Hello at all!
My boat: Zodiac Medline II
Year of Construction: 2007
Dangerous accident: 2010
Hight of waves: about 50 - 80 cm (made by a swimming crane on the River Danube)
There was no collision with the crane (I only overtaked the crane).
Result: Tube was broken on a lenght of 2 – 3 metres; my Zodiac Medline II dove down up to the stern section; my passenger and the equipment were ejectioned; the boat was full of water; it was very difficult to reach the harbour.
Answer from Zodiac: No guarantee – my mistake – singular case
(all people I know get the answer „singular case“)
I can´t believe it, becouse I could read from similar problems in different forums.
I informed the government-department of Austria in Vienna (Bundesministerium für Verkehr, Innovation und Technologie, Oberste Schifffahrtsbehörde) .
I was requested to find out many persons with similar problems to attest, that it is no „singular case“.
If you had a Zodiac-tube-problem like this, please send your
- description oft the accident (speed, hight and lenght of waves, name, adress…,)
- a photograph oft he badge of manufacturer,
- a photograph oft he CIN (Craft Identification Number)
- the declaration of conformity
- the authorization oft he boat (copy) to me (pn) or to
Bundesministerium für Verkehr, Innovation und Technologie
Oberste Schifffahrtsbehörde
Radetzkystraße 2
A-1030 Wien
Maybe we can attest that dangerous tube-problems are no singular cases and Zodiac could make better tests with their boats.
Maybe we can help to avoid other dangerous accidents.
example ?!??!!