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huziy 22 July 2008 06:37

Fuel Smell
Hi Guys,

I am after some advice.. have just recently purchased a second hand Avon 5.6m Adventurer. The boat is in great condition around 7 years old.

The integral fuel tank is located under the helmsmans jockey seat which forms part of the console. There is a breather from the tank to a high point on the front of the console. The console also forms some storage and placement for the battery (right next to the fuel tank)

My problem is that when opening the hatch on the side of the console there is often a very large amount of fuel fumes that hit you after its been opened. As far as we can tell there is no fuel leak.

My concern is that there is no breather for the space around the fuel tank, which as indicated above also forms some storage space (all be it a dirty storage space) and a place for the battery and the electronics for the console. I am worried that without the fuel fumes escaping I am driving round a small bomb!

Do we need a vent? is the smell abnormal - any suggestions / thoughts?

presently with the boat on the drive i leave the hatch cover open - just to ensure the fumes can all escape.

many thanks

Pete7 22 July 2008 07:56


Originally Posted by huziy (Post 257312)
I am worried that without the fuel fumes escaping I am driving round a small bomb!



Originally Posted by huziy (Post 257312)
Do we need a vent?


First off check the connections for the 3 pipes, filler, breather and fuel line are not leaking at the joints particularly if the tank is over filled. That applys to the fuel gauge and the tank itself too.

Next were is the petrol filler cap? when you fill the tank do escaping petrol fumes then flow into the console, if so not good and you need to do something, urgently like move the filler cap. Petrol fumes are heavier than air btw, so big low down vents will help. Can the fumes enter the space under the deck? perhaps via the engine control cables or are they above deck in yours?

Bottom line is its not normal and need fixing sharpish, but shouldn't be expensive, oh and welcome to Ribnet btw :thumbs:


willk 22 July 2008 09:54

Hello and Welcome!

I've had a similar experience - a dodgy fuel hose from the filler cap to the tank was the problem. It was the old spiral wire and plastic type which tend to crack. When the tank was filling or overfull, the fuel ran into the console and off into the bilges. I had 95 octane bilgewater (OMG). A new type fuel hose sorted the problem immediately. While the search for the leak was on, the connection for the fuel sender was one of the main suspects, so well worth a look too.

Good luck.

huziy 22 July 2008 10:30

The filler is at the front of the jockey seat.. about 3 inches above the tank. Just under the wheel.

I havent spotted any leaks like i said but will check again.. it seems worse when the boat is in use (maybe as the fuel is sloshing about)

i will get some vents anyhow and check the fuel lines and the bilges again...

huziy 22 July 2008 10:44

oh yes.. quick thought.. if i put some vents low down on the console and we take in a fairly large wave (hopefully not but just for thoughts) will i not then have a problem of water intake into the console..

or can you recommend a suitable vent to do the job?

huziy 22 July 2008 17:44

ok - so I am pretty sure i figured it out.

I inspected all the pipework, (although the engine supply line comes out the back of the tank and its impossible to get right to the attachement) and it all looks fine.

I noticed some liquid at the back of the jockey area so i lowered the boat right fwd on its trailer so i could sponge it out.

When coming back to the tank i noticed some wetness around the fuel gauge attachment.. on the top of the tank - the fuel had obviously swashed around and come through here.

So now i am looking for either a new gauge fitting or a new flange!

hopefully that should sort us out? i think its the most likley cause of the smell.

the liquid.. was mostly water but def had some fuel within it.. although not that much.

Pete7 22 July 2008 19:05



huziy 25 July 2008 08:16

ok.. so new fuel sender fitted (pretty sure the previous one wasnt reading right)

looks like the leak should be fixed.. will confirm over the weekend.

thanks for all the help

(and the guage reads right now!)

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