Various photos around Scotland taken over the last 20 years
Overlooking the RADAR/MOD/missile tracking facilities. 
And showing one of the semi-underground storage facilities used by the islanders
Inside one of the many animal or storage underground mini-houses
Some temporary visitors in the "high street". 
Many of the buildings have been refurbished to permit use by the islands wardens and museum. 
No phone...
Current resident
St. Kilda. This and the next 5 were all taken in St. Kilda. 
Entering the bay prior to mooring up.
Another Stac
Owners plaque
One of the Stacs
Redbay 17m
Sheep pen
The Kyles of Bute
Kisimul Castle, Castle Bay Barra
Tarbert Marina
Evening in Tarbert
Portpatrick harbour
Arriving in Portree
Stornaway Castle
Barra Isle Airport, this believe it or not, is the runway! 
Planes only land at low tide. 
The "terminal building" is 20 yds. away on your...
Little Loch Roag at sunset
Keith Hart paying respect to the crew of HMS Royal Oak in Scapa Flow
A section of the Churchill barrier, Orkney
Vatersay Causeway
Entering a cave on Stroma
John O'Groat's harbour
Ailsa Craig
Basking shark off the Point of Ardnamurchan
Seatrek at The Butt of Lewis
The Team arrives in Scapa Flow
The Old Man of Hoy, Hoy, Orkney

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