Aquamarine Restoration
Inherited a leaky rotten Aquamarine. Here is how it turns out...
The Wee Flea did well. So far so good. A couple more trips and I may trust her to the ocean...
After 3 hours of putting together inside bits.
Before 3 hours of work...
Elaborate clamping system. I'm using G-flex 655-k for all of the repairs. About 900 grams of it so far...
It all starts to come together. All in all about 16 hours of actual work so far.
Cleaned and prepped for gluing.
A beer goes a long way when sanding a now dry transom.
Can't wait to get all that old glue off...
Fixing holes and checking valves.
The transom practically fell out.
Wet, heavy plywood.
Soggy transom has unglued from PVC.
1 big hole and 4 smaller leaks...

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