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Powerboat 09 August 2006 17:55

Ireland v UK RIB Racing and Speed Records
Hi Folks,

Back home in Ireland after a year away with the real job.

We've had an inquiry on Club Powerboat.ie about RIB racing and Speed records.

In no particular order............ :cool:

Who runs / controls racing of RIBs in the UK? RYA ? BIBOA?

Have UIM any involvement?

How is insurance organised?

When I was involved a few years ago in Speed records ( Shannon Sprint and Round Ireland, we just insured that the result was independently verified beyond reproach.

There is a school of thought emerging in Ireland that a speed record should be recognised by UIM. Is this the case in the UK ?

Comments would be welcome !

Kind regards,


John Kennett 09 August 2006 18:34

UIM are the world governing body, and as I understand it they delegate responsibility for national records to the RYA.


Powerboat 09 August 2006 20:02

Cheers John ! :thumbs:

I'll fill in the forums in a later post with the Irish developments and pick the brains of our UK buddies!

Just noticed that you moved the thread to a more appropriate forum !!

Should have looked before I posted !! :rolleyes:

Kind regards,


John Kennett 09 August 2006 21:48

Looking at the UIM web site, there doesn't seem to be a national authority for Ireland. May be time to negotiate something!


Powerboat 09 August 2006 22:47

Ireland and UIM
Long story there John !!!

I have to pick my words carefully ! :rolleyes:

But that is the essence of our problem.

UIM recognise a small group of 3 or 4 people as the "Irish Powerboat Organisation".

This group are uncontactable ! This group although Irish, have now affiliated to the RYA so UIM will not deal with the ISA who are the National Governing Body in Ireland. UIM maintain that the RYA are the NGB for Powerboat racing in Ireland.

There are several active V hull and Cat F3 Clubs in Ireland who cannot now race internationally. A group of Ribsters on CPB.ie are anxious to rejuvenate the records which I was involved with 10 years ago.

We also have a group of RIBsters trying to organise a race weekend on the Irish West Coast in Sept, but UIM won't offer advice as they don't recognise them ! :@

Hence our request for general brain storming type advice !!


John Kennett 10 August 2006 07:45

Having the RYA as the national authority for Ireland seems, at best, inappropriate. However, in practical terms it just might turn out to be useful!

The biggest challenge for anyone running a powerboat race series is likely to be insurance. Over the years several people have contemplated "going it alone" without the RYA, but the perceived wisdom is that it is too difficult and expensive to get insurance if they are not involved.

Can you get insurance? If so, just run the race series. I reckon that once there is an organisation actually running races, the UIM would have little option but to recognise them as the authority.

If you can't get insurance (or can't at an affordable price), then you could take a deep breath and make the best use of the RYA that you can. Might not be popular, but could be a pragmatic approach! Has anyone talked to the RYA about powerboating in Ireland? Are they interested?


Powerboat 10 August 2006 08:11

There have always been excellent relations between the RYA and Irish Sailing Association (ISA).

I think that once we get UIM to admit that ireland is in fact a sovereign state, that there would be no problem with initial liason through the RYA with the approval of the ISAfor the first few years.

The proposed RIB race is been tourism driven. I have been approached by the organisers in recent days for advice for an event planned for Sept !!!!

I have flagged for them that insurance will be a considerable hurdle and also that they have a very short time to establish international best practice in safety and training !! :eek:


John Kennett 10 August 2006 08:26

I've just caught up with the thread on powerboat.ie that I presume started this discussion, and it seems that the main concern is the Round Ireland record.

Given that this includes Ireland and Northern Ireland then I suppose that either or both of the ISA and RYA could be seen as national authorities!

Powerboat racing within Irelandwould be a different matter though.


Powerboat 10 August 2006 13:27

Hi John,

The Northern Ireland / RYA point is well made with regard to Record Attempts !

The Insurance question arose from the proposed RIB racing event in September !

A thread about this event started yesterday but the thread was removed for "housekeeping" reasons :rolleyes:

It should resurface in the next few days !


the shrink 17 August 2006 17:18

The RYA are the governing body for racing and affilated to the UIM who are the world governing body, who also agree all world record routes(which have to be approved in advance ) and ratify records.
It seems long winded but ensures safety etc is taken care of.

Timed runs , cruises in company and predicted log events do not require lots of admin. A race needs a course approved (months inadvance) race licences, officals , at least 4 formal roles which have to be carried out by 'qualified ' people, this is all needed so that insurance requirements are met.
John Puddifoot is the RYA powerboat manager. He is very helpful and approachable, suggest you ring him to discuss it.

Ezgoing 06 September 2006 20:19

Round Ireland record
Are the National Yacht Club in Dun Laoghaire not the keepers of Records for Ireland??

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