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Old 10 May 2015, 09:18   #1
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Zodiac SRMN 550 vs 600

Thinking about purchasing either a SRMN 550 with a 90 Honda or a 600 with a 115, but just can't seem to decide... I like the idea of the slightly bigger 600, but the larger size comes with an additional couple hundred pounds of weight (when the larger motor is factored in) and I plan to beach the boat a couple times a day. The 600 is also about 6K more than the 550. This will be my first RIB, so I really don't know how much better performance I'll get with the 600. Any thoughts or comments would be most appreciated!

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Old 10 May 2015, 22:25   #2
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Just bought a 550 pro tour and love it, was also looking at the 650 but the extra weight and size makes alot of difference in handling on land for me. A steep drive with garage doors to squeeze through meant the smaller boat was the only option if I wanted to keep the safely locked up.

The extra weight is also more noticeable if you tow several hundred (or thousand) km as I do, the trailer breaks need to be constantly checked and maintained and the service costs on bigger engines tend to be higher too. Towing and all other costs need to be figured into the final decision.

Ive owned bigger boats over the years and have found I get way more hours out of owning a smaller boat than bigger ones just because they are so easy to handle alone or with a small crew. Questions you need to be asking yourself are things like how many people will be joining you on a regular basis, how much gear would you all intend to carry (diving fishing etc). Will you always be having a large crew or just 1 or 2 ?

Im so impressed with the handling of my 550 in rough conditions so far I feel I made the right choice for me.

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Old 11 May 2015, 01:28   #3
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Both should be fine. The 600 will give you a lot more room. That extra foot or two in length and the extra foot in width makes a huge difference. How did you settle on the SRMN line? New or used? I think they are a bit pricey new.

I have the SRMN 600 and its been a great Rib. I also have another Rib thats about the same size as a SRMN 550. The size difference is huge. I regularly cruise with 4-5 people on the 600 and its not too cramped. I wouldn't do that on the other one.

As far as beaching, I think beaching the 600 shouldn't be much tougher than beaching the 550 so I wouldn't make the deciding factor on "beachability." They have fairly shallow hulls so its not too bad at all. If you're even in my area, you could take my 600 out for a day and see how you like it.
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Old 11 May 2015, 06:50   #4
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Thanks for the replies! I'd love to take you up on the offer tworotorturbo, but I'm up here in Alaska... The SRMNs were recommended by a few different dealers that I've talked to over the last few months, as well as by Zodiac. They all came back saying the same thing - that the SRMN was somewhere between the recreational boats and the heavier Hurricane type of RIBs, with somewhat beefier hulls and the thicker tubes than similar sized recreation boats. The boat will be used on a project I'm working on up in the Arctic. Most trips will be 5-10 miles from town, in fairly protected waters, but I'll also be using it (along with a larger boat) for trips of 50-80 miles every couple weeks. And on most trips, I'll only have 1-2 other people and a couple hundred pounds of gear in the boat, but would like to load it up to ferry out field camps on occasion. I'm really looking for something that provides some middle ground between a big, heavy, seaworthy deep V and a SIB. The boat will be used in the icy waters of the Arctic Ocean, so I need something I can operate safely in moderate seas and bump into a few floating chunks of ice, but also something I can beach and push through shallow lagoons... I'm not expecting to find the "perfect" boat, just something that provides a bit of balance.
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Old 11 May 2015, 16:57   #5
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You should be good with the extra deck space. Let us know what you settle on, with pics!
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Old 11 May 2015, 17:11   #6
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tworotorturbo- how do you like the 90 on the 600? I was looking at a 115, but the 90 is certainly quite a bit lighter... Thanks!
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Old 11 May 2015, 17:22   #7
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Its good with the 90. With the medium V of the SRMN, it pushes the boat fairly well even with 5 people. Easy on gas too. A 115 will be perfect also if you are moving a lot of gear.
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Old 13 May 2015, 06:52   #8
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Thanks tworotorturbo! What sort of speeds are you getting with the 90?
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Old 13 May 2015, 15:06   #9
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With just me I hit 40mph. With three people and some gear (coolers, 6 heavy crab pots, etc) Im at 35mph.

Im satisfied with the speed but wish I went with more power so that I could cruise at lower RPMs.
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Old 15 May 2015, 02:52   #10
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Thanks! I think I'll go with the 115 then...
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