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brucehawsker 05 July 2006 12:22

Opportunity to obtain ideal rib for training or safety boat

Am very keen to unload this boat at a realistic price as am in the process of finalising a final build with some minor cosmetic mods and a different engine supplier. Also probably a new company name, but we have not finalised that!! :D

I really don't want this boat hanging around in the workshop all summer when someone could be using it, or having a lot of fun in her....

It is ideal for training with 6 jockey's, central throttle, colour GPS..... Tops out at 40 knots ish. Outhill console and jockeys, hydraulic steering, 140 suzuki 4-stroke. Fitted out by Rib-Shop - good warranties on all parts. Less than 1st service time on the engine - guess at 5 hours.

Would let it go to a good home at a very realistic price, but not the crazy figure one of the members of the forum suggested!

Ready to roll, on the Hamble, dry berthed, demo / sea trail when needed.

Hope you don't mind me placing this on the Commercial Operators board but a couple of people having seen it have said it is a natural for PB training, or safety boat for a club.

Thank you


Poly 05 July 2006 13:59


Originally Posted by brucehawsker
but not the crazy figure one of the members of the forum suggested!

That would be me then:p It all depended how desperate you were to shift it :D You did say you wouldn't be offended by cheeky offers :eek:

tim griffin 05 July 2006 18:43


Originally Posted by brucehawsker

Hope you don't mind me placing this on the Commercial Operators board but a couple of people having seen it have said it is a natural for PB training, or safety boat for a club.

Thank you


Who told you that then Bruce as I have never seen a safety boat with six seats and a stepped hull thought you was aiming at the leisure end of the market

brucehawsker 06 July 2006 10:22

Funnily enough a guy from I think the RNLI (maybe RYA) who I was chatting to at Seaworks. I did not get his card but from I think he was from Emsworth or Langstone. They had loads of kids in the water in sudden foul conditions earlier in the year and he said that safe seating on safety boats was going to become an issue after this incident. The traditional reason for wanting a single jockey was to leave deck space for kit and to lay down the casualty. His view was laying a casualty between two columns of jockey seats, like in Farfetched, was actually safer if there was a real need to get the hell out of it, than having them rolling on the deck space. And if you pulled five scared kids out of the water, a jockey each was great comfort.

But I do not claim to be a dinghy safety boat expert, just reporting the feedback.

Polwart, not offended, someone else actually offered 1,000 more. I did not take either offer. We got a sensible if not generous price for the first of the boats and are letting this second one go for less with very little on the clock, but not at your level which hardly paid for my sarnis!!!

Yes, Tim, we are absolutely not going for the marine experienced market with our final product. The two boats for Ribex were designed to get feedback and brickbats - and we have had both and appreciated both. I suppose we will compete with Ballistic and Stingher, but even then advertising and prescencing in different magazines and events, but less with e.g. Solent. I think I was exceptional for Lee as a first time and pretty ignorant buyer!!! Some would say little has changed to date :)

Only standard build, no option, premium price, embedded goodies such as PB2 and lifejackets.... One shop for everything, one decision, no reason not to buy, premium price. Very short delivery. Loads of client service emphases and hence costs.

We are changing engine manufacturer and have taken on board some comments about console for the pure high end high paying leisure market. We want to build Prime 3 and 4 which will be a little different therefore - probably same seating, same layout, slightly different console, redesigned A frame (or roll bar as some are now calling it :( ), different engine, larger plotter) but essentially same basic concept.

We also may, after the helpful feedback, change the name from Prime, but my friend at LVMH who is advising us on luxury marketing still does not like the idea of aggression in eg Ballistic, Predator, Stingher and Scorpion as brands for my target market. Ask x consultants, get x different answers!

Hope this helps those who are following Bruce's venture into selling Ribs. I don't want to have many (any?) secrets from people on RibNet or those who chatted at Ribex who have been very helpful (even those with copious piles of brickbats which we have listened to carefully). You guys who are far better informed and far more price sensitive and are willing to dedicate loads of time to your buying decisions; you will not be our market. Buy I value your input in case you think I have gone mad and am just wasting money with the venture.

tim griffin 06 July 2006 18:29


Originally Posted by brucehawsker
Funnily enough a guy from I think the RNLI (maybe RYA) who I was chatting to at Seaworks. I did not get his card but from I think he was from Emsworth or Langstone. They had loads of kids in the water in sudden foul conditions earlier in the year and he said that safe seating on safety boats was going to become an issue after this incident. The traditional reason for wanting a single jockey was to leave deck space for kit and to lay down the casualty. His view was laying a casualty between two columns of jockey seats, like in Farfetched, was actually safer if there was a real need to get the hell out of it, than having them rolling on the deck space. And if you pulled five scared kids out of the water, a jockey each was great comfort.

But I do not claim to be a dinghy safety boat expert, just reporting the feedback.

Ahh I see
Touble with trying to wedge someone in the colums of jockey seats is that even with my slim figure and a 46 inch chest once I am in there how you gonna get me out. And how are you going to do CPR if I need it , I know the Laederal Adapted Mast may do the trick but the beam on your boat is the same as mine so cramped conditions to say the least I still prefer the traditional style of safety boat . The RYA Safety Boat course has been revamped earlier this year but the choice of style of rib is the same it will be interesting to see how this develops re the safe seating . I still think that your rib is leisure use not safety but that is only my opinion and there will always be someone who agrees disagrees .

Andy_Rs600 06 July 2006 19:17

Have to put 2p in to agree with tim. Another problem with all those seats is it means there's more ironwork to catch towlines on, and it's less easy to move around the boat quickly, such as when recovering multiple people from the water, or working both side of the boat at the same time.

Looks like a nice Advanced teaching layout though.

Rogue Wave 07 July 2006 10:10


Originally Posted by tim griffin
Ahh I see
Touble with trying to wedge someone in the colums of jockey seats is that even with my slim figure and a 46 inch chest once I am in there how you gonna get me out. And how are you going to do CPR if I need it , I know the Laederal Adapted Mast may do the trick but the beam on your boat is the same as mine so cramped conditions to say the least I still prefer the traditional style of safety boat . The RYA Safety Boat course has been revamped earlier this year but the choice of style of rib is the same it will be interesting to see how this develops re the safe seating . I still think that your rib is leisure use not safety but that is only my opinion and there will always be someone who agrees disagrees .

Wow we are in agreement! :D

Whoever the dipstick you were talking to at Sea works really didn't know his stuff. I am a fairly strong person (losing a lot with age though) and I reckon I could just about pick an unconciouss you up and wedge you between two sets of seats but goodness knows how much pre treatment time would be wasted doing so.

Also you'd get a bit damaged being dragged over the seats, if you weren't unconciouss at the start of the recovery it's likely that you would be at the end. Also how does lying between two sets of seats let you get a casulalty into the recovery position?

I think matey gave you some bumm advice there!

I guess you could take a row of seats out and you'd have loads of room and it would make a superb yacht tender in addition to a safety boat. seats for people - room for sails fast hull.

tim griffin 07 July 2006 18:34


Originally Posted by Rogue Wave
Wow we are in agreement:D


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