Let's Go
Zodiac Pro 500
Towing Let's Go at 20 knots with Might Tow!
Let's Go on the beach in Toronto.
Let's Go fishing!
Custom trailer cover from Eagle Canvas, Burlington, Ontario, Canada
Launching at Humber Bay West Park, Toronto, Canada on April 14, 2017
Launching at Humber Bay West Park, Toronto, Canada on April 14, 2017
Before and after. Bottom 2015 and top 2017.  Some weight gain!
First cruise on Lake Ontario, April 8 2017
Launching April 8, 2017
CN Tower, Toronto, Canada
Cruising inside the Toronto breakwall, Lake Ontario, Canada
Fitted with Scotty downrigger and rod holders.
Large Mouth Bass caught Lake of Bays, Muskoka, Ontario, Canada
Salmon caught on lake Ontario, Toronto, Canada
Restaurant, Port Credit, Ontario, Canada
New seat and seat back.  Very comfortable on 1 meter waves!
Let's Go and Toronto Police RIB.  Which one is which?
Added a grab rail that protects windshield.  Family appreciates the new accessory!
"I got to get a  bigger boat!"
King Salmon caught on Lake Ontario, Canada using Let's Go a Zodiac Pro 500. July 8, 2016
"Tower in a box" with rod holders, speakers, navigation & anchor lights, VHF & FM aerials, safety throw line bag and Canadian Flag.
Purchased as a demo used in Pan Am Games and World Laser Championships Toronto and Kingston, Canada 2015
Let's Go was one of six from the fleet used in the 2015 Games.
Grandson checking it out!
Toronto Island cruising April 2016.

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