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kerny 18 April 2012 21:40

False widow spider.
Interesting article for those of you living in Poole and Dorset area and apparently heading North. :eek:

Woman almost loses hand after being bitten by a false widow spider | Mail Online

9D280 19 April 2012 12:39

We'll be fine up here..... Summer was a fortnight ago!

They'll get one afternoon of the contents of their webs eating them instead of the other way round, realise these are the midges their granny warned them about & leg it back south! :)

willk 19 April 2012 12:47


Originally Posted by 9D280 (Post 457206)
...realise these are the midges their granny warned them about & leg it back south! :)

Aye. Tartan hued "mudges", rared on the mash residue from the Distilleries, thrawn an' crabbed wi' diamond tipped bakes and a fierce hunger on thim.

Basically, Run :ermm:

BrAinZ 19 April 2012 14:26

They are on the Isle of Wight as well :(

A few weeks ago, during the warm weather I had cause to go into the garden with a torch at night.

I HATE spiders, and was terrified to find LOADS of these hanging from ever corner of the shed and along the rear wall of our house. From the shape and markings they were definietly the False Widows.

I spent the next 20 minutes spraying them and just about EVERYTHING in the garden with Nippon. Good stuff for anyone who hates spiders, the spiders really don't like it :)

Luckily for my sanity, I haven't seen any more since then.

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