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Conversation Between gtflash and jamescraig
Showing Profile Comments 1 to 2 of 2
  1. gtflash
    I will check with John. and if so send you his number, he is currently in Iceland visiting family. He just tried another trip to Norway, but only made it to holland, plagued with bad luck of some dirty fuel. Mail me back if i do not respond in a few days, lifes busy at the mo and i might forget
  2. jamescraig

    I have read about John Lindsay's trip.

    I have been considering something similar to raise some money for a dear friend who lost his battle with cancer 2 years ago.

    His father was a well known power boat racer and so a mad boat trip like John's seems a fitting way to celebrate his life and also raise some money.

    Could you or Fiona Pasco? put me in touch with John?

    All help appreciated.

    Many thanks


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