21 April 2009, 15:26
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Wanted - Small SIB for the Kids to play in.
Hi - Does anyone have a cheap small SIB that might be suitable for the kids to pootle about in? We have a 6.5M "proper" rib which we are taking to France in the Summer and think a small SIB would be fun to play with around the salt marches/flat water near La Turballe and around the islands just offshore.
We're not really sure how big (or small) we need but the kids are 10 and 11, and ideally we would be able to store it in the front lockers of our Balistic for transporting.
I'm guessing that a 2.5hp motor would be fine, but am open to suggestions, and as this is a bit of a whim the cheaper the better I think, and a reasonable/well used 2nd hand SIB is probably less likely to be nicked than a nice new one!
Also any advice on what to avoid getting would be appreciated!
22 April 2009, 08:40
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HI Trevor. I do have an Bombard AX3 with a slatted floor that I am considering getting rid of as it is now SIB/ RIB no 4 !
I know all the history ( I bought it from new in late 2003 , a mate used it for the last 18 months to his cruiser). Got the oars & an inflatable seat, bag etc) I'll try & get some pics over to you in the next few days - but may be Sunday before I can get to it properly).
Have a look at : http://www.bombard.com/en/tenders/?ax
Used to run a 3.5 on it & it would plane with my 14 st in it with that ! And have run a 5 hp on it with no problems !
No idea at all of its value !
22 April 2009, 09:05
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You will be hard pushed to find a proper SIB that can fit in the locker on any 6.5meter.
I have one of these ebay which is ideal as a tender as it can actually handle 3 adults or 4 kids happily and comes with all the bits. As far as motors go the ideal one fot this is one of the little 2hp yamaha / Mariner / Tohatsu engines like this one ebay
As there is no hard transom the boat folds down to a small size and could fit in a locker.
Chris Stevens
Born fiddler
22 April 2009, 19:51
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Thanks Chris and Pete - I had a look round Pacer Marine today to get a feel for how big un-inflated SIB's are and came to the same conclusion as you Chris that it is optimistic to think a SIB might fit in my Ballistic's lockers. However. I think one would fit OK in the bow area under the front sun-bed area.
Pete - I look forward to getting the pictures of your Bombard AX3. Are you going to Ribex in May?
23 April 2009, 08:36
Country: UK - England
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Yep - not sure what day yet, probabaly sunday - will all depend on tides at Christchurch. If you mean just sitting between the seats in the bow - yes definately fit. Possible at a push if you have lockers under them you might even get it in one of them. I'll PM you when I have some pics & stick them on here Sunday afternoon. Pete
30 April 2009, 11:15
Country: UK - England
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Managed to get pics last night - Trevor have emailed you - any one else interested let me know - With original oars / bag & pump. Pete
08 May 2009, 19:42
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I'm now sorted with Pete's AX3 - but now for the obvious next question.... Anyone got a reasonable condition (ie one that works) 2 - 3.5 hp motor that they are considering parting with?
Thanks. Trevor
08 May 2009, 19:52
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I'm not exactly Mr. Safety, but I wouldn't let my kids use an outboard unsupervised at that age. A prop driven by 2.5hp would take a kids foot off quite efficiently.
An Old Chap managed to kill his grandson with 6hp down this way a few years ago.
08 May 2009, 21:21
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Point taken. - I'm not intending letting them loose with it alone - They've had a year's experience (about 150 hours) on our 6.5m Rib and now want to get more involved - this is intended to be a good way of getting them used to handling something with an engine without having them standing on the seats to see over the console.
08 May 2009, 22:25
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I'm a terrible Father.
09 May 2009, 09:47
Country: UK - England
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Me too!
I guess we will all be locked up soon ! Now with ' grey streak' going to Trevor I am left with ' mini- streak' & 'streaker - red streak was a topper I once had - anyone see a pattern ? )
Trevor while more expensive you can get somevery good deals on new small engines - with the benefits of warranty etc at the mo ?
09 May 2009, 10:13
Country: UK - England
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Carry on guys, scoff as much as you like. Those that know me know I am not
anal about anything or PC or a rules and regs kinda bloke. However, I've been 'had' in the shin by a prop. I know people that are seriously disfigured through prop injuries and every couple of years or so someone is killed.
Perhaps I am a little prop paranoid, is that a bad thing?
09 May 2009, 11:36
Country: UK - England
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Mollers - dont think anyone is scoffing in any way & sure we would all agree that prop guards have an important place in small boating.
I'd guess we have all had close calls with props that lead to a healthy respect for them - hopefully hence why we all let our kids learn & gain experiance and a similar respect/ parania under supervision. Defiantley better to be paranoid & not injure anyone than be complacent
09 May 2009, 15:33
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Think a prop guard would be the best way to go - Mollers, that's a very sad story you linked too.
Dizzy, have you thought about an electric outboard?
09 May 2009, 16:57
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by JSP
Think a prop guard would be the best way to go - Mollers, that's a very sad story you linked too.
Dizzy, have you thought about an electric outboard?
What is not mentioned is that there was a Doctor and an Intensive Care nurse on the beach at the time and neither could anything for him, such were the extent of his injuries.
09 May 2009, 17:50
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by Mollers
What is not mentioned is that there was a Doctor and an Intensive Care nurse on the beach at the time and neither could anything for him, such were the extent of his injuries. 
There was a teen age girl thrown off the back of RIB off Southport beach. Two life guards had been showing off, or so the story goes. Dental records had to be used.
I'm off to price a prop guard!
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