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Old 21 March 2003, 13:11   #1
Country: UK - England
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Dive RIB Wanted - 5.8 - 6.2m

Second post of this requirement -

I particularly want to stay within as many of the following parameters as possible:

Premium manufacturer i.e: Ribcraft/Ribtec/Humber (Ocean-Pro or Destroyer) Tornado/Delta/Osprey/Avon
Not more than about three years old
Not less than 5.8m - ideally not more than 6.2m.
Underfloor tank(s) - 120 litre minimum
Single (one man) console only - essential! (I just want the deck space)
All cables routed below deck.
Minimum100HP - four stroke preferred - twin engines better still! (No Tohatsu or Selva please)
Twin axle road trailer - can always resolve this locally if necessary.
Full electronics installation preferred but not essential VHF + DSC; GPS Plotter; Depth Sounder.

Realistic budget - Loooking for something with a real future!

Will not waste anyone's time if the boat fits the need.

Cheshire based but willing to travel nationwide for the right boat.

Accurate descriptions will save everyone time.

E-mail me with realistic offers

Paul Ford
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Old 24 March 2003, 13:21   #2
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Re: Dive RIB Wanted - 5.8 - 6.2m

Originally posted by paulford
(No Tohatsu or Selva please)
- What's the problem with Tohatsu, Paul?

I know that some old Selva outboards have a chequered history, although some 2002/2003 models are in fact Yamahas, but Tohatsu have a terrific reputation, and in fact their 2.5 to 15hp range are the same as Merc/Mariner. Some of their big carb motors a bit thirsty perhaps? but all are accepted for service by (and supplied by) Andy Clark at The Bosun's Mate.
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Old 24 March 2003, 14:31   #3
Country: Greece
Town: Gloucetsreshire
Boat name: GATO DI MARE
Make: MAR.CO
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Paul since you don't think that Falcon are a premium manufacturer (lolol ) here is the tel number a friend of mine in Gloucestershire who sells boats and is the local rep for Avon, Valiant and Quick Silver also Yamaha and Mariner dealer.
Last time I passed by his shop he had a 2nd hand 6 mtr+ COBRA with a 4-stroke HONDA in good condition. Give him a ring he may be able to help you (if has not sold it yet).

SAMSPEED MARINE Tel 01454 260123 ask for Martin and mention my name.
Good luck.
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Old 24 March 2003, 22:19   #4
Country: UK - England
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A few words in explanation


I'm trying to exclude both Tohatsu and Selva engines from the equation on a couple of grounds;

My first RIB - I'd like it to be fun rather than traumatic.

A mate has a boat with Twin Selvas - they're more trouble than they're worth - OK so some of the later ones may be better - these are Year 2000 units. Reliability has been nothing short of dreadful. He also runs another boat with twin Suzuki four strokes - they're fabulous

As for Tohatsu, I simply don't know enough about them to sort the wheat from the chaff - although I do know that parts can be a problem on certain models.

The other reason for steering away from these two engine manufacturers is simply that of resale value.

Paul Ford
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Old 24 March 2003, 22:54   #5
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Originally posted by Manos
Paul since you don't think that Falcon are a premium manufacturer (lolol ) COBRA with a 4-stroke HONDA in good condition. SAMSPEED MARINE Tel 01454 260123 ask for Martin and mention my name.
Good luck.

Don't assume that Falcon is not a premium manufacturer just because they're not on my list . Remember this is my first RIB - and I just want to play safe - within the bounds of common sense (hell, boats, and common sense in the same sentence - that must be an oxymoron [a contradiction in terms] the cost is secondary to the boat being right for what I want. If I perceive the boat to be good value that's where I'll be spending my money. I missed two boats about a month ago - before people on this forum started educating me (Thanks all). I should have gone with my instincts - Tornado 5.8/Yam F115 10 months old, Humber Destroyer 6.0/Merc F115 6 months old - both being sold because of significant changes in the vendor's circumstances. Had I been quicker off the mark they were £14k and 15k respectively with electronics trailers etc included.

I'm surprised that there aren't more boats of this size on the market - all the manufacturers tell me that this is their most popular size range. Everytime I do find one that looks interesting it seems to have been specced with too small an engine or endowed with too many seats - if not both!

I'm resigned to a long search - I can't bring myself to part with the thick end of £20k for what I really want brand new. I'd like someone else to stand the first (largest) depreciation hit!

Paul Ford
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Old 25 March 2003, 05:39   #6
Country: Greece
Town: Gloucetsreshire
Boat name: GATO DI MARE
Make: MAR.CO
Length: 9m +
Engine: Yamaha 200Vmax
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It was ment as a joke
I completely understand!!
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Old 25 March 2003, 21:10   #7
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I am sure I told you before if not I should have. Pete 7 is selling an excellent Ribtec Hull, with removable seating and all sorts of stuff. It's very well looked after reasonable Priced and in excellent condition.
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Old 26 April 2003, 20:40   #8
Country: UK - England
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Still looking

Hi everyone ,

I've not found a suitable boat yet

There must be one out there for sale?

The citeria have not changed £££ still waiting to be spent.

Hope to hear from someone soon.

Paul Ford
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Old 27 April 2003, 06:45   #9
Country: UK - England
Town: Lymington
Make: Ribcraft
Length: 10m +
Engine: Yamaha
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Posts: 206

I have e-mailed you a spec sheet on Ribtec 5.85 I bought new in 99/2000. It has removable seating which I had specially done by Ribtec (stainless frames are set in the deck, you can't see them, and the seats bolt into them. I did this for diving as somtimes wanted the seats and sometimes didn't.

The boat is grey and orange with a Mercury 135 Optimax that has great power for pushing lots of weight.

Let me know if you are interested.


07979 533722
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