Phil sounds amazing however 10m ribs are not so plentiful, why dont you approach the RNLI headquarters in Poole Dorset they have many boats in the Reserve Fleet which are not on station anymore, I am sure from time to time the two services have worked together, this I suppose could be a starting point and see if they can provide an old Atlantic 21 with twin motors, this would certainly be big enough for a circumnavigation bearing in mind it has been done in 4m ribs already,the biggest problem here is that the Atlantics run petrol motors a pair of them often these ribs come up for sale quite reasonably too, I know its not diesel and the fuel bill would go up, however a 10m rib would have to have a pretty big engine in her anyway.Its just an idea as I know they have a lot of boats in the reserve fleet whatever happens I wish you the best of luck gavin