience and how to clean out the engine once you have flipped it a few times. SW
05 April 2010, 13:58
Country: UK - Scotland
Town: Thurso
Make: Gemini Zapcat
Length: 4m +
Engine: Tohatsu 50hp
Join Date: Jun 2006
Posts: 106
Originally Posted by Scottish Wildcat
I am sure it will be a Very clean cat once finished; I wouldn’t use anything other than soap. Its not worth it the hyplon is tough but it doesn’t like chems, very light nail varnish remover might work. On the Glue forget it. On the Floor, there is a way in putting it in, of which we can show you. If you need any advice give me a shout, I have been racing these for years and have a few things that I can show you.
We are in Aberdeen and are also agents for them, I was out yesterday and my arms and legs are hanging off now. I am happy to come up and give you some tips etc on it and also to show you how to drive it, if you need anything just shout, we are here to help you out and to give good advice. You perhaps might want to join us in a few Scottish events that are going to be set up; it’s all about the guys who want to race in my book, and not about money. We also run training days, which will give you a whole load of experience and how to clean out the engine once you have flipped it a few times. SW
Thanks its good to know there is someone up this end of the country that knows about Zapcats.
Would be interested in the training days / events coming up, once I manage to find the time and weather to finish deassembling and reassembilng the boat and engine!
RYA Powerboat Instructor
08 April 2010, 14:47
Country: UK - Scotland
Town: Thurso
Make: Gemini Zapcat
Length: 4m +
Engine: Tohatsu 50hp
Join Date: Jun 2006
Posts: 106
Been one of those days today!
Rubbed down the runs on the transom and sprayed with normal car paint. Went on pretty well but when it dryed had reacted and had a nice cracked paint effect.
So I have had to rub down and repaint with primer so fingers crossed it will dry ok then I will spray with car paint.
As for the engine and gearbox I have chased up the supplier sending the paint who advised they only got the paint in today and will send out tonight.  Not impressed been waiting over a week for the paint, if they had told me it was out of stock I would have ordered else where.
RYA Powerboat Instructor
09 April 2010, 18:08
Country: UK - Scotland
Town: Thurso
Make: Gemini Zapcat
Length: 4m +
Engine: Tohatsu 50hp
Join Date: Jun 2006
Posts: 106
Checked the boat today and primer set pretty well, although I still had some cracked paint. So I have rubbed down and applied a 2nd coat of primer.
Need to push on and get a top coat on so I can mount the engine and start taking it apart to replace upper and lower mounts.
Waiting for Zapcat stenciles to come through and been looking for felixible paint but can only find it on rib-shop.com at £35 for a litre; which is more paint than I need.
Can any one suggest where else I might be able to purchase this paint?
RYA Powerboat Instructor
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