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Nasher 27 June 2024 07:55

An old hands view.
I’ve not been on Ribnet so much over the last few years, despite being a very regular contributor many years ago.

Life changed for me and the Boat had to take a back seat for various reasons, but I’ve continued to visit the site, comment occasionally, and ask for help with the long term part refresh of The Nashers Revenge.
I think that’s testament to the quality of the site, and the regard with which I hold most of the contributors.

I’m an old hand on here, apparently I joined up on the 25th Jan 2005, and I’m going to use that as justification to comment where others may not feel they can.

The site is being ruined by childish, playground mentality, bickering.
And it’s always the same contributors that ruin many threads.
Once certain members get involved we may as well just write the thread off.

Some new members must wonder what they’ve got themselves involved with when they ask a simple question and their thread gets turned into yet another ridiculous, childish, mud throwing session by the same members.

Yes I have been guilty of the odd comment myself, but like most others I realise how old I am, consider my apparent intelligence, and act proportionately.

I don’t care who is right and who is wrong, but I care about this site and would expect a bit more of a grown up attitude, especially from the older members of the community who let’s face it should know better.

So, just stop it, grow up, and give us our site back that you are effectively attempting to hijack for your own personal agendas.

I was going to start the previous sentence - ‘With the greatest respect’, but actually, that respect is going to have to be earned, and part of that will be realising you are the problem and doing something about it.

chipko 27 June 2024 08:00

Well said. :thumbs:

User name 27 June 2024 08:56

Well said indeed.

I tried to get my fishing group on here last year and they described it as "a hand-full of old farts arguing in a bingo hall".

If you don't go with the clique, you'll be targeted with the same petty crap that keeps this community unappealing to new people.

Steve509926 27 June 2024 09:00

Ok next time I get insulted for no reason, I shall lay down and take it up the arse like a good little boy.

Fenlander 27 June 2024 09:03

Hmmm User Name pretty ironic you'd post that two above given yesterday for no good reason you fired this at Steve...

"You seem to struggle with reading and comprehension in your dwindling years. You're like shit version of ChatGPT where you just ask more boilerplate questions and then go Google stuff. I wouldn't be surprised to find you're just a chatbot."

Fenlander 27 June 2024 09:09

You are of course 100% correct Nasher and what's happened over the past year or so shows the danger of allowing a forum to be largely unmoderated. A slightly more firm hand on the tiller would have stopped all this building up. Yes having done the job on a major forum I realise it's a thankless task... but one that can't be abandoned entirely.

Pikey Dave 27 June 2024 09:36

Agreed, there was always banter & piss taking(Mea Culpa), but everyone knew that’s all it was & things stayed civil, lines were very rarely crossed. We now seem to have acquired a very small cabal, I.e. 2 or 3 people, that appear hell bent on turning this parish into a primary school playground. One of which has already been banned at least twice, but is so desperate to spread his poison, that he keeps re-inventing himself to continue doing so. We all know who he is, so stop feeding him. It’s also ironic that another protagonist has reared his head on this thread, when only yesterday he made a completely unjustified attack on another Ribnet member.
I believe the modern buzz words are “self awareness” and “Emotional Intelligence” , but in plain English they just mean, “Don’t be a knob”

Nasher 27 June 2024 10:02


Originally Posted by Steve509926 (Post 875114)
Ok next time I get insulted for no reason, I shall behave like an adult in a dignified way knowing I have the moral highground.


Steve509926 27 June 2024 10:11

Translated to perfection Nasher, thank you :thumbs:

User name 27 June 2024 11:12


Originally Posted by Pikey Dave (Post 875120)
Agreed, there was always banter & piss taking(Mea Culpa), but everyone knew that’s all it was & things stayed civil, lines were very rarely crossed. We now seem to have acquired a very small cabal, I.e. 2 or 3 people, that appear hell bent on turning this parish into a primary school playground. One of which has already been banned at least twice, but is so desperate to spread his poison, that he keeps re-inventing himself to continue doing so. We all know who he is, so stop feeding him. It’s also ironic that another protagonist has reared his head on this thread, when only yesterday he made a completely unjustified attack on another Ribnet member.
I believe the modern buzz words are “self awareness” and “Emotional Intelligence” , but in plain English they just mean, “Don’t be a knob”

I've no beef with you. You seem like a nice guy. You take strong offence to such a mild comment that wasn't even directed at you though and that's very ironic, especially given your avatar image there.

Maybe you interpreted it much more strongly than it really is, maybe you're buddies with the chatbot and feel compelled to back up, maybe you're just more sensitive or whatever. I really don't know. Like I said though, you seem like a nice fella and I've never had an issue with you. I suspect that's because you're a nice guy and you aren't passive aggressively nit-picking my posts.

Max... 27 June 2024 13:28

Nasher, can’t the twats (we all know who they are) be banned and stopped from re-appearing?

