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BC Central Coast Camping Cruise
A few pics from our August camping cruise from Port Hardy British Columbia. 3 days up the inside passage before exploring Hakai Recreation Area south of Bella Bella.
Trying out the dry-suit.
Anchored at east side of Spider Island.
Small lake on Spider Island, short bushwhack from the shoreline.
East side of largest island in McMullin Group.
East side of largest island in the Mcmullin Group.
She would never let me get a jet ski so I bought an oversized one and called it a rib.
Myself on east side of Goose Island.
Home for a few days.
Our beach.
Neighboring bay to ours, gained by a short trail.
Fish tacos tonight.
Prepping dinner.
Prepping dinner.
Taking a break.
Our private harbor.
Home for a few days in Hakai.
Small bay on Cultus Sound that was home for a few days.
At anchor in Port John.
At anchor in Port John.
Setting clothesline anchor system in Port John.
Our Zodiac Hurricane 590, "Nagual"
Port Hardy, B.C. harbor

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