Windsurfer Windsurfer is offline


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  1. Dean D
    I live in Eastbourne and recently bought a jetski - BIG MISTAKE!! Before buying I planned ways on how I would get the trailer (with ski on) down the shingle beach and back up BUT I did not envisage the problems I have encountered. So far I have had two bad efforts of getting to the sea; both times it has took 2-3 hours to get it back off the beach (we haven't got to the sea yet) when the trailer wheels sunk (first time) and then 2nd time using planks to roll on however this also proved to be a nightmare. I have searched the net and wondered if anyone could offer any guidance please? I was told that the grey brick boxes scattered on Eastbourne sea front have electric winches in but who owns them, how do I get access? Is there really no slipway that is available for use in the Eastbourne area without driving miles? Any guidance would be really gratefully received as I have 3 unhappy kids not to mention how gutted I am.
    I see jetski's off eastbourne coast so often, how/where? Tks Dean
  2. Dean D
    I live in Eastbourne and recently bought a jetski - BIG MISTAKE!! In advance of buying I planned ways on how I would get the jetski on the trailer down the shingle beach etc and back up however I did not envisage the problems I have encountered. So far since buying the jetski I have had two unsuccessful efforts of getting my ski (on trailer) down to the sea; both times it has taken me 2-3 hours to get it back off the beach (we haven't even made it to the sea yet) when the trailer wheels sunk (first time) and then second time thinking using planks to roll on would solve the problem however this also proved to be a nightmare.

    I read previous posts and wondered if you could offer any guidance please? Someone I know mentioned that the grey brick boxes scattered on Eastbourne sea front have electric winches in but who owns them, how do I get access? Is there really no slipway that is available for use in the Eastbourne area?

    Any help/guidance would be gratefully received.

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  • About Windsurfer
    UK - England
    Boat length
    3m +


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  • Last Activity: 21 March 2022 19:58
  • Join Date: 19 April 2019

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