3m+ SIB swop for IT Skills :-)
Hi Everyone. First post one here, been sniffing around in the background for sometime taking on board all the use full information and advice. I decided it is time to try get out on the water…….but there is an issue, as most people – lack of cash! I do have a some cash, but can offer my skills in return for discounted bits - I'm an IT professional and am willing to spend time fixing/advising/designing any sort of IT challenge, hardware/software. Recently I have been building 'Home Theatre' computers – allowing recording TV, storing and playing Music/Photos etc. I can get heavily discounted hardware so can build competitively priced computers to suit your needs.
I'm looking for a ~3.5m (ish) SIB, ~15hp engine……if you have anything along these lines and have an IT need at home or business let me know and we can see if we can come to an arrangement.
Just want to get sibbing J