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blueparamonkey 13 June 2007 19:27

Evinrude kill switch installation
Hello. I'm the proud newish owner of an Atlantic 21 . Unfortunately some of it needs a bit of work. It came with a pair of ex RNLI 1996 vintage 70hp evinrudes which have never had kill switches fitted. I've got two to fit, but I cannot work out how to wire them up.
My original plan was to use the switch to break the negative wire coming from the ignition, in the hope this would stop the engine, but my voltmeter found that out of 6 wires, 4 grounded out. I don't want to blow anything up so can anyone tell me what I need to do.......Please!!

Kind regards


Nos4r2 13 June 2007 21:18

<ignore this>

Nos4r2 13 June 2007 21:36

Actually-just thought. Ignore the above.

Your loom from the engine to the control box will have a dedicated 'stop' wire. Unplug the control box plugs from the engine and turn the ignition key on/off. When you turn the key OFF there will EITHER be 2 wires that will have continuity or one wire that will have continuity to earth.If 2 wires then they will lose continuity when you turn the key ON-if one wire it'll lose continuity to earth when you turn the key ON.

The kill switch needs to be either
a) between the 2 wires that make a circuit when the ignition is OFF so that pulling the killcord off makes the circuit and kills the engine,
b) from the wire that has continuity to earth when the ignition key is OFF to earth-so again, you have continuity to earth when the killcord is pulled.

blueparamonkey 14 June 2007 10:05

Will have a play at this today. Its the last major job to do before I get on the water!

DM 14 June 2007 13:11


Originally Posted by blueparamonkey (Post 204951)
1996 vintage 70hp evinrudes which have never had kill switches fitted.

One thing to check is that some early Evinrude control boxes don't need the killcord in place to be able to start. Before messing with the wiring, make sure that the ignition key barrel is not the 'hold button in type' first.

Some types with the horseshoe shaped killcord which fits over and around the ignition key button and hold it in, will kill the engine when pulled off but you can then restart without refitting the cord.

Keith W 18 June 2007 23:23

Kill Cord
David manning is probably correct 1996 was when the modular loom was introduced the push button kill cord was replaced with a clip that fits behind the key as you pull it it simply turns off the key meaning any passenger can recover driver without searchig for lanyard.Easiest way to check is lift the motor cover and look to see if the loom connector is a big red plug or 3 seperate connectors if it is the latter this has the key off lanyard.
Hope this helps if you require them we have them in stock just email me
at powertechmarine@yahoo.co.uk


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