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Noddy 05 October 2003 09:34

Rib Covers
I am looking for a cover for my 4metre Avon Searider to include the Outboard. Does anyone have and contacts or knowledge of dealers stocking them?

GraemeCooper 05 October 2003 10:57

1 Attachment(s)
I had a cover made locally. These are made to order, and can be as you require - i.e. covering the engine, or a separate engine cover etc.

The cover is open at the back to allow for drying after recovery, and can be kept on whist towing to keep those pesky flies etc off of the console.

It is secured to the A Frame with adjustable straps, and hed on to the trailer by bungees- though you can use tie down ropes if you prefer.

If you want to know any more let me know by pm or email

Mike C 05 October 2003 11:17

1 Attachment(s)
Or you could go the cheap route and just by a tarpaulin. I think I paid about £40 for one to cover my 6.3 RIB. Go for the top grade and it should last about 4 seasons. Disadvantage is it takes longer to fit and you can't tow with it! A lot cheaper though!


I'm not sure about covering the engine though. There is an argument that you should leave that uncovered and free to let the air circulate. Otherwise, over winter it will never dry out!

Graeme, I'd be interested how much your cover cost and where from. Can you post details or PM me? It would be nice to have a 'proper' one if not too expensive!

Mike C

GraemeCooper 05 October 2003 16:04


Have sent you Private Message with details

Ribald 05 October 2003 21:11

Hi Graeme,

I wouldn't mind having the details of the covers as well.


GraemeCooper 06 October 2003 07:09


Have sent pm


Red Fox 06 October 2003 22:05

Just been quoted £390 for a cover to go on my 4.2 Zodiac and I can get a lot of fuel for that...think I'll stick to the tarp! Thanks though for the info.

GraemeCooper 07 October 2003 06:13

Yes, the Tarp is cheaper - and a Rag and Stick machine would save you a fortune in fuel costs

Aging Youth 07 October 2003 12:30

Other Web Site
Hi Graeme,

I have just finished looking through your other web site, I am up for my medical this friday & hopefully will start my Dive Training soon under PADI.

Now I know my body size will qulify me for membership =) It is a question of whether our livers will take the abuse ;)

Have a great time.

EDDO 07 October 2003 15:08

Rising sea levels

Maybe global warming is not responsible , for rising sea levels after all!!!!

Could it be to many members of,,,Fat Boys Diving Unlimited???

:rolleyes: :p :p

Ed ( I get in the water gets out)

Jizm 07 October 2003 20:53

try this link:




Bembridge outboards on the isle of wight. Quite reasonable according to a mate of mine.


Noddy 07 October 2003 22:45

Thanks all for the info - have been offline for a couple of days so have not replied

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