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jambo 27 December 2015 08:25

What to wear
Santa left me a lovely Mullion two piece suit. As I have never worn as heavy a suit before I was wondering what people who have one wear beneath as it is obviously far warmer than the usual costal suit.

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psycho 27 December 2015 08:56

All depends on what activity you intend doing.....?

Just sat at the helm of your vessel, or a little more arduous activity!:whistling:

I have a one piece mullion floatation suit, that I kept from my days working in the boat yard. Whilst working in it, I just used to wear shorts and t-shirt under it, even in the depths of winter,as it was very warm. If I am using it now, on my boat, I just wear jogging bottoms and a sweatshirt. I also used to use it whilst on my motorbike, for the commute to the boatyard..!:whistling:

Fantastic bit of kit.:thumbs:

jambo 27 December 2015 09:04

Thanks. I was thinking of jogger bottoms and mid layer fleece.

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BogMonster 27 December 2015 09:18

I have a one piece and wear jeans and T shirt underneath, and it's usually too hot, unless the air temp is heading down towards zero! If it's much over about 10 C, it is definitely too hot.

psycho 27 December 2015 09:26

And also...

If you ever think,... will this keep me afloat?

Trust me, they do, as mine was tested on more than one occasion:eek:

A1an 27 December 2015 10:39

I've got the one piece version Billy and I just dress light, cargo pants, t shirt and light jumper.

Even on the coldest of days they are warm.

jambo 27 December 2015 11:04


Originally Posted by A1an (Post 702422)
I've got the one piece version Billy and I just dress light, cargo pants, t shirt and light jumper.

Even on the coldest of days they are warm.

Cheers Alan. I just didn't want to boil!!

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willk 27 December 2015 11:30

I find that clothing designed for hiking works well - and just wear as many layers as you need. Unless you're stood about in cold wx, you'll not need more than a very light underfleece or shirt. As Alan says, cargo pants are good. Do pack a hat, buff and gloves in the pockets. Use the cuff seals while underway to reduce draughts - or open it all up in warmer conditions to allow some ventilation. DON'T wear the trousers without the jacket - 'cos if you take a header, you'll float upside downish ;)

Mollers 27 December 2015 13:07

1 Attachment(s)
Base Layer

A1an 27 December 2015 13:57


Originally Posted by jambo (Post 702424)
Cheers Alan. I just didn't want to boil!! Sent from my iPhone using RIB Net

my theory is if you've got it on you can take it off.

Cruising down to Corryvreckan at the end of summer I had to stop half way to take my jumper off, I was cooking.

jambo 27 December 2015 13:59


Originally Posted by Mollers (Post 702428)
Base Layer

Nice of you to attach a pic of yourself enjoying a paddle

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