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Jack h 03 October 2007 18:46

Engine choice advice
Hi, my club is after a new enigine for the club rib which acts as a saftey boat for dinghies and regurlarly goes out on longer distance trips.
It currently has a yamaha 50 2/ from bout 6 years ago, it's horrendous on fuel for it's size and loud and the fumes are grotty.
the rib is a 5.4 meter aircraft rib.
It dosn't need a lot of power a 50 or maybe a 60 would be fine.
The engine needs to be very reliable,fairly low maintanance , quiet and very economical, particularly at tickover for safteyboat usage.

Current suggestions are an E-tec or a modern japanese 4/.I'm suspwect of the reliability of E-Tecs though
I personally think a 50 4/ of any make would be fine, what do you recommend? :]

Downhilldai 03 October 2007 18:52

Mariner/Mercury 4-stroke 60hp motors have recently been available at quite decent money. They are very frugal, but a fair bit heavier than the Yam 50. Soozook 50 4-stroke is a nice light engine but may cost you as much as the Merc 60.

iainmartins 03 October 2007 20:33

why not a tohatsu tdli they have a 70 hp

Cypman 03 October 2007 21:00

Engine Choice
Look around for an end of season deal on a 2007 Suzuki DF50, quiet, reliable and frugal.

K&S 03 October 2007 21:12

Hi, we have just placed our order for a new boat and got a nice surprise, Suzuki are offering a 5 year warranty on engines registered before the end of the year.

Locozodiac 04 October 2007 00:28

Engine Choice
Yes, Tohatsu will be a good priced alternative, nice performer, check


bernithebiker 04 October 2007 18:05

If you do go for a Yamaha, don't get the 50, get the 60. It's the same engine, uprated, so for the same bulk and weight you get 10hp more. It's a no-brainer!

Tim M 04 October 2007 18:19

We have the Mariner 60 4 stroke bigfoot on our club safety boat (ribcraft 4.8) and its a brilliant engine - quiet, economical, and it really goes when you want it to.

Dirk Diggler 04 October 2007 18:41

How about a new, in box F60ELPT Merc, 3.7k + vat.

DJL 04 October 2007 21:51

My choice would be a Yamaha or Merc 60 fourstroke (same weight). As already pointed out don't go for the 50 as its the same engine as the 60 - unless money is an issue of course. I had a Merc F60 for 3/4 years and would by another - great engine. The 60HP Suz is silly heavy.

Etecs seem to be good engines but probably not the best choice if the engines going to be idling a lot.

Turbodiesel 05 October 2007 15:48

The New Merc/Mariner 60EFI 4 stroke is a great engine.:thumbs:

Dirk Diggler 05 October 2007 16:58


Originally Posted by Turbodiesel (Post 221720)
The New Merc/Mariner 60EFI 4 stroke is a great engine.:thumbs:

How come your not in Fond du Lac?

Chris 06 October 2007 09:18

Having just been through a rather painful experience with the installation of a new outboard I would say what is far more important than the make of engine is from who are you going to buy it, rig it and then maintain it with.

All the big manufacturers, Mercury, Evinrude, Suzuki, Yamaha, Honda produce good engines however there are loads of dealers out there that could not rig a set of Christmas tree lights.

So I would look at who you have locally to you because if anything does go wrong you dont want to have to drive 2-3 hours to get there (and back) and then speak to people that already deal with your chosen local supplier to make sure he has a good reputation.

I have just gone this and it almost put me off what is a perfectly good make and type of engine. Now I have redone most of what they did myself and I am very happy.


Ian Sharlot 06 October 2007 21:56


Originally Posted by Dirk Diggler (Post 221728)
How come your not in Fond du Lac?

Because I got his place. It was fantastic and then on to stillwater to look aroud the mercruiser factory, AWSOME WEEK!:D

Biggles 06 October 2007 22:40


Originally Posted by Chris (Post 221800)
Having just been through a rather painful experience with the installation of a new outboard I would say what is far more important than the make of engine is from who are you going to buy it, rig it and then maintain it with.

however there are loads of dealers out there that could not rig a set of Christmas tree lights.

So I would look at who you have locally to you because if anything does go wrong you dont want to have to drive 2-3 hours to get there (and back) and then speak to people that already deal with your chosen local supplier to make sure he has a good reputation.


Having made a few 100 mile trips myself to get things sorted a decent local dealer seems to be worth more than an engine brand name.

Unfortunately this is all learnt through expensive life experiences.

For those of us that don't live on the coast we are always going to be at a disadvantage....

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