Forum: Inflatable boats - SIBs and folding RIBs
01 June 2017, 12:13
Replies: 11
Views: 6,430
It would be a spectacular trip from Oslo to...
It would be a spectacular trip from Oslo to Montenegro with the old tubes.
Our summerhouse is in Montenegro and only 30 minutes away from Repforn. Amazing country and generally a lot cheaper than...
Forum: Inflatable boats - SIBs and folding RIBs
01 June 2017, 09:56
Replies: 11
Views: 6,430
Forum: Inflatable boats - SIBs and folding RIBs
01 June 2017, 04:18
Replies: 11
Views: 6,430
The job was done at facilities in...
The job was done at facilities in Montenegro. They specialize in liferafts and is a servicestation for maritime safety equipment. Great guys, professional, Zodiac certified (plus more)...
Forum: Inflatable boats - SIBs and folding RIBs
31 May 2017, 19:09
Replies: 11
Views: 6,430
Forum: RIBs & ribbing
15 November 2016, 17:19
Replies: 107
Views: 28,510
Forum: Inflatable boats - SIBs and folding RIBs
29 October 2016, 19:17
Replies: 11
Views: 6,430