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Old 13 October 2013, 14:33   #1
Country: UK - England
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Thames Auxiliary Marine service needs a Sib or Two.

Hi, I work with the Thames Auxiliary Mariine service providing a saftey patrol boat on the River Thames.

We are thinking about buying a few SIBS powered by 15hp's for patrols upriver.

So if anyone has a Sib and engine for sale then we would be interested.

So any one know of one going we would be very grateful to hear from you.

Many thanks.

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Old 09 December 2013, 22:48   #2
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I have a quicksilver 4300 SIB with a 25 HP Mariner I am considering selling.

Call me on 07714 180 264 if you are interested.


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Old 10 December 2013, 00:18   #3
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Not sure what Thames Auxilliary actually intend to do with said boats. If they are expecting to be casualty handling and might want to lie an unconscious casualty down I have my doubts how achievable that is in a small craft with a wheel...

There is a reason the Y and D Classes are tiller steered...
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Old 10 December 2013, 08:30   #4
Country: UK - England
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Yes, I agree. We used to use an Avon sea rider that had the jockey seat more over to starboard to give a little more space portside for a casualty but it was tight. Yes all out sibs will be tiller steered. That means we won't also have to worry about steering cables failing either.
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Old 10 December 2013, 08:33   #5
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Thanks Usainboat, moneys a bit tight as funding had dropped off for the moment. If any change we will send you
A pm.
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Old 10 December 2013, 10:39   #6
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Why a sib? Not ideal for non-tidal river work.

Get one of these: Rigiflex Boats UK - Rigiflex Home

Our Sea Scouts have 2 and they're fantastic and cheap.
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Old 10 December 2013, 11:20   #7
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Because we can chuck them in the back of a van and launch in remote locations. Thats the idea anyway.
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Old 10 December 2013, 22:12   #8
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Originally Posted by Thamesvolunteer View Post
Because we can chuck them in the back of a van and launch in remote locations.
Have to say, Rigiflex, funYak etc would be more robust I dread to imagine what sh1t is in the Thames. Some of the jetties etc aren't exactly well fendered.

Still not 100% what it is you want to use the boats for. I don't think I really understand what you do - I've read your website and still don't get it. Is it a rescue service (presumably not a designated facility by the CG) - when would you ever get involved in a rescue other than just being there? The Thames has the busiest RNLI station but also has paid crew so rapid response times. (worth noting they don't use inflatables on the Thames!)

Is it a security service? I'd feel more secure patrolling in a boat that an air riffle or knife can't sink!

So why the van? Is this a rapid response and deployment approach. In which case you need to think of time to:
  1. Drive through London Traffic.
    Average speed of traffic in London <15MPH. Assuming you are driving 5miles. 20minutes. Assuming you don't have blue lights etc. [20min]
  1. Find some place to dump the van
    Assuming you don't have rights to dump and run. Lets say 1 minute which is probably optomistic. [21min]
  1. Drag / carry the deflated (?) boat to the waterside,
    3 minutes [24min]
  1. Carry engine,
    Assuming you have it on a trolley and can just wheel it there - 1minute. [25min]
  1. Carry some means of inflation (compressed air bottles?), - 1 minute [26min]
  1. Inflate
    Depends how you've got your inflation system but even if its fairly fast its probably 3 minutes. If its foot pump 15mins, 10mins on a Bravo.[29mins]
  1. Attach engine.
    Probably 1 minute [30minutes]
So deployment takes probably at least 30minutes, and I think that relies on you having some seriously fast inflation. You'd want to rehearse that regularly to get the procedure sorted. You'd need to know exactly which launch points to use etc, and even then wont get to EXACTLY where you want to be.

Assuming you have no permission to exceed the speed limits in the Thames in 30 minutes you can cover 4NM. I'll give you 5 minutes to deploy from shore - wheel a boat down a slip and jump in basically... so 25 minutes at 8knots: 3.3NM - 3.8miles. The Thames byelaws allow the speed limit to be exceeded for both security and S&R operations. So if we assumed you increased to 12knots (not exactly gunning it) you'd cover 5NM in 25 minutes, which is nearly 6 miles so you'd be on scene quicker..