I like many here miss the busier old days as it were and some very knowledgeable participants who have disappeared but there is still a loyal core of older members and good new ones in recent years. Forums are never going to be that busy any more but a few knobs do delight in peeing people off - twas ever thus...

Hat 27 June 2024 15:20

Fully agree Nasher banters one thing put some individuals cross the line
I’m afraid they have nothing better to do, shame because there is some
great advice on here on the whole

Fenlander 27 June 2024 16:01

>>I've no beef with you. You seem like a nice guy.

Ahh the old divide and conquer attempt... something Mr E Novice has been trying loads of late.

Chris Caton 27 June 2024 16:59

nice one Nasher:thumbs:

maybe we could put them that don’t want to play nicely along side the politicians, same firing squad :whistling:

spartacus 27 June 2024 17:10

Well said Nasher. :thumbs:

I've been on since 2007. I know it's not a pi**ing contest. ;)

Peter_C 27 June 2024 17:35

Guess I am a newbie from 2009. I left this board for years because of particular posters...

Mostly I try to help people where I can, as I do have a lot of experience breaking and fixing stuff, along with modifying everything. Sometimes I am wrong and try to clearly admit it. Never do I try piss anyone off, and if someone takes my post as such, send me a PM and we will work it out like gentlemen.

Bern Hanreck 27 June 2024 17:37

With the greatest of respect Nasher , there is always the real danger that the further we look back , the more we tend to see things through " rose coloured glasses " . There has always been disagreements on the site but never getting quite so persistent and nasty . ( Least that how I remember it , but if I get distracted on the stairs I can't remember if I'm heading up or down ). Thank goodness Mr.Willk is still about with his timeless gems !

I still visit Pembrokeshire regularly and only last week was at Easdale , Mallaig and Dunstaffnage ( by car not boat ) and recalled all the many happy hours I'd spent , largely through the good grace of other RIBnet fraternity . It would be an awful shame for the ribbing community to lose such a wonderful resource.

My tip to all newcomers would be to simply ignore the ming-mong , and use the " Search " facility more ! Happy ribbin' all ! :thumbs:

Matt 27 June 2024 18:00

Anyway. When are we going out on your rib Nasher? Because ultimately, that’s what rib.net is for. Happy to give you a hand sorting it, if you’d like.

Was out in the big boat yesterday making a lot of noise in the solent, some of you lot may have heard it. Maybe even some of you northerners when I opened the mufflers

Potentially I’ll be on the water next Wednesday through to Saturday if anyone’s around, whether rib or hard boat. I like all boats, even yachts.

willk 27 June 2024 18:33


Originally Posted by Bern Hanreck (Post 875145)
With the greatest of respect Nasher , there is always the real danger that the further we look back , the more we tend to see things through " rose coloured glasses "///

You might be onto something there Bern, not the Priceless Gems bit, but the tints. I remember PeterM? offering to drive to Cornwall and thump Mollers - extremely ungentlemanly behaviour as there was a fairly impressive queue already in place for that express purpose. There was quite a bit of argy bargy and occasional outbreaks of Spazolikons/Codprawn.

I'm kicking around here since 2008. It's now 2024 and we're quicker to latch onto Seriously Offended. We're also considerably more lightly moderated and while it's a great freedom, it can be abused by some. I know, I know, Bigmuz7 and I used to conspire to stir up trouble at 2200hrs on a Friday when Poly was down the pub for his weekly shandy - knowing there would be a great mopping up at 2330hrs. And then of course I crossed the floor for a spell - an eye opener for me for sure and the perfect punishment for my crimes.

Ideally some of us would try not to be twats and the rest of us would try harder to ignore them when they fail. As John Kennett never once said:

"There aren't any prizes for winning RIBnet"

User name 27 June 2024 20:12


Originally Posted by willk (Post 875149)
You might be onto something there Bern, not the Priceless Gems bit, but the tints. I remember PeterM? offering to drive to Cornwall and thump Mollers - extremely ungentlemanly behaviour as there was a fairly impressive queue already in place for that express purpose. There was quite a bit of argy bargy and occasional outbreaks of Spazolikons/Codprawn.

I'm kicking around here since 2008. It's now 2024 and we're quicker to latch onto Seriously Offended. We're also considerably more lightly moderated and while it's a great freedom, it can be abused by some. I know, I know, Bigmuz7 and I used to conspire to stir up trouble at 2200hrs on a Friday when Poly was down the pub for his weekly shandy - knowing there would be a great mopping up at 2330hrs. And then of course I crossed the floor for a spell - an eye opener for me for sure and the perfect punishment for my crimes.

Ideally some of us would try not to be twats and the rest of us would try harder to ignore them when they fail. As John Kennett never once said:

"There aren't any prizes for winning RIBnet"

We should probably have an "onboarding" thread to catch up on all these old characters for those of us who weren't around. I keep seeing reference to this codprawn chap in particular and I've no idea what he did.

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