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Old 13 August 2015, 11:36   #1
Country: UK - England
Town: Henley on Thames
Boat name: Bumble
Make: Zodiac Medline II C
Length: 5m +
Engine: Evinrude e-tec 115
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Posts: 2
Zodiac Medline II C - Fixing strip torn / repair

Hello all,

I'm new to this forum and looking forward to joining the community.
I have a Zodiac Medline II C which I keep in Menorca. This year whilst boating i noticed that the tubes (mostly on the starboard side) had started to separate from the hull (where they are usually flush). The gap was the size of my hand.
When inspecting (at the swing mooring) i noticed that the fixing strip that joins the tubes to the tracking in the hull had come away from the tubes. (Glue or thermoseal fail?). Over time the separation became longer so that roughly half of the length of the boat the tubes fixings had failed.
The tubes are PVC and the boat is only 5 years old. I'm trying to decide weather I should attempt a repair (possibly to find that it fails again) or bite the bullet and go for new tubes. The quandry is that the age of the tubes v the wear (very little) its seems expensive to just buy new tubes. I'm uncertain as to the success though of repair.
Has anyone experienced this and can they advise.
Much appreciated.
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Old 13 August 2015, 12:54   #2
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Originally Posted by Stotty View Post
Hello all,

I'm new to this forum and looking forward to joining the community.
I have a Zodiac Medline II C which I keep in Menorca. This year whilst boating i noticed that the tubes (mostly on the starboard side) had started to separate from the hull (where they are usually flush). The gap was the size of my hand.
When inspecting (at the swing mooring) i noticed that the fixing strip that joins the tubes to the tracking in the hull had come away from the tubes. (Glue or thermoseal fail?). Over time the separation became longer so that roughly half of the length of the boat the tubes fixings had failed.
The tubes are PVC and the boat is only 5 years old. I'm trying to decide weather I should attempt a repair (possibly to find that it fails again) or bite the bullet and go for new tubes. The quandry is that the age of the tubes v the wear (very little) its seems expensive to just buy new tubes. I'm uncertain as to the success though of repair.
Has anyone experienced this and can they advise.
Much appreciated.
The bolt-rope assembly is glued to the tube set. Usually the glue starts to come free after about 8-15 years depending on use. It can be exaerbated by high speeds and underinflation.

As with all PVC, regluing is just the nature of the beast....if some of the glue is bad, most likely, most of it is bad and you should reglue the whole thing.

To ensure a proper repair, the tubeset should be removed from the boat.

Trace around the bolt-rope's location and mask it off. This is to ensure the placement of the bolt rope is the same as the factory layout.

Then use a heatgun to remove the bolt-rope. After the bolt rope is removed, you must strip all of the old adhesive off. MEK + a scotchbrite pad is the tried-and-true way of doing it. I've had good success with methylene chloride base paint & adhesive strippers.

The area should be scrubbed with MEK. Then, the bolt rope should be reglued on with fresh adhesive. It will take a lot...I recommend getting your hands on some Zodiac Z7096 / Bostik Vinycol 1520. It comes in an 800 milliliter can.

It should be allowed to cure in a low humidity, climate controlled area for approximately 2-3 days. Then you can reinstall.
Gluing geek since 2007
Opinions and intepretations expressed are solely my own and do not express the views or opinions of my employer
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Old 13 August 2015, 13:15   #3
Country: UK - England
Town: Henley on Thames
Boat name: Bumble
Make: Zodiac Medline II C
Length: 5m +
Engine: Evinrude e-tec 115
Join Date: Aug 2015
Posts: 2
Thank you

Thank you office888. Very helpful indeed.
Are the glues you recommend branded? Its just that here in the UK we have IBS that recommend the following. (admittedly i need to investigate the chemical make up yet)
IBS PVC Two Part Adhesive - IBS Boat Supplies
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Old 14 August 2015, 12:33   #4
Country: USA
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Boat name: D560
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Originally Posted by Stotty View Post
Thank you office888. Very helpful indeed.
Are the glues you recommend branded? Its just that here in the UK we have IBS that recommend the following. (admittedly i need to investigate the chemical make up yet)
IBS PVC Two Part Adhesive - IBS Boat Supplies
That should work. It's really personal preference at the end of the day. I prefer the Zodiac stuff, because it is thin and spreads easily. I find that some UK origin adhesives are VERY thick and spread more like a mastic than a solvent-evaporating glue.
Gluing geek since 2007
Opinions and intepretations expressed are solely my own and do not express the views or opinions of my employer
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Old 24 August 2021, 14:00   #5
Country: UK - England
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hi scotty
did you manage the repair? did it hold up?
as im in same situation with my zodiacyachtline!!!
cheers roy
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Old 27 August 2021, 13:30   #6
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After about 10 years use I had the same issue. I had them repaired professionally, it wasn't cheap but I was happy with the results as it lasted for another 4 years. Unfortunately the glue started failing again on the bolt rope and a few other places so I opted to buy a new tubeset. To me this time around it made more sense to replace the tubeset rather than spend 1/3-1/2 the cost of the tubeset on another repair.
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Old 01 September 2021, 10:31   #7
Country: UK - England
Town: Sheffield
Boat name: zodiac yachtline 420
Make: zodiac
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Engine: 4 st yamaha 40hp
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Posts: 23
thanks for the info buddy......im in the middle of the repair at present.....clean clean clean!................and im a little more hopeful that it wont be a waste of time.....I cant afford pro repair so its up to me to be as dilligent as poss and maybe I ll get a few years out of it before I need to spend big dollar

cheers again
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