A 'proper' boat would let you have better radio kit (25W VHF with bigger aerial), possibly a Radar presence, lights both nav and search. All of that just becomes more hassle if the boat is deflated.

If you really need to get the boat someplace else tow it and launch from a slipway.
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Old 11 December 2013, 12:31   #9
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Not a rescue service, we are mostly concerning ourselves with what's in the river. Flotsam and Jetsam, retrieving the lifebouys that get thrown in with 30 yards of polypropylene rope still attatched and reporting large trees and calorgas bottles to the harbour master. Just a set of eyes and ears but ready to assist in a maritime emergancy.
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Old 11 December 2013, 19:45   #10
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I don't think a sib is particularly suited to that.

Sibs are crap for carrying injured people - a nice rigid boat is what you want especially if you're going near to banks etc.
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Old 11 December 2013, 19:52   #11
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As I said, not a rescue boat. Just for two crew to cruise up and down keeping an eye on things.
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Old 11 December 2013, 20:11   #12
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Originally Posted by Thamesvolunteer View Post
As I said, not a rescue boat. Just for two crew to cruise up and down keeping an eye on things.
But isn't that the statutory duty of the Environment Agency and the relevant Police forces?? The EA even has a proper volunteer scheme if you want to do that kind of thing.

Also what about the Maritime Volunteer Service? They are a uniformed service and do similar activities. The London Unit is at HMS President.

www.northernexposurerescue.org.uk - A registered charity supporting sports and community events across England and Wales
Also why not check out the Ribcraft Owners Group?
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Old 11 December 2013, 21:27   #13
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Not a Sib but I've just uploaded a 4.2M Bombard Rib to our website. Worth a look

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Old 12 December 2013, 10:28   #14
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Hi Chris, I used to be deputy head of unit for the MVS Upper Thames Unit. I left as I don't believe members should have to pay £120 a year to volunteer, plus they don't really patrol on a Friday/ Saturday night when services are stretched on the tidal Thames.

I believe we assisted you 4 years ago with the great river race. I spoke with Lord West this year at the same event and he seems to like to sound of the Thames Auxiliary Marine Service helping in a force protection role around London. So we need to get crews of two floating in the Thames as economically as possible. Our steering committee has decided upon sibs as mooring fees can be kept down and easy to launch and recover.
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Old 12 December 2013, 11:07   #15
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Originally Posted by Thamesvolunteer View Post
helping in a force protection role around London.
aV yew gott masheen gunns

ifn yew av i mite joyn upp

i mite gett de chanse too shewt sum ribnobburs evun de torl bastud ifn heez abowt.
fuk mee crismus leeve wiv noe ankul tagg

Wher doo I beegin?😃
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Old 12 December 2013, 17:29   #16
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Originally Posted by Thamesvolunteer View Post
Not a rescue service, we are mostly concerning ourselves with what's in the river. Flotsam and Jetsam, retrieving the lifebouys that get thrown in with 30 yards of polypropylene rope still attatched and reporting large trees and calorgas bottles to the harbour master. Just a set of eyes and ears but ready to assist in a maritime emergancy.

You need to get you arse in to gear! There has been loads this year and I have seen the same debris up and down for weeks at a time.
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Old 12 December 2013, 18:05   #17
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I know, it's kinda hard to explain to the PLA that they are suffering from intuitionalised incompetence. The PLA have a fleet of boats and keep missing it. That's what we are for to report it via VHF/telephone and written report to the harbour master.

I saw a calor gas bottle floating outside Tower Pier last year, if a clipper hit it, it could of been nasty. Not to speak of the security implications.
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Old 12 December 2013, 18:10   #18
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We've just been working on this vessel that's being launched Saturday. It's our only hard hull for the time being. But we still want sibs as well.

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Old 12 December 2013, 18:10   #19
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Hang on your supposed to be patrolling dealing with it too? What boats do you work from? I mean the name of the boats.
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Old 12 December 2013, 18:54   #20
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We are not fully operational yet. 40 volunteers and two small sibs and the new hard hull. Trainee volunteers are to receive there training in springtime to be fully operational by the summer 2014, as planned.

We're operating on a shoe string budget so things are taking time. We sold our old fairline cabin cruiser as it was unsafe for trainee's to clamber about the boat to get to the bow.
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