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Old 18 February 2009, 07:29   #1
Country: India
Town: Mumbai
Boat name: Pathfinder
Make: Zodiac
Length: 7m +
Engine: 2 X Yamaha F115s
Join Date: Feb 2009
Posts: 66
Zodiac Pro Open Vs Medline..used vs new

Dear all,

I've been going through a lot of the posts here over the past couple of weeks and have found this forum an invaluable resource in learning the ropes about Ribbing.

I'm looking to buy a rib in the 6-7.5 m range but have a limited budget (circa 25000 Euros).

For my requirements, I have zeroed in on 2 models: The Zodiac Pro Open 650 which is available new within this budget (ex. vat since it is to be used outside the EU).

Or the Zodiac Medline III which I would have to buy used (probably 6 or 7 years old).

Now, my queries are as follows:

1. Is there any difference in the build quality of the two boats? Is the Pro Open a more rugged hull than the medline?

2. Which one is better suited to handle rough seas.

3. What are the risks of buying an 8 year old rib (used only in freshwater).

4. What is the average lifespan of a RIB hull such as this one (Hull not the tube).

5. Does the Pro Open 650 give a wet ride in chop (15-20 Knots wind against 3 knot tide)

6. What would be the fuel consumption difference between the two hulls?

6. Is it possible to reclaim VAT paid on a used boat while exporting to a non EU destination?

Any insight on the above would be greatly appreciated.
Any insight on the above would be greatly appreciated.
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Old 18 February 2009, 20:47   #2
Country: UK - Wales
Town: swansea
Boat name: Too Blue
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Posts: 12,791
India? - you must be the first on Ribnet - welcome!!!

Personally I wouldn't buy either unless you are limited in choice for some reason. There is nothing really wrong with the boats but there is better out there for the same money. Have a look in the boats for sale section on this website.

If you are buying from the EU you can get the VAT back if it's exported.

I am sure Andre or someone else on here could do you a deal for that sort of money if you are having it exported.

Age doesn't really matter - it is all down to condition. A 1 year old boat could be far worse than a 10 yr old if badly treated.

The Pro would probably be better in the chop than a Medline. It all depends what you want. The flatter the hull the faster it goes and the less fuel it uses but the worse it is in the rough.

The Medline is aptly named - great for use in warm weather on nice days. I am sure it will cope with pretty rough conditions - more than most people will go out in but it isn't really designed for that.
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Old 19 February 2009, 05:40   #3
Country: India
Town: Mumbai
Boat name: Pathfinder
Make: Zodiac
Length: 7m +
Engine: 2 X Yamaha F115s
Join Date: Feb 2009
Posts: 66
Hey thanks for the welcome Cod! Yeah I guess leisure boating has been picking up in India over the past couple of years. There has been an annual boat show in Mumbai for the past 3 years.

Regarding the Zodiac boats, the only reason I was considering them is coz of the amount of moulded storage and other features that have.

Regarding the Medline Vs Pro Open, they both seem to have a 24 deg deadrise deep V hull, while the Medline III is much heavier (I presume wouldn't like to leave the water much).
But is there any difference in the ruggedness of the 2 hulls? In the sense that the hurricane and other milspec ribs from Zodiac have a much stronger hull than the pro opens etc.

Similarly does the pro open hull differ in construction from the medlines? or is it just a matter of a few extra cushions and layouts.

In Bombay we have about 8 months of really 'nice days' (during which the worst weather is short chop with about 20 knots of wind) with year round temps 28-30 deg.

June through September the SW monsoons set in and bring 2 m swells with them. during this period all the boats and yachts which are generally kept in a swinging mooring are placed on hard and relaunched in early october. I'd like the ability of being able to use the Rib for a harbour crossing or 2 even during this period (when it would be launched and recovered after each sail). from June to Sept we have an average windspeed of 18-22 knots with a few days of gale force winds thrown in between.

From Oct to Early Jan we have flat water and max windspeed of 15 knots (avg 5-7). Jan to May we have some chop and a few days with max windspeed of 20-22 knots (avg 8-12).

Coming back to the boat, she would generally be used for intra harbour commuting once or twice a week (each leg with a distance of 6-12 nm), with a few trips a year down the coast upto about 40 nm and say a couple of trips about 220 nm or so.

This is turning out to be a huge post...apologies!!!
